Daily Dose of Funny

Charles Stoot

Jan 13, 2013
So, I was walking to the subway today, and it was really windy outside. There was this very stereotypically goth dude (i mean this guy had tattoos on top of his piercings) walking the opposite direction(into the wind), and suddenly this huge gust of wind blows his hair (you know, the "you can't see me if I can't see you" hairdo) up and out of his eyes.
Now, I expected him to just brush it back down and keep walking, but instead he stops, blinks a few times, looks back and forth, and gasps, all with the most deer-in-the-headlights surprised look on his face.
He then looks right at me, tears in his eyes and his mouth in a beaming smile, throws up his arms and yells "HOLY SHIT I CAN SEEE!!!!."
He then proceeds to dash off, skipping along the street and singing "Zip-a-dee-do-daaaa" a the top of his lungs.

Don't judge a book by it's cover people.