Event Meet Your Maker Contest Update

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Greetings my fellow forgers and forge-ettes! With the release of a new forge canvas, new vehicles, and new forge options in general, the judging panel has decided to push the submission deadline for MYM map submissions back by 2 weeks. The new deadline will be set at 11:59 PM EST on July 31st, 2016. We hope this will give entrants some extra time to consider the new options at their disposal, as well as extra time to add polish to already complete designs. Good luck to all, we can't wait to see what you come up with!

For more information about the Meet Your Maker: BTB Forge Contest, follow this link.

News Warzone Firefight Update Now Available!

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If you haven't guessed it, the Warzone Firefight update is now live and is a rather hefty one sitting at about 7GB. Also for those of you with friends that don't own the game yet, get them to download Halo 5 for free! From today through to July 5th. Details on the contents of this update and information on the "Free Play Days" can be found in an in depth post I made on the matter. This also includes the full REQ list for this update.


On June 28th we were also treated to an exclusive look into new features added to Halo 5's forge in this update, as well as a look at everything else included in the update. You can find the official recording of the stream in it's entirety below...

Deals Deals with Gold: June 28th

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This week is a good week for fans of the Mass Effect series. Not so great for everyone else though.

Over on Xbox One there really isn't much to recommend other than Titanfall Deluxe Edition at 75% off. The game is still pretty fun and it's cloud based online play is frankly buttery smooth. Personally if you're interested in this title, I would still wholeheartedly recommend considering investing in an EA access subscription in it's place. Seeing how it is one of the titles included in "The Vault".

Over on Xbox 360 Titanfall is also on sale. The main attraction however is the fact that all premium DLC for Mass Effect 2/3 is currently 50% off. If you're a fan of the series and are missing any of these paid expansions, now might be the time to buy. :-3

As per the usual, all of this week's deals for both...

News Warzone Firefight & Free Play Days

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In two days time, the largest update since the December update which bestowed forge upon us all will be available. Over the course of the weekend multiple official posts have gone out detailing what's included in the update along with the announcement of a week-long promotion to attract new players.


Cutting to the chase here. According to this post on the official Xbox news portal, you can find the following content included in the Warzone Firefight update;
  • New Game Mode – Warzone Firefight: Warzone Firefight is, by far, the biggest content release since the launch of Halo 5: Guardians! As a result of the beta in April, 343 Industries has taken player feedback to improve the game mode for...

Deals Deals with Gold: June 21st

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In the week following E3, we have some more fairly unremarkable discounts across both platforms.

Once again the main recommendation this week is more free content with another Battlefield 4 DLC pack; Battlefield 4 Second Assault. This one is available on both platforms but I'd like to assume that most of you by now would be interested in the Xbox One version of this content.

On Xbox 360 this week I'd recommend the Gears of War 2: All Fronts Collection at 50% Off. Providing all the DLC content for a recent games with gold title at one low price. If I remember correctly their's some pretty fun single player content that adds a stealthy segment to the campaign. This...

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