Event 2th Annual Polished Turd Forge-A-Thon

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Wasn't I supposed to give more information on this a week or two ago... Anywho, Happy April Fools everybody. If you're reading this on the day of posting you might notice everything looking a bit funky, but that's all the fun of the fair.


In case you wasn't with us a year ago, the PT-Forge-A-Thon is a celebration of terrible map forging tropes and satirical take on forges past, a "my fworst map" if you will. Last year members had just the day to lovingly churn out their disastrous concoction. And those maps were then playtested (if you can even call it that) the following weekend. You can check out the original event and recap by following the highlighted linkydinks.​

But wait, don't the rules of the forge-a-thon state that all maps have to be forged on April Fools...

Deals Deals with Gold: March 29th

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In the aftermath of the Spring Sale, this week's deals are in a word; unremarkable.

The highlight of the deals this week is Evolve at 67% off. But realistically seeing as it's very internet dependent with a very low population of players, I can't honestly recommend it to anyone. Here's hoping it will be available via Games with Gold in the coming months.

On the Xbox 360 I have no recommendations this week as there are no Backwards Compatible titles, or even ones confirmed to be supported in the future. As per the usual though, all of this week's deals for both systems can be found below...

News Halo 5 BTB Community Playlist

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Greetings fellow Halocustomians! At long last the BTB playlist has gotten a much-needed injection of new content. Starting this week, there are six brand SPNKrn' new forge maps available to be played in Matchmaking. Alongside the other maps already in the playlist, there are now 12 options in rotation, ensuring variety every time you play! Check out the new additions in the video above, and happy 'hogging!

Deals Deals with Gold: Spring Sale 2016

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So what happened to the Spring Sale starting on Sunday? Turns out Microsoft simply started a sale on it's Microsoft Store on Xbox One hardware in a sale that appears to be US exclusive. How anti-climactic.

However now that Tuesday has passed, the real Spring Sale has emerged in all it's glory offering a range of discounts although nothing we haven't seen before. I maintain that the best offers right now are the Xbox 360 backwards compatibility titles.


Overall there are so many titles on offer that I'm going to avoid any real reconsiderations other than the cheap Xbox 360 titles that can bolster up your Xbox One library.

There has been no confirmation of any daily deals this time around and instead it seems likely that they'll be some weekend discounts to round off the sale. Only time...

Deals Deals with Gold: March 15th

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And here lies the calm before the storm. This week's sale is very much a mild warm up for the Spring Sale that lands on Sunday. So you'll be next week's deals early, with another potential post on Tuesday.

With no backwards compatible content on this week's sale and no real "must haves" on the Xbox One side of things. My main recommendation this week is to simply wait until Sunday and see what offers 'spring' up as they are likely saving the good stuff for then.

As per the usual though, all of this week's deals for both systems can be found below...

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