[Mar 28, 2013] The lotion and the powder have made a paste! - Casual Competitive (Short Bizzle)

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Competitive but not TOO Competitive games
Last weeks games were so good! I'm super excited to do this again! I have even more awesome gametypes to explore! I can't wait to see everyone out on the battle field!​
I'm really stoked on this new gametype and map that Wakko45 and IntuitiveLine helped inspire me to make. Here is a link to the conversation. Dominion based teleporter mechanic for the win!​
A couple videos from the festivities last week!​
Gift Giver on Rat's Nest- The awesome gametype masterminded by Nondual
VIP on Turf - Created by yours truly (with guidance from @adderson )​
I try my best to keep the games even to avoid blow outs​
If you aren't having fun let me know (switch teams if you need to)​
Be civil - No Rascism | Sexism | Yelling (will not be tollerated)​
Have a mic​
Be mature (sorry younger gamers I'm looking at a 17+ group of gamers)​

Step 1:
Step 2:
Please send a message to Short Bizzle : "Invite Please"​
Step 3:
Be prepared to play casual-competitive games. Here are some examples:​
One Flag
Classic Maps
Objective Big Team
VIP (1st time testing this)
Golden Gun
Pistol Starts
(Don't expect flood, 10 round mini-games, 1 life games)
Step 4:
Take a bathroom break. During this time I put on a more casual game. Here are some examples:​
Mantis Madness
Hoggy Pitch (aka soccer)
Vehicle KOTH
Step 5:
Back to Step 2​
Step 6:
Cool down. As the night slows down I repeat Step 3.​
Step 7:
Please Rate the LOBBY
Thread title goes to ROSS For this quote:​
" the lotion and the powder have made a paste" ~ROSS
Say something funny and become next weeks thread title!
(My stream was messed up last week so no video from those games)​
Thanks to everyone who played last night. A big thanks to those of you who have RSVP'd. It's official.

Good games last night everyone. If you'd still like to give me more "Good Hosts" votes feel free

Please rate my lobby! Artwright987, Austanator77, Caustic, FatThe2nd, IntuitiveLine, Nondual, NxVxUSxoMAPLEo, OTT2OWN, polloxloko3000, Rev Righteous, ShortBizzle, Stubborn Clam,
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Reactions: Nondual
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