12 Minutes of Destiny Gameplay


Destiny E3 2013: 12 minute Gameplay

"What does this have to do with Halo?" you may ask.

"Get out." I respond.

Here's the most recent and most in-depth demonstration of Destiny gameplay thus far.

Be sure to stick it on 720p for that sweet, sweet next gen goodness.

I kinda like this, but I really hope that they will have cross console, inter system, gamplay (ps4 + ps3) (XB1 + 360). And I still need to watch the gameplay that happened today as well.
Apparently they're having cross-platform save files :eek:

So does that mean that I can assume that I can play with people on the ps4 who have a xbox 1?

Or just that the Destiny data will be stored independently and accessed by the console? (I can play the same account on a ps4 and xb1?)
I'm excited that Bungie is getting into a variety of mmo elements and applying it into the fps action game that their focusing on, but not pushing it too much. Their avoiding the stupid subscription fee that most mmos have in place and not driving the game completely into an mmo. Their keeping the gameplay very fps action based but those mmo elements just make the experience so much better. Can't wait!
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