Halo Clan disscusion

Are you in a clan?

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Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
When I first got Online which was two years ago, I didn't have very many friends, I liked to forge a lot. But because I didn't have friends on the list, I couldn't play on the hundreds of maps that I made. I later joined a clan, SPI... they fell apart, due to poor leadership. I later got it in my head to become a Leader of some group, which was the fate clan in the day. I got more, and more friends. People I knew for two years later then turning all of them into their own Chapters(CLANS) they were joking around for a while since then, saying I should be the Emperor of this alliance. Well that is my story since you guys really don't like clans. Never been in a real community before, honestly they have different beliefs than I have.

Now when I was saying I had problems, to be honest I have been hacked offline a good three times, I wouldn't be on my origanal account if it wasn't for my fellow Brothers. In my opinion though Clans are an exception, you just need to find the right ones if your into that sort of thing. Lone wolf is cool as well, but if you wish to have certain things you may not achieve them. So when I am saying this you guys I don't want enemies, but I will take them. oh wait I don't have to. sorry...
Explain what this means.

Also, I don't understand what the difference is between a clan and having friends is, seeing as they both offer the same things, except friends aren't 'obligated'.
Anyway, I could never join a clan. I both hate and fear people. It's takes me so much effort to be civil with people in real life and online, so a clan isn't really a viable option for me.
Another thing, how big is your clan?
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
Explain what this means.

Also, I don't understand what the difference is between a clan and having friends is, seeing as they both offer the same things, except friends aren't 'obligated'.
Anyway, I could never join a clan. I both hate and fear people. It's takes me so much effort to be civil with people in real life and online, so a clan isn't really a viable option for me.
Another thing, how big is your clan?
My Legion is about 3000, It holds a good 8 Chapters, the max population set is 1,000 per chapter. The Grey Knights are the best chapter. Blood Ravens well they are ok, Iron Lords they have their share on Battle field. Shadow Incripters their leader is really nice, it is too bad that she cant speak, (MUTE). All the others are in a growing stage, so I guess they may need help, but you know? Now about that emblem, and outfit stuff? Depends what Chapter you are in, Each Chapter has a set of rules, Most forgiving Chapter I know is the out laws on stuff like that, but all must obey the Codex that fixes us together.


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
First, way too many 40K references. Second, 3000? Really? I'm sorry, but that is hard to believe. 3000 people and no discord/disputes? That's hard enough to do with 20 people, let alone thousands. Also, and this just me, I would love to see the roster of your 'Legion'.
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
Sure I will get you a roster once I contact all the Chapter Masters. It is ok not to believe me, since you have no intentions of being in it. BTW all chapters do have 1Chapter Master, 9 Chapter Leaders that there is 80, the last update we had was a month ago, counting 2 completed Companies per each Chapter. Lets see that is around 2572 that was recorded back then, now it might have changed, so Lets see here we have recordings every 6 months. in a month we usually gain about 244, so I doubt it hit 3000 but , most likely we have a amount of 2816 in the Legion. I can even give you every Squad name if you wish? "Every Squad is a family of their own, so don't even think for a second they don't do things when there is only 10 as a max."

So anymore I need to Explain?!?:teddy:


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
Sure I will get you a roster once I contact all the Chapter Masters. It is ok not to believe me, since you have no intentions of being in it. BTW all chapters do have 1Chapter Master, 9 Chapter Leaders that there is 800, now the rest is due to squads, and that I will have a count on soon.
This I need to see. I apologise if I seem rude, I'm just skeptical.
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
This I need to see. I apologise if I seem rude, I'm just skeptical.
Ya until I get all the Data, from the Grey Knights, Shadow Incriptors, A.I.Assassins, Blood Ravens, Out Laws, S.T.A.R., Iron Lords, and Devils Eyes. It may take time so please have patience with the Chapter Masters, I know one is on vacation.


Apr 22, 2013
To be honest almost every clan i come across are little kids or people who think their little group is all powerful


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
My Legion is about 3000, It holds a good 8 Chapters, the max population set is 1,000 per chapter. The Grey Knights are the best chapter. Blood Ravens well they are ok, Iron Lords they have their share on Battle field. Shadow Incripters their leader is really nice, it is too bad that she cant speak, (MUTE). All the others are in a growing stage, so I guess they may need help, but you know? Now about that emblem, and outfit stuff? Depends what Chapter you are in, Each Chapter has a set of rules, Most forgiving Chapter I know is the out laws on stuff like that, but all must obey the Codex that fixes us together.
I just realised something. If your clan(s) is 3000 strong, how the hell have never heard of it? It's not like a group that bad is inconspicuous.

Ya until I get all the Data, from the Grey Knights, Shadow Incriptors, A.I.Assassins, Blood Ravens, Out Laws, S.T.A.R., Iron Lords, and Devils Eyes. It may take time so please have patience with the Chapter Masters, I know one is on vacation.
It's been approximately 13 days. Have you gotten the rosters yet?
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
So, you were lying about it then? You have no proof that you are the leader of this huge clan, and the fact that you've stopped caring just adds to the unlikelihood of it.
nope just not needed, If you want info on this why don't you ask Gadget of Fate, or Denver17, maybe Shadowgirl169. I won't go any further.
Feb 12, 2013
Dark Void
All right I am back. This is going to be long so Each section will be for each Chapter...
Grey Knights 1st Company squads+Leaders Gadget of Fate-1st squad, Satangunslayer5-2nd squad, Extreme horror-3rd squad, Legitxkings17-4th squad, Gamerpro-5th squad, Oblivimaxion-6th squad, Wiccan36-7th squad, Forgotten55-8th squad, Enchanted Fate-9th squad, Oblitus Fatum-10th squad. 2nd Company Blood Heart-1st Squad, Byakuei13-2nd Squad, Crimson Angel-3rd squad, Necron-4th squad, xXShroudedXx-5th squad, xMadcatzzx-6th Squad, Demond Child-7th Squad, Arbitory Mean-8th squad, Its Yeazzy-9th Squad, Im Bio Acid-10th Squad, 3rd Company Blakew-1st Squad, Sucluded Fate- 2nd Squad, Martan-3rd squad, Skull Crusher...-4th squad. Other Capters will be shown, Total=336
Blood Ravens 1st Company Denver17-1st squad, Conviction-2nd Squad, Fates Assassin75-3rd Squad, Redneck of Fate-4th Squad, Legit Snipes-5th Squad, Monkey Knight-6th Squad, Idaho Chipmonk-7th Squad, Rachet of Fate-8th Squad, blinded fate-9th squad, DarkFate-10th Squad. 2nd Company Negabite-1st squad, skull of fate-2nd squad, sunriseagust-3rd squad, Mr cooker man-4th squad, hellbringer-5th squad, Fate Ninja-6th squad. this is a total=158
Iron Lords 1st company Marksmanofate-1st squad, haha-2nd squad, Doctor tool box-3rd squad, Chillibowl-4th squad, yourbetrayal-5th squad, rentable book-6th squad, slywolf-7th squad, I kill you...-8th squad, Grimlock-9th squad, Gibit-10th squad. 2nd company Leeroyjenkins-1st squad, IDKmidgits-2nd squad, Darkwol-3rd squad, Prestin luvs u-4th squad this=139
S.T.A.R.= 1st comp DragonofDeath-1st squad. Dancing is life-2nd squad, Beastmodepandas-3rd squad, PandaNatural-4th squad, jfkshark-5th squad, slowest six=6th squad.=54