Cool Forza Horizon 5 Club now live!
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Outside of our occasional trip to the world of Minecraft and more recently the handful of "Opt-in" games over on Discord, a staple in the history of HaloCustoms has always been an in-game Car Club for every Forza title that features the majestic Warthog.

With Forza Horizon 5's full launch looming on the 9th I've taken the precautions to set things up once again, this time securing the coveted HALO tag (with FH3 we had to settle with "-HC-" and with FH4 "HAL0" which just isn't the same as the real thing).


FH5 Clubs are essentially treated like an extension of your friends list, allowing you to share screenshots, vinyls, tunes and race routes with the HaloCustoms community. More importantly is the enhanced bragging rights with leaderboards, both in individual events competing for the top spot amongst HC members/your friends and also on a global club vs...
Srs Bzns Site Update 04/11/21
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Following up with the recent updates over on the community Discord server, here's an update to fill you in on changes made over on the website also.

The major change you may have noticed is the migration of the LFG Host Rating system from the site over to Discord. Although this does strip away a lot of the features the site-based system had, the change was made to help promote cohesive user engagement. The "Road to Platinum Host" has been preserved however, both in earnable Discord roles and legacy trophies/badges here on Any progress you may have made towards becoming a Platinum Host has also been transferred over allowing hosts to pick up where they left off.

The elephant in the room however is the "Road to Customs Connoisseur" which was coined to reward players whom attended custom games and rated hosts with the same kinds of recognition in the long run. Although this feature wasn't able to...
News HaloCustoms Summer of '20 Recap
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HaloCustoms Summer Recap '20

Summer’s in full swing but we’re all stuck inside because of some bats or something. More time for Halo!
P.S. Don't forget to join us on our Discord server! We've just surpassed 20,000 members!!

It's time for Infinity

The gameplay reveal trailer for Halo Infinite gave us something to look forward to, showcasing some of the new ideas 343 Industries are bringing into the franchise, including a non-linear campaign map and opportunities to free roam around this new Halo installation that 117 has crash landed on again. The reveal had a mixed reception. Many seem to be excited to try out the new arsenal of weapons and equipment, along with exploring strange locations that feel almost familiar. Others, however, were less than blown away. Many criticized the graphics of the...
News HaloCustoms Monthly Recap - May '20
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"Y'know how expensive this gear is son?"
"Tell that to the Covenant."

Yep, Halo 2 is back, and on PC! May 12th saw the release of Halo 2: Anniversary for Halo: The Master Chief Collection on Steam and Windows 10! After long months of testflights and feedback we finally can finally get stuck in and give the Covenant back their bomb. Again.

Alongside the release of Halo 2: Anniversary, we have released our latest custom game Megapack with version 1.1.1. The latest update fixes various broken or incomplete gametypes; removes any maps or gametypes that do not currently work; adds a Gametype for Castle wars; and multiple gametypes have been balanced. Huge thanks goes out to all of those who contributed for helping us putting it togther. To see the full list of changes, click right here to read the full changelog or...
News HaloCustoms Monthly Recap - April '20
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Welcome to our new HaloCustoms monthly recap, this new format will serve as our monthly blog post of what's been going on in the Halo and HaloCustoms community as of late. If you're not already be sure to join our Discord using this link here now lets get on with the news.


Halo 2C/A is imminent for its MCC PC release despite the current circumstances that are preventing most from working right now, currently if no issues arise its planned public flighting will launch sometime later this week.

For this and all public flighting sessions going forward, the invites will be sent through HaloWaypoint instead of to your email, the reason for this (speculation) is they ran into issues last time where people weren't...

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