Community changing web series Halo Machinima

broken XBOX, gonna be gone till i get it fixed or replaced.... couple of weeks at best is my guess
A gun, any word on the Xbox? Also, I saw you on the YouTube interview! Also, I think there's someone who's trying to steal credit for Blood Gulch. There's this one guy who's doing map previews and he was doing blood Gulch but the author was not Zeezke. It could just be a misunderstanding I think it's worth a check and correction.

If y'all don't mind a little plug, I'm going to have game night is Friday. Look up.


Jan 9, 2013


Jan 9, 2013
Effecting Fate Bulletin (Not a weekly thing, so don't get to comfortable)
{Caution, strong language, if that bothers you I'd advised high tide and tell you politely to please fuck off. Thank you}

Ok... So the update that Im sure no one was looking for but if you happen to stumble on it, well here it is.
April has been a slow month, a dreadfully slow month; however, there are a few reasons for this.

A. Finals. School comes first, always. especially when your in college and it actually means something in life. (Sorry high schoolers)
B. Techinical Difficulties. Yes it effects even the best of us ;) But as you can see, that has been solved.
C. Needing a break before I Hulk Smash my xbox, reach my bloody hand into the disc drive and yank out the game. *cough* *cough* I would like to thank 343 for that :) and lag.... Fuck you lag.

So now lets recap are accomplishments:
We have assembled a team and assigned the behind the scenes roles (I.E. Writer, Producer, Sound)
Great majority of our cast has.. well been cast. We are still looking for smaller roles and body actors, though that will come with time.
4 Episodes have been written, and 3 Side stories have been written (The full story has been created though, just needs to be written)
2 Commercials have been launched mainly to practice our film-making and get on sync with angles and shit like that.
Creating brand new maps for each episode to bring a fresh aspect to every time.
Utilizing glitches, mods, and just plain pushing Halo 4 to it's graphical limits.

Producer: Halo4Express (Zeekze99) ,Beyond Red Arts (Or something like that? Odyssey... can you help me with your name again????)
Directors: (This is where the fun begins)... PK.9:laugh:arkOdyssey, IAmAGun15 (Fucking grammer nazi), ElephantROTC, Zeezke99. <<Did I miss anyone there?>>
Producers: Halo4Express, Beyond Red Arts (Refer above people)
Cameramen: elephantROTC, Zeezke99
Writers: Main Story - PK.9:laugh:arkOdyssey Side Story - Zeezke99
Map Creaters: IAmagun15, PK.9:laugh:arkOdyssey, Zeezke99, Shirlia. <<Again, did I miss anyone? I feel like I did...>>
Modders: We are using way to god damn many mods for me to remember everyone. But the most influential modder is... BUM BUM BUM Lord Zedd.. congratulations. You have earned a cookie.
Advisers, Helpers, and any other Fucks I feel like giving: Bobert, KiloSyndicate, The Zoid, rN Sentiant, and THFE. If I didn't list you it's because I hate you... Or I forgot about what you. It's 5am and I'm tired, and probably moderately dehydrated... Which I hear is not good for memory...

Emperor: ElephantROTC
Dr. Sketch: KiloSyndicate
Spider Knight: PK.9:laugh:arkOdyssey
Pirate Leader: ColdBloodedFox
Alliance Leader: Zeezke99
Alliance Squad Leader: IAmAGun15
VIP: The best player in the previous episode will get to make an appearance in the following episode.
[OK, I know I'm missing people here]

Effecting Fate: What makes us different?
Effecting Fate is a revolutionary machinima for one main reason that happens to be really simple. The community aspect. The crew and the actors are only here to tell your twist of the story. Yes, the story has been written, but we have created many alternative endings to our machinima to help make you see the impact you will truely have on our machinima. We have Three factions, but at the very least six possible endings. To further explain how you, the community are involved in our story, and what decisive role you play in our intricate experiense, I will have to explain the set-up of each episode. Every episode is compromised of two main formats. The first format is the more classic approach to machinimas. Where we just acquire actors and film a short skit. However, our view on "Classic Machinima" is more of a long cutscene. Which brings me to the Second and final main format. The second format is a community game. In these games you will be offered the chance to positively effect your factions fate in the outcome of this machinima. Get where the title comes from now? We are embarking on one of the most difficult adventure that machinima creators can embark on. Not only do we have to film the maps and create our sets, we have to manage awesome aesthetics with awesome game-play factor aswell. Cause let's face it, You don't want to watch a machinima that looks like a competitive game. You want to experience like your actually fighting in this conflict. On the flip side, we do need to make the maps fairly balanced so we are not rigging the system. Both of these to manage is a very delicate balancing act that usually leaves our forge budget at zero... I hope you all can enjoy our different stlye of machinima, and I can't wait to see how you guys spin the story.

Now just Sit back and enjoy the show :D



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Effecting Fate Bulletin (Not a weekly thing, so don't get to comfortable)
{Caution, strong language, if that bothers you I'd advised high tide and tell you politely to please fuck off. Thank you}

Ok... So the update that Im sure no one was looking for but if you happen to stumble on it, well here it is.
April has been a slow month, a dreadfully slow month; however, there are a few reasons for this.

A. Finals. School comes first, always. especially when your in college and it actually means something in life. (Sorry high schoolers)
B. Techinical Difficulties. Yes it effects even the best of us ;) But as you can see, that has been solved.
C. Needing a break before I Hulk Smash my xbox, reach my bloody hand into the disc drive and yank out the game. *cough* *cough* I would like to thank 343 for that :) and lag.... Fuck you lag.

