Bungie's Destiny Revealed!

The day is finally here. Bungie has finally crept back in the light, pulled the curtain back, and at long last, has revealed what they've been working on for the past three years. We've been incredibly patient, and I know we're more than ready to dive right in and see what it's all about. So I'll try not to get in the way too much.​
UPDATE!! Video from the Playstation 4 Announcement - Destiny will launch simultaneously on the PS3 and PS4, and will have some exclusive, playable content for the Playstation versions.​
Here is the ViDoc posted by Bungie:
Here is the IGN article and FAQ:
Here is a piece of the Destiny soundtrack:
Basic Takeaways & Highlights (see IGN FAQ for much more):
  • Destiny will be on XBOX 360, PS3, and eventually next-gen consoles. It will NOT be on PC. PS3-360 players will not be able to play together.
  • FPS with several MMO elements. Join players already in battle around the world at any point. Bungie calls it a "First-person, shared-world shooter"
  • Game will be "always connected" (requires internet connection), but will not require subscription fees
  • Tight integration with web and mobile platforms
  • The last large city on Earth, huddled underneath The Traveller, acts as a hub, socially (ties in MMO aspects).
  • interstellar travel with your own ship within our galaxy - Mars, Moon, Saturn, Venus, etc.
Concept Art:
Pyke - Destiny's version of Halo's Ghost
Ocean of Storms - "Broken Moon" with cracked tectonic plates
Guardians - Hunter, Warlock, Titan (From left to right)
Garden - "Surreal, fantastic place called the Black Garden"
Fireteam - Titan, Hunter, Warlock (From left to right). 'Space Zombies' in background.
Exclusion Zone - A Mars base of the Cabal enemy
Dark Patrol - Hunter in the foreground, mixture of enemies in background
Citadel - "Bad guys need big bad, evil lairs"
Cassini Derelict - "The derelict remains of a human fleet of ships"
Vex - Time-traveling robots (enemies)
Traveler's Rest - Earth's last major city rests beneath humanity's savior
Hellmouth - On the Earth's Moon
Fallen - The Fallen enemy class and a 'Spider Tank'
I will likely keep updating this article with more links, more info, more awesome. In the meantime, DISCUSS! What do you think? What do you like? What are you worried about?​
I actually enjoy reading everyone get upset, and then everyone get upset at the people getting upset. It's one of my favorite things about the internet ^-^ FUEL THE FLAMES
Haha, it is quite amusing to see people argue about this kind of stuff... Until they insult halo. I have to draw the line somewhere
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Now that you mention it, I don't really know when I'd draw the line. Maybe when they insult the Magnum, Flagnum or throwing the Oddball. That, or my little pony :p The rest of the staff will know ;)
UPDATE! Added in the video from today's PS4 Announcement as well as an awesome link to over 40 images and GIFS from the Destiny ViDoc!
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I find the "if theres no forge im not buying it" crowd to be entirely silly.

but, i expect thats the age group that got into halo because of forge, instead of having gotten into halo when it first came out.

i am a long term Bungie fan.

if bungie decides to not include a forge in this game, i can always still forge with halo.
theres absolutely no way that such a thing would make me refuse to buy and play their games.

its the same shitty attitude of all the people who bitch about H4's forge.
well, it's more of a "If I could make maps for this game, my money would not exit my wallet any quicker"

Super stoked for this game. Like people have said before, I don't think this game is meant to "kill" Halo, or Call of Duty, or Gears, or any other shooter. It's meant to be a completely new experience and I feel it should be judged as such. You shouldn't expect it to have forge any more than you expect the next Mass Effect game to have forge.
much in the same way halocustoms wasn't meant to "kill" forgehub...
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I foundt something in the vidoc it's quick and hard to see but look at the screen monitor on the left 3:54

Easily the two standout images. The first indicates the game's different offerings:

The City (Back to the hub city overworld)
Campaign/ Main Story (It might be possible to replay story missions, who knows)
Bounty (A weekly challenge mission?)
Strike ("Random Hopper" I wonder if this joins you with another party currently playing, and takes you to them instantly)
Raid (Possibly puts you in a que/ group for an MMO style dungeon raid)
Faction Wars ("Random Hopper" This sounds like it will be the PVP, going by the two clashed swords in the emblem. Now that I mention it Strike and Raid both look like arches/ entranceways, so they're most likely related)


This one seems to confirm the different equipment. On the left; Main weapon, Secondary weapon, Heavy weapon? On the right; a fist (maybe abilities), helmet, chest piece, belt?, elbow pad?, shin-pad?.

Down the bottom, there are four categories with a number next to each. Energy. Shields. Agility/ Ability? Discipline?
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Easily the two standout images. The first indicates the game's different offerings:

The City (Back to the hub city overworld)
Campaign/ Main Story (It might be possible to replay story missions, who knows)
Bounty (A weekly challenge mission?)
Strike ("Random Hopper" I wonder if this joins you with another party currently playing, and takes you to them instantly)
Raid (Possibly puts you in a que/ group for an MMO style dungeon raid)
Faction Wars ("Random Hopper" This sounds like it will be the PVP, going by the two clashed swords in the emblem. Now that I mention it Strike and Raid both look like arches/ entranceways, so they're most likely related)


This one seems to confirm the different equipment. On the left; Main weapon, Secondary weapon, Heavy weapon? On the right; a fist (maybe abilities), helmet, chest piece, belt?, elbow pad?, shin-pad?.

Down the bottom, there are four categories with a number next to each. Energy. Shields. Agility/ Ability? Discipline?
left monitor possible mission in progress and right monitor screen unknown perhaps armour?
The anticipation for this is growing. I look forward to seeing more future trailers and gameplay clips. This game definitely has potential, and I wish Bungie luck with their new venture.
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