Halo Clan disscusion

Are you in a clan?

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Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
I'm guessing that's a no? Either that, or you've forgotten.
Nope I have a present for you :eek: The Fate Codex?!?

1-Respect all Legionares as if they were your family
2-No untruthful witnesses toward one Legionare to another
3-Permission is needed before entering or presenting things with outsiders(clan battles as well)
4-Do what commanding officers tell you in clan battles (not following this rule will lead to probation)
5-In others forges you must respect thier requests, or rules
6-Custom games should never be stollen from others for their own needs, it must be asked to be promoted instead of leaving then inviting past players
7-Blood members recieve thier oath to swear from thier squad leader
8-Spiritual Blood members recieve a oath to swear as a squad leader from thier chapter leader
9-Once hit the rank of chapter leader it is required you to swear your oath to become member of Destiny before ranking any higher
10-Kill team members are recongnized by all within a Chapter to help any way they can in a Clan Battle
11-Uniforms are needed for every Chapter (only exeptions if from the Emperor, or Empress)
12-Chapter Battles do not rage into on going wars between chapters(Chapter master will be Deranked if so happens)
13-Clan Battles are due with respect, no swearing, or cheating be a better person
14-Enemies outside of the legion may be hunted and tried with (If anything bad happens its on you)
15-Deals with outside enemies will not be allowed (excile if done)
16-Never declare wars on outside clans, they must declare it first (Emperor, or Empress can say so otherwise)
17-During practices outsiders are not welcome to join without permission from the Chapter master of that chapter
18-After each and every Clan battle it is required to ask how they feel and how they or you could inprove on what you did
19-High levels of Probation can only be formed by the Emperor, or Empress
20-Meetings that are held within a squad it is required that all members attend if they are online
21-Spamming of messages to a high commanding officer is a ending resualt of a day of nothing but recruiting by yourself
22-No muting, or blocking other members in the Legion (if caught high punishment may be rewarded)
23-Training is required before joining any events to do with Chapters, or Legionares
24-Each Chapter has a set of loadouts that are needed as a universal notice to the rest of the Legion for Chapter Battles
25-All Squad members are needed in your friends list, and Chapter master must be reachable
26-Gamertags for leaders are highly influenced to have Fate, Destiny, or Fortune in it
27-Everytime you enter Matchmaking with other Legionares, It is asked to wear Legion outfits
28-Chapter rules can be placed, without over ruling the Codex rules from a Chapter Master
29-Legions uncoding system is required to learn in the Leaders inner Circle
30-The Legions Ranking System must be understood by all members
31-Honor is needed for every time a sense of doubt is provided in battle
32-Mercenaries are allowed only with special purposes from the Emperor, or Empress
33-Other Clans can engage a war with the Legion as Allies, watch them closely though
34-Anytime a outsider asks a favor of one another we must help with reason, if not don't
35-Conflicting Morals are set aside when war has broke out across the Legion
36-No Hacking, or threatning with in member to member across the Legion
37-Never speak of a Legionare to outsiders, or another in negitive influence
38-Recruiting can only be done on the Day that a Chapter Leader gives permission
39-Bio must contain your Chapter, Company, Squad, and Rank
40-It is inportant that Chapters have a Schedule that is well rounded
41-Treason in this legion is forbidden, if so Serious matter will be dealt with
42-Anytime a betrayal of a teamate happens it is required to do them a favor
43-Anytime a leader takes his, or her troops into battle mics are needed (disabilities dont count)
44-All members of a squad under a company inside a Chapter must report weeks progress
45-Discipline is needed for every Chapter to have time spent with others
46-Current Leaders can be tried of if they are seen unworthy of their Position
47-Enforcement of Codex in the Legion is needed regaurdless of the situation
48-Disctrimination upon another in the Legion due to age, sex, or race is not allowed
49-Treat Legion Events with all serious matter of conduct
50-Follow the codex as if it were to save your soul, disrespect it guilt upon you it will be
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
and last but not least If you disobey the empress the result is the empress gets her own choice of torturing you
How so? You cant do that to me, and don't forget that about rule 46, meaning you could be tried for such action. Power is ok to show in a Negative, or Positive way, however be prepaired for the consequences that may happen... otherwise I don't care what, they shouldn't disrespect...


