Gaming Xbox "One" Reveal!


Jan 9, 2013
I don't understand why everyone is hating on the Xbox One. Just because they released another feature everyone is freaking the fuck out? Why? If you're not going to use it why complain about it? I don't see why everyone is freaking the fuck out about the Kinect 2 also? What's the problem with it? it's better, (a lot better) and if you're not going to use it why worry? If it were connected to the Xbox One imagine how impractical that would be.The portability of the Kinect is what makes it work. About the used game issue, sure it's annoying that you would have to play a fee if you want to borrow the game, but as long as they are signed in with their account, you could still play the game with them. Do we know for fact that the PS4 isn't doing the same?
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we are complaining because the reveal is suppose to show your big guns your big focus. The fact they stressed TV the way they did shows they did not put the emphasis on games as they should have. gaming took a back seat to the show which means the Xbox inifinity of suck is not going to have that many good games. they lost all their contracts to sony because it is the better system. I'm going to get a PS4 and whether or not i get the Xbox of suck ever remains to be seen.



Jan 9, 2013
we are complaining because the reveal is suppose to show your big guns your big focus. The fact they stressed TV the way they did shows they did not put the emphasis on games as they should have. gaming took a back seat to the show which means the Xbox inifinity of suck is not going to have that many good games. they lost all their contracts to sony because it is the better system. I'm going to get a PS4 and whether or not i get the Xbox of suck ever remains to be seen.

Well if you read the thing on the Xbox home page they said they were going to wait until E3 which isn't that far away anyways
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
I don't understand why everyone is hating on the Xbox One. Just because they released another feature everyone is freaking the fuck out? Why? If you're not going to use it why complain about it? I don't see why everyone is freaking the fuck out about the Kinect 2 also? What's the problem with it? it's better, (a lot better) and if you're not going to use it why worry? If it were connected to the Xbox One imagine how impractical that would be.The portability of the Kinect is what makes it work. About the used game issue, sure it's annoying that you would have to play a fee if you want to borrow the game, but as long as they are signed in with their account, you could still play the game with them. Do we know for fact that the PS4 isn't doing the same?
not saying I'm that angry rant person but the reason people are piss is that our memory is going to fill to fast and the fact we can't share games without paying money is not annoying that's fuck up the controller needed some improvement and it is like a pc and they would play other game systems but they will then not get to play Xbox's games like halo 5 plus if they did not bitch no one would learn to improve
I am disappointed not piss or going to rant but you shouldn't either


Jan 9, 2013
not saying I'm that angry rant person but the reason people are piss is that our memory is going to fill to fast and the fact we can't share games without paying money is not annoying that's fuck up the controller needed some improvement and it is like a pc and they would play other game systems but they will then not get to play Xbox's games like halo 5 plus if they did not bitch no one would learn to improve
I am disappointed not piss or going to rant but you shouldn't either

That's true, I too am disappointed by the decisions Microsoft made especially the force download (which I'm not completely sure it works like that, maybe you can still just play off the disk?) and the share games policy (they still have the chance to change that, which they may considering the backlash). However, it doesn't mean the console and it's features are bad, the console is actually pretty damn good, the controller is wonderful, and Kinect 2.0 is super cool. Unfortunately Microsoft and its policy makers were being extremely stupid.


Mar 6, 2013
This is what happens when marketing execs make the decisions, and those who want to focus their efforts to make a quality gaming console get ignored. What's becoming more and more disheartening with each passing day, is the willingness for people to ignore the issues and say "I'll wait for the games at E3". What? At this point there isn't an IP strong enough, nor is there a glint of innovation brilliant enough, to gloss over the problems that this product ushers in. It's like being in a relationship with someone who has turned abusive, but you stick around making excuses as to why it's OK. If the EA DRM Anti-consumer Box One is well received, it bodes ill fortune for gaming's future as we know it. The hurdles and hoops we will be forced to jump through just to enjoy our favorite hobby will multiply, and become additional expenses.

