Halo Halo: The Master Chief Collection Discussion


Resident Coffee Aficionado
Jan 12, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I'm not sure in which aspect do you mean with the "transition" between the games. Do you mean concerning hardware or the whole experience of playing in matchmaking going from one Halo title to another completely different-feeling game, (ie. Halo CE to Halo 4 in two games) potentially with different controls as well?
Both, but mainly the latter. Just seems like it could be rather difficult, but again, probably just me.
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If there was a way for 343i to redeem themselves after all the Halo 4 troubles, this would be it. I was a bit disappointed at the lack of ODST in the pack (it not being included makes sense of course, it being the "Master Chief" collection), but, it would have been fun in the "what if" sense. On another note, H2A looks great, and it was a smart decision to keep the gameplay the same. As for H5G, I hope it will fill in some gaps more than start something new (also, am I the only one whose interested has been piqued by the similarities between the new "Agent Clarke" and Isaac Clarke of Dead Space?).


Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
Both, but mainly the latter. Just seems like it could be rather difficult, but again, probably just me.
I can understand. Honestly I can't see them not adding playlists for each respective game on the side. I know they said they don't want to separate the community but I really cannot see that happening since it's all on one UI.

JL1223 X

Feb 14, 2013
Hong Kong
was a smart decision to keep the gameplay the same. As for H5G, I hope it will fill in some gaps more than start something new (also, am I the only one whose interested has been piqued by the similarities between the new "Agent Clarke" and Isaac Clarke of Dead Space?).
Agent Locke, known during the casting call for Halo: Nightfall as 'Marlowe'.
Jan 14, 2013
I suppose I'm up for roasting another ignorant person today but I feel bad for doing so in this thread. First off, how does my grammar and punctuation relate to this discussion in the slightest? Since this is in the discussion now, I must point out that there are absolutely no grammatical errors that I was able to find. Second and lastly, why are you even on HaloCustoms, a primarily Halo and Xbox-based forum if you are going to bash on Halo and be an elitist snob? Get off the forums if you're going to be like this.
I apologize if I have made you a sad little boy. I'm afraid my days of Halo are coming to a close, but I am still up for what Halo 5 has to offer! I don't care if you think I am ignorant. I never really liked you. It's only fitting that you don't like me. Cheers!
Jan 14, 2013
Look, I respect your opinion, but if you're here solely to start an argument, just leave. No one forced you to read this thread let alone reply to it, and I'd rather not have to look through a lot of comments that have nothing to do with the thread just to find a few that are. So do yourself and everyone else a favor and leave.
I didn't post here at first to start an argument. I just posted my opinion in an extremely straight-forward fashion. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
Alright, that's enough. If you like the Master Chief Collection, that's cool. If you don't like it, that's cool. If you're going to perpetuate a flame war over it, that's not cool. If you have differing opinions, feel free to discuss them in a mature and rational fashion (write a few paragraphs about why you take the standpoint you do, and be thorough with it). But this isn't discussion, this has just turned into a petty squabble which is dragging the thread down. Half Millennium and Jesus in Malibu, I hate to be that guy but both of you guys are at fault here to some extent. I've already assigned a heap of warning points for one of the less acceptable insults dished out here, and that will continue if this doesn't stop. Quit trying to get a rise out of each other and let it go. All are welcome to share their opinions, just don't be a child about it. Let's get back to an actual discussion here rather than this massive derpfest.
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JL1223 X

Feb 14, 2013
Hong Kong
In all honesty I feel like 343 redeemed themselves with this, and Microsoft's willingness for creating just a big revamp game was clever on their part, allowing them to showcase the Xbox One's true power (I mean this thing has like 5 game engines on a single disc and it can seamlessly run them) but the hype that this has generated is also going to be the Christ of the Halo community. I mean, Halo 3 had, like, 1.1 million players average daily. A year after release. Reach had 900,000 after the same time frame. Halo 4? It started with 400,000 daily then dropped to 200,000 when Call of Duty: BO2 released, like, a week later. Those 200,000 never returned to play Halo 4, and within months 90% of the 200,000 remaining players had disappeared as well.

This is just the thing the community to get back up. It's obviously a kick in the ass to get everybody hyped, ready and in cash-spending mode for Halo 5 but it's such a sweet boot that is 10/10 worth buying that it'll probably be the most pleasurable boot to slam into butts.
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This is just the thing the community to get back up. It's obviously a kick in the ass to get everybody hyped, ready and in cash-spending mode for Halo 5 but it's such a sweet boot that is 10/10 worth buying that it'll probably be the most pleasurable boot to slam into butts.

That may be the best use in any form of the phrase "kick in the ass" I have seen in all my time on the internet.
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Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
I juat realized something. If Halo 5 doesn't work out, we have this to fall back onto
As of late, I have good expectations for Halo 5. Still should it still happen, it is quite nice we still have this. I bet it will be safe to say Halo on Xbox 360 will be dead sometime in 2015.