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
3-Permission is needed before entering or presenting things with outsiders(clan battles as well)
4-Do what commanding officers tell you in clan battles (not following this rule will lead to probation)
14-Enemies outside of the legion may be hunted and tried with (If anything bad happens its on you)
15-Deals with outside enemies will not be allowed (excile if done)
22-No muting, or blocking other members in the Legion (if caught high punishment may be rewarded)
24-Each Chapter has a set of loadouts that are needed as a universal notice to the rest of the Legion for Chapter Battles
26-Gamertags for leaders are highly influenced to have Fate, Destiny, or Fortune in it
31-Honor is needed for every time a sense of doubt is provided in battle
34-Anytime a outsider asks a favor of one another we must help with reason, if not don't
42-Anytime a betrayal of a teamate happens it is required to do them a favor

Here are some things I've noticed;
Rule 4: What if the order given by the commanding officer is stupid, or does not have the Clan's best interest at hearT?
Rule 14: How do you deal with an enemy, if said enemy is hardly ever on Halo, or on XBL? What then?
Rule 22: What if the person is being annoying, or getting one another member's nerves. People have the right not to have to deal with people if they do not wish too.
Rule 24: Clan loadouts? How the hell does that work? The point of loadouts is to diversify combat.
Rule 26: So, you recommend that people spend their own money on something that they may not even want to change?
Rule 31: Honour? Where does honour come into play when you're playing an FPS? You shoot, you kill, you move on.
Rule 42: What if it's the other guy's fault? Should someone be expected to be indebted to another for that person's stupidity?

Now, Rule 34 states that you should help an outsider if they ask a favour of you. However, Rule 3 says to only do so with the Emperor's (your's) or the Empress's (Shadowgirl, I presume?). Then Rule 15 further contradicts these rules by saying not to deal with outsiders, which effectively means no favours.
All in all, the Codex is contradictory and Draconian in several areas, and the grammatical errors lead me to believe that they have not been proof read by anyone.


Yes sadly im the empress the only person who cant speak wishing i did
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
Here are some things I've noticed;
Rule 4: What if the order given by the commanding officer is stupid, or does not have the Clan's best interest at hearT?
Rule 14: How do you deal with an enemy, if said enemy is hardly ever on Halo, or on XBL? What then?
Rule 22: What if the person is being annoying, or getting one another member's nerves. People have the right not to have to deal with people if they do not wish too.
Rule 24: Clan loadouts? How the hell does that work? The point of loadouts is to diversify combat.
Rule 26: So, you recommend that people spend their own money on something that they may not even want to change?
Rule 31: Honour? Where does honour come into play when you're playing an FPS? You shoot, you kill, you move on.
Rule 42: What if it's the other guy's fault? Should someone be expected to be indebted to another for that person's stupidity?

Now, Rule 34 states that you should help an outsider if they ask a favour of you. However, Rule 3 says to only do so with the Emperor's (your's) or the Empress's (Shadowgirl, I presume?). Then Rule 15 further contradicts these rules by saying not to deal with outsiders, which effectively means no favours.
All in all, the Codex is contradictory and Draconian in several areas, and the grammatical errors lead me to believe that they have not been proof read by anyone.
aw someone doesn't understand... oh wait about what your saying, are you saying your an Enemy?


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
aw someone doesn't understand... oh wait about what your saying, are you saying your an Enemy?
I'm neutral in this. I'm merely trying to ascertain the truth. Maybe if you're Codex was written more clearly...
Though, having said this, I wouldn't mind a game against you people at some point.
Also, I meant the crying. Why the crying?
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
I'm neutral in this. I'm merely trying to ascertain the truth. Maybe if you're Codex was written more clearly...
Though, having said this, I wouldn't mind a game against you people at some point.
Also, I meant the crying. Why the crying?
She has been depressed all week, Lets say a friend died that she was close to, I'm leaving it at that...
Jan 16, 2013
Nope I have a present for you :eek: The Fate Codex?!?