Video games are a product. We purchase products all the time in every other life facet, and aren't required to do much other than exchange money for them. We then own those products. What is happening here, is that gaming is turning into a service. And you can't own a service. Just like your cable or internet signal, services can be terminated, altered, restricted without notification or consent. THIS is what gaming is becoming. Who truly thinks the idea of disabling game functionality (in part or in whole) at any moment is a good idea? My ability to play the games I buy (and rightfully own) should not be at the mercy of the publisher. If I'm shelling out $60 for a game, I better be able to play that game whenever I wish. Where gaming is headed, you may wake up to find that game you like so much doesn't even work anymore because the servers are down (or gone completely). The game's ability to function will be dependent on an outside source. Can anyone truly justify this? We are treading ever closer to the OnLive business format (the one EA was pissing themselves in excitement to support) and look how that turned out.

Taking the "where there's smoke, there's fire" approach, I want to know how these issues can be so easily ignored. I want to buy Halo 5 and Destiny as much as everyone else, but is that experience worth buying in on the hardware shortcomings to do it? And what message does that send if we DO buy into the Xbox One?
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Jan 9, 2013
I feel as though some people (*cough cough* Tomtris) are freaking out about nothing here. There's an added feature to the new xbox that makes those who enjoy watching television sometimes (like those who watch Netflix, Hulu, etc. on their Xbox 360), instead of playing games, more accessible. That's like saying having Netflix or Hulu on your Xbox 360 is something that limits the system's potential (complete bullshit). Overall the system is revolutionary, more so than the PS4 because of the fact that the Xbox One is using advanced, motion-detecting, facial recognizing Kinect (which can be applied in MANY ways for future games), in correspondence to computer like processing/gaming, and in the addition of TV/ other entertainment features. Why freak out?
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Reactions: ShockBolt21


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
I feel as though some people (*cough cough* Tomtris) are freaking out about nothing here. There's an added feature to the new xbox that makes those who enjoy watching television sometimes (like those who watch Netflix, Hulu, etc. on their Xbox 360), instead of playing games, more accessible. That's like saying having Netflix or Hulu on your Xbox 360 is something that limits the system's potential (complete bullshit). Overall the system is revolutionary, more so than the PS4 because of the fact that the Xbox One is using advanced, motion-detecting, facial recognizing Kinect (which can be applied in MANY ways for future games), in correspondence to computer like processing/gaming, and in the addition of TV/ other entertainment features. Why freak out?
I too love the new features, though I feel they were focusing way too much on TV and Kinect. As for it being better than the ps4, you've got that right!
Video games are a product. We purchase products all the time in every other life facet, and aren't required to do much other than exchange money for them. We then own those products. What is happening here, is that gaming is turning into a service. And you can't own a service. Just like your cable or internet signal, services can be terminated, altered, restricted without notification or consent. THIS is what gaming is becoming. Who truly thinks the idea of disabling game functionality (in part or in whole) at any moment is a good idea? My ability to play the games I buy (and rightfully own) should not be at the mercy of the publisher. If I'm shelling out $60 for a game, I better be able to play that game whenever I wish. Where gaming is headed, you may wake up to find that game you like so much doesn't even work anymore because the servers are down (or gone completely). The game's ability to function will be dependent on an outside source. Can anyone truly justify this? We are treading ever closer to the OnLive business format (the one EA was pissing themselves in excitement to support) and look how that turned out.

This is a pretty short-sided perception of the industry, and it most definitely can be justified very easily if you really think about it.

AAA games are most certainly a service. If you think that a developer's job is done once they've shipped a game, similar to how Jiffy's job is done once you buy their peanut butter, then you are mistaken. Servers, matchmaking, stat sites, leader boards, competitions, patches, expansions, tech support... they ALL cost time and money to create and maintain, and they all happen after the game is already in your hands. Game sales that don't send money back up the chain to developers to help cover those costs has to mean a degradation in SERVICE. It's a zero-sum game. Just like your cable/internet signal have tech support and upgrades, so do games (and they are expected by consumers).

Video games are NOT like regular products. Hell, video games aren't remotely close to other types of digital media, such as music and dvds. In the music industry, an artist can make money by selling you a CD. You can take that CD and sell it to a record store and let someone else buy it just fine. It happens all the time. The reason this doesn't really affect the artist is because the artist has other additional revenue streams coming in from that same media; iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, radio play, going on tour, Google's Play Music, etc. all play a MAJOR role in the artist's profits. Same goes for TV/movies; Going to the theatre, OnDemand, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, iTunes again, Google's Play Movies, TV syndication are all additional revenue streams for production companies/actors/directors, etc.