So now lets recap are accomplishments:
We have assembled a team and assigned the behind the scenes roles (I.E. Writer, Producer, Sound)
Great majority of our cast has.. well been cast. We are still looking for smaller roles and body actors, though that will come with time.
4 Episodes have been written, and 3 Side stories have been written (The full story has been created though, just needs to be written)
2 Commercials have been launched mainly to practice our film-making and get on sync with angles and shit like that.
Creating brand new maps for each episode to bring a fresh aspect to every time.
Utilizing glitches, mods, and just plain pushing Halo 4 to it's graphical limits.

Producer: Halo4Express (Zeekze99) ,Beyond Red Arts (Or something like that? Odyssey... can you help me with your name again????)
Directors: (This is where the fun begins)... PK.9:rofl:arkOdyssey, IAmAGun15 (Fucking grammer nazi), ElephantROTC, Zeezke99. <<Did I miss anyone there?>>
Producers: Halo4Express, Beyond Red Arts (Refer above people)
Cameramen: elephantROTC, Zeezke99
Writers: Main Story - PK.9:rofl:arkOdyssey Side Story - Zeezke99
Map Creaters: IAmagun15, PK.9:rofl:arkOdyssey, Zeezke99, Shirlia. <<Again, did I miss anyone? I feel like I did...>>
Modders: We are using way to god damn many mods for me to remember everyone. But the most influential modder is... BUM BUM BUM Lord Zedd.. congratulations. You have earned a cookie.
Advisers, Helpers, and any other Fucks I feel like giving: Bobert, KiloSyndicate, The Zoid, rN Sentiant, and THFE. If I didn't list you it's because I hate you... Or I forgot about what you. It's 5am and I'm tired, and probably moderately dehydrated... Which I hear is not good for memory...

Emperor: ElephantROTC
Dr. Sketch: KiloSyndicate
Spider Knight: PK.9:rofl:arkOdyssey
Pirate Leader: ColdBloodedFox
Alliance Leader: Zeezke99
Alliance Squad Leader: IAmAGun15
VIP: The best player in the previous episode will get to make an appearance in the following episode.
[OK, I know I'm missing people here]

Effecting Fate: What makes us different?
Effecting Fate is a revolutionary machinima for one main reason that happens to be really simple. The community aspect. The crew and the actors are only here to tell your twist of the story. Yes, the story has been written, but we have created many alternative endings to our machinima to help make you see the impact you will truely have on our machinima. We have Three factions, but at the very least six possible endings. To further explain how you, the community are involved in our story, and what decisive role you play in our intricate experiense, I will have to explain the set-up of each episode. Every episode is compromised of two main formats. The first format is the more classic approach to machinimas. Where we just acquire actors and film a short skit. However, our view on "Classic Machinima" is more of a long cutscene. Which brings me to the Second and final main format. The second format is a community game. In these games you will be offered the chance to positively effect your factions fate in the outcome of this machinima. Get where the title comes from now? We are embarking on one of the most difficult adventure that machinima creators can embark on. Not only do we have to film the maps and create our sets, we have to manage awesome aesthetics with awesome game-play factor aswell. Cause let's face it, You don't want to watch a machinima that looks like a competitive game. You want to experience like your actually fighting in this conflict. On the flip side, we do need to make the maps fairly balanced so we are not rigging the system. Both of these to manage is a very delicate balancing act that usually leaves our forge budget at zero... I hope you all can enjoy our different stlye of machinima, and I can't wait to see how you guys spin the story.

Now just Sit back and enjoy the show :D

first things first: Beyond Red Wave Arts (you could maybe find us on Facebook but we do not have that much. Also, we want to finish the first seven issues of the glove before we release the website:
second: We are missing golo (you don't call, you don't write, you're breaking our hearts! He did a lot but he just disappeared from the face of the planet.)
Third: holy Sh!t! We are at over 2000 views! If any of you viewers want to be a part of this, please post. We need a lot of body actors and there is a lot of side characters that need filling. Just a few pages back should list all the characters.

Also, if you are acting and we have the knowledge that, please register. Here are the people that have registered on this forum (from the top of my head):
also, those who haven't registered properly but posted a lot:
others who are knowledge but need to:
and a lot more, it's hard to keep track. So, if you post, we can keep track easier.

Also, technical difficulties have not allow me to upload a few more clips necessary for a new trailer.

Before I forget, when I finish my finals, you'll see a post with all the scripts, updated and those that have not been written yet. This will be sometime in May. Probably on the 15th, maybe earlier maybe later.


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
first things first: Beyond Red Wave Arts (you could maybe find us on Facebook but we do not have that much. Also, we want to finish the first seven issues of the glove before we release the website:
second: We are missing golo (you don't call, you don't write, you're breaking our hearts! He did a lot but he just disappeared from the face of the planet.)
Third: holy Sh!t! We are at over 2000 views! If any of you viewers want to be a part of this, please post. We need a lot of body actors and there is a lot of side characters that need filling. Just a few pages back should list all the characters.

Also, if you are acting and we have the knowledge that, please register. Here are the people that have registered on this forum (from the top of my head):
also, those who haven't registered properly but posted a lot:
others who are knowledge but need to:
and a lot more, it's hard to keep track. So, if you post, we can keep track easier.

Also, technical difficulties have not allow me to upload a few more clips necessary for a new trailer.

Before I forget, when I finish my finals, you'll see a post with all the scripts, updated and those that have not been written yet. This will be sometime in May. Probably on the 15th, maybe earlier maybe later.
I can help body act.
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