Community changing web series Halo Machinima


Jan 10, 2013
North Carolina
wow i havent been here in a while, i guess that's what CS:GO does to ya, im gonna try and get online sometime this week, i just havent had very many reasons to play anything on my xbox recently (mad at H4, suck at BO2, also suck at BF3 and i just get lost in skyrim and thats pretty much all i play on xbox) and my PC has been alot more convenient (plus the source engine is absolutely freakin awesome).
so dont worry, i havent forgotten about this, im not going to be like golo and drop off the face of the earth
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Jan 10, 2013
North Carolina
alright well now that i finished taking my SAT I am ready to get back to mapping in Halo, my next project's name in going to be something like "cliff face", or "H4_AS_Shelf_S" as a dev title
yeah the CS naming system has gotten to me pretty good
I was planning to release either all the episodes together or one through four but I decided release one and two. Enjoy!


Come back golo and take your spot because it's going to be taken soon.
But because we are friends, we are still going to give you all the credit you deserve, which is a lot! If you can't join us, we still appreciate all the help.


  • Effecting Fate, Prolog hopefully final draft.pdf
    37.1 KB · Views: 318
  • Effecting Fate episode two the pirate raid, hopefully final draft.pdf
    36.4 KB · Views: 261
Episodes three and four.

Also, read these! I will not make another draft unless you guys really think I should! And what I mean by you guys is more than one persons opinion, like five peoples'! These four are basically the final drafts! They will not be uploaded together in a package again! If there is a problem downloading, tell me as soon as possible.


  • Effecting Fate episode three the Magical Space Rock, hopefully final draft.pdf
    35.5 KB · Views: 201
  • Effecting Fate episode four crashed and stranded, hopefully final draft.pdf
    46.1 KB · Views: 237


  • EF ep 1 Prolog final draft.txt
    16.2 KB · Views: 254
  • EF ep 2 The Pirates Raid final draft.txt
    15.2 KB · Views: 241
  • EF ep 3 The Magical Rock final draft.txt
    13.7 KB · Views: 219
  • EF ep 4 Crashed and Stranded final draft.txt
    26 KB · Views: 308
  • EF Infomercial final draft.txt
    16.2 KB · Views: 224
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Oh, this is the timeline in my head…

23 years before the start of the Effecting Fate present: the knight civil war starts
12 years before the start of the Effecting Fate present: the Knight Civil War ends and the alliance versus the Empire begins
12 years before the start of the Effecting Fate present: saving Capt. trailer
10 years before the start of the Effecting Fate present: the Spider Knight led troops to victory in his first time in command by accident
8 years before the start of the Effecting Fate present: a secretive attack by the Empire on a alliance outpost
4 years before the start of the Effecting Fate present: the Spider Knight and the Howling Knight get knighthood
1 year before the start of the Effecting Fate present: Pirate trailer
The start of the Effecting Fate present
Between Halo 4's campaign and Spartan ops: Found oracles with a bits and pieces of the Effecting Fate data
A month after Spartan ops: started to process the Effecting Fate data through wargames, what you are doing!


The Zoid

Jan 10, 2013
About the acctual script, I'm not so sure about the whole infinity wargames background thing, I'm not sure it's necesary. I don't know if you have play AC, but I get that feel to it. Like the whole abstergo story behind it. Yes it does make it a bit more complicated and deeper I guess, but why put a perfectly good original idea, and try to force it into the halo universe? I don't quite understand the merging, and honestly I don't think this story fits the halo universe, and it would do better without it. To finish off my comparison, AC is perfectly good without the abstergo story, so would this machinima be without the Halo universe.

I didn't think too much on this, I just wanted to say it so you would think about it. The story otherwise, is great, this is my only concern...


Jan 9, 2013
About the acctual script, I'm not so sure about the whole infinity wargames background thing, I'm not sure it's necesary. I don't know if you have play AC, but I get that feel to it. Like the whole abstergo story behind it. Yes it does make it a bit more complicated and deeper I guess, but why put a perfectly good original idea, and try to force it into the halo universe? I don't quite understand the merging, and honestly I don't think this story fits the halo universe, and it would do better without it. To finish off my comparison, AC is perfectly good without the abstergo story, so would this machinima be without the Halo universe.

I didn't think too much on this, I just wanted to say it so you would think about it. The story otherwise, is great, this is my only concern...

Try thinking of it more as terminals. Where I can see how it can relate to AC, it is different. In AC, there are 2 storylines, one of the older character, and one of the young modern assassin trying to save the world. How it is different is in AC, the events that occur in the Memories directly effects Desmond and him saving the world. The Oracle for us is essentially just a narrator to events that unfolded in Ancient human era.

Now, onto your point of trying to put this into the HALO storyline. Trust me when I say we have had much discussion on this particular topic. We spent roughly 4 hours one night debating on whether it would be, or would not be. Ultimately we concluded we would prefer it be in the Halo realm for a few reasons:
A: We would like this to be our legacy in the Halo universe.
B: This is a perfect era because of the lack of knowledge on this time period.
C: The Halo universe is driven by the community. Bungie and 343 have done a lot to set the stage for the Universe, but it is up to us to expand it and place in all the details.

The reality of our machinima is it takes place before the Ancient Human war with the Forerunners. All the Halo 4 terminals explained was that there was a war between the Humans, and Forerunners, but it really only tell of the the war, and the effects it had on us. Our story dives deeper and thrives on giving insight on the Ancient Humans history, challenges they faced, and onto the start of the Human/Forerunner war.

Maybe, someday in the distant future, we will eventually tie this in with the modern war. But we have no plans or intentions to do so at this time.

Zoid, I greatly appreciate all of your input. You have been a consistent 3rd party point of view that has benefited us and kept us motivated. Thank you. I hope this does clear up some of your concerns.
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