Cool Happy Towel Day 2016!

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The HaloCustoms staff would like to wish all of you hoopy froods out there a most magnificent Towel Day! Every year on May 25th (Earth calendar), interstellar hitchhikers such as ourselves take some time out of our day to appreciate the wondrous invention that is the towel. If you are new to the art of towelistry, or just looking for a refresher, here are some common uses for what is about the most massively useful thing one can have:

So how does one go about celebrating this occasion? First and foremost: ALWAYS KNOW...

News Halo 5 Forge is Coming to Windows 10!

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You most definitely did not read that wrong because I thought I did at first! Halo 5: Guardians Forge is coming to Windows 10 PCs later this year! The forge team at 343 Industries has, once again, dropped the mic to go above and beyond again to grace our PCs with the glory that is Forge - Halo 5: Guardians Edition for Windows 10 PCs. Not only will Forge - Halo 5: Guardians Edition include forge but on top of that we're receiving the FULL custom games experience with all arena maps and gametypes included (however you can only invite players from your friends list). Did I forget to mention that its free?

This is huge for avid forgers and PC gamers alike. What is everybody's take on this? Does anyone else have a gaming PC standing by, ready to take on the bull that is Forge - Halo 5: Guardians Edition by the horns? Are you considering getting (adderrson and I would recommend building one ;)) a gaming PC now...

Deals Deals with Gold: May 17th

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An interesting week is upon us once more for shooter fans.

Over on Xbox One this week Just Cause 3 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can both be picked up for 50% Off. Both of which being AAA titles from the end of last year that you may not have gotten around to playing yet. It's also worth noting that Battlefield 4 Final Stand is free this week to add to your Battlefield DLC collection.

On Xbox 360 an exciting turn of events has occurred...

Deals Deals with Gold: May 10th

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All good things must come to an end. Compared to the last 2 weeks of sale items, it's truly slim pickings. :p

On Xbox One the highlight here is Elite Dangerous Standard Edition at 50% off. From what I hear it's one of the best 'space combat' games out there right now. It's known for being a stellar VR game on PC, but there's no reason it can't be an enjoyable experience on the Xbox One also.

Over on Xbox 360, this week's sale is looking a bit fishy... My recommendation lies simply with the GRID 2 All-In Pack at 50% off. This is certainly a situational recommendation however. If you've been playing Grid 2 recently to your own enjoyment via Games with Gold, buy this to make it the...

Deals Deals with Gold: May 3rd

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If you thought last week was pretty good, it 'ain't got a patch on this week's sale.

With discounts as high as 100% off and a selection of Halo titles on sale, what more could you ask for. Saying that however, unfortunately Halo Wars isn't on sale. :(

On Xbox One the highlight of this weeks offerings is certainly the two items of DLC that are 100% off this week. The Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth and Battlefield Hardline Robbery expansions are completely free this week. EA Access members can also get Battlefield Hardline Premium this week, absolutely free!


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