Furthermore, used games are pretty much the sole reason why you have to pay for things like DLC and Season Passes. They are used to offest costs incurred from maintaining AAA game SERVICES, since over the lifespan of a game, developers continually see their revenues drop and drop due directly to people buying the game they made without sending them so much as a penny for their troubles. It's why EA shuts down servers for their older games so often. They simply cannot afford to keep them afloat. For example (this is based on assumptions), no one has gone to Gamestop and bought a new copy of FIFA 2011 for a year and a half, and somehow EA is expected to keep supporting a game that doesn't support them back. Why would they? Other than the fact that when they DO shut down the server for a 2 year old game, they will inevitably look like the bad guy and have the internet rage-collective lobbing flame volleys at them all the way to the title of Worst Company in America, they have zero REAL reasons or financial ability to do otherwise. DISCLAIMER: EA does get stuff wrong. I'm not going on a crusade for their honor, but this is definitely an area where they are painted in a horrible light, in a terribly unfair way. But anyway, if used game sales put money back into the pockets of the developers who are providing multiple services so that you can enjoy them, then perhaps they don't have to charge as much, if anything, for DLC, and they'd be happy to do it. How many times has Bungie said that they'd love to lower/get rid of DLC prices? About the same number of times as they've released DLC. And used game sales putting dollars back in dev pockets DEFINITELY means the extinction of season passes.

Now on to Gamestop and their morally shit compass. This is a company that actively buys a PERFECTLY good, fully functioning game from you and gives you next to nothing, only to put it right back on their shelf for up to three times that amount.... and they can do this repeatedly with the exact same disc. Their profit margins on used games are astronomically high- most likely in the ballpark of 80-95%, and they never send ANY of it to the guys who are solely responsible for that market (the developers). They don't bite the hand that feeds them, but rather deep fry the hand, wrap it in bacon, and devour it while laughing all the way to the bank in their figurative fucking Ferrari, while Bungie has an army of engineers monitoring, updating, and slaving over servers/matchmaking systems 365 days out of the year, for multiple years on end.

Used media is going to become a thing of the past. It might take a decade or so to get there, but it's heading that way whether you like it or not. It's happening already with books and apps on kindles/tablets/phones. You're just going to have to come to terms with it.

What this all ultimately means, and what you need to understand, is that this isn't being done out of Microsoft greed, as much as the internet swears it is. It comes from an attempt to diversify revenue streams just like EVERY OTHER FORM of digital media has done for quite some time now, in some forms for even decades if you consider radio play, going on tour, or TV syndication. Gaming just hasn't been able to catch up until now, with these new consoles. People like to drag the argument out because they are upset they won't get cheaper games anymore, which is a silly notion if you're familiar at all with Steam, which has HEAVY discounts on both old and new titles pretty regularly. On their specials right now are games discounted anywhere from 10% to 75%, and some of those were JUST released. And used games aren't even a possibility there.
Just to further prove my point, EA just announced that they will no longer require season passes on any of their games, new or old, one would assume because they are about to FINALLY get a cut out of used sales and can pass some savings on to consumers buying new (who expect to take advantage of the many online multiplayer services they provide).


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
I've two problems with the "no used game" feature. Lights above is completely correct, but I'm afraid to lose my saves(which from what I understand is an already resolved issue) and I want to come back in 4 or 5 years and play Halo: CE or 3. What if Xbox Live isn't up for the one when I want to go back and play Halo 5 or Saints Row V or Fallout 4(I use this because it a strictly single player game). I want to be Retro-Active and maybe some day show a friend, thats just getting into gaming, the humble roots of Halo during the 6, 7, and 8th generation. Thats my biggest fear.

EDIT: I still agree with everything Lights has said, but let it be known I was unaware of his newer post when I made this one.


Mar 6, 2013
Everyone needs to look up the First Sale Doctrine. If that doesnt change your mind on the issue, then nothing will.


Mar 6, 2013
Just to further prove my point, EA just announced that they will no longer require season passes on any of their games, new or old, one would assume because they are about to FINALLY get a cut out of used sales and can pass some savings on to consumers buying new (who expect to take advantage of the many online multiplayer services they provide.

They announced this a week before the XBone They only did this to make themselves look good, while they knew that the same system is in place within the consoles themselves. Please don't be fooled by this faux generosity. There will be no savings to be had. They do not deserve ANY monetary compensation for an unit they have received a 100% return on. It's ludicrous to even justify it. They do NOT own that copy of the game and are exempt from any money garnered from resale. Period.