1-Respect all Legionares as if they were your family
2-No untruthful witnesses toward one Legionare to another
3-Permission is needed before entering or presenting things with outsiders(clan battles as well)
4-Do what commanding officers tell you in clan battles (not following this rule will lead to probation)
5-In others forges you must respect thier requests, or rules
6-Custom games should never be stollen from others for their own needs, it must be asked to be promoted instead of leaving then inviting past players
7-Blood members recieve thier oath to swear from thier squad leader
8-Spiritual Blood members recieve a oath to swear as a squad leader from thier chapter leader
9-Once hit the rank of chapter leader it is required you to swear your oath to become member of Destiny before ranking any higher
10-Kill team members are recongnized by all within a Chapter to help any way they can in a Clan Battle
11-Uniforms are needed for every Chapter (only exeptions if from the Emperor, or Empress)
12-Chapter Battles do not rage into on going wars between chapters(Chapter master will be Deranked if so happens)
13-Clan Battles are due with respect, no swearing, or cheating be a better person
14-Enemies outside of the legion may be hunted and tried with (If anything bad happens its on you)
15-Deals with outside enemies will not be allowed (excile if done)
16-Never declare wars on outside clans, they must declare it first (Emperor, or Empress can say so otherwise)
17-During practices outsiders are not welcome to join without permission from the Chapter master of that chapter
18-After each and every Clan battle it is required to ask how they feel and how they or you could inprove on what you did
19-High levels of Probation can only be formed by the Emperor, or Empress
20-Meetings that are held within a squad it is required that all members attend if they are online
21-Spamming of messages to a high commanding officer is a ending resualt of a day of nothing but recruiting by yourself
22-No muting, or blocking other members in the Legion (if caught high punishment may be rewarded)
23-Training is required before joining any events to do with Chapters, or Legionares
24-Each Chapter has a set of loadouts that are needed as a universal notice to the rest of the Legion for Chapter Battles
25-All Squad members are needed in your friends list, and Chapter master must be reachable
26-Gamertags for leaders are highly influenced to have Fate, Destiny, or Fortune in it
27-Everytime you enter Matchmaking with other Legionares, It is asked to wear Legion outfits
28-Chapter rules can be placed, without over ruling the Codex rules from a Chapter Master
29-Legions uncoding system is required to learn in the Leaders inner Circle
30-The Legions Ranking System must be understood by all members
31-Honor is needed for every time a sense of doubt is provided in battle
32-Mercenaries are allowed only with special purposes from the Emperor, or Empress
33-Other Clans can engage a war with the Legion as Allies, watch them closely though
34-Anytime a outsider asks a favor of one another we must help with reason, if not don't
35-Conflicting Morals are set aside when war has broke out across the Legion
36-No Hacking, or threatning with in member to member across the Legion
37-Never speak of a Legionare to outsiders, or another in negitive influence
38-Recruiting can only be done on the Day that a Chapter Leader gives permission
39-Bio must contain your Chapter, Company, Squad, and Rank
40-It is inportant that Chapters have a Schedule that is well rounded
41-Treason in this legion is forbidden, if so Serious matter will be dealt with
42-Anytime a betrayal of a teamate happens it is required to do them a favor
43-Anytime a leader takes his, or her troops into battle mics are needed (disabilities dont count)
44-All members of a squad under a company inside a Chapter must report weeks progress
45-Discipline is needed for every Chapter to have time spent with others
46-Current Leaders can be tried of if they are seen unworthy of their Position
47-Enforcement of Codex in the Legion is needed regaurdless of the situation
48-Disctrimination upon another in the Legion due to age, sex, or race is not allowed
49-Treat Legion Events with all serious matter of conduct
50-Follow the codex as if it were to save your soul, disrespect it guilt upon you it will be

51-If you actually read and learnt all these you are clinically insane and should consult a mental health practitioner
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
Insane=Crazy. Synonyms, my boy, synonyms.
not in this world... JK I might be a little crazy, or Insaine, or mentally unstable. However I have made it a long time in greatness, or just pitty? anyway The rules in the codex do make sence, its just if you know what I ment by them? Many times I am questioned by it


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
not in this world... JK I might be a little crazy, or Insaine, or mentally unstable. However I have made it a long time in greatness, or just pitty? anyway The rules in the codex do make sence, its just if you know what I ment by them? Many times I am questioned by it
If people have to ask you about your rules, then they aren't clear enough.