The Movie Thread - Film Lover's Delight


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
I really, really liked the inner conflict Javert had going on after being freed from captivity I thought Crowe managed to excellently convey the turmoil Javert felt at realizing his entire world view was flawed. While it saddens me I felt Javert's suicide was beautifully done, it was one of the few moments I could really sympathize with the character who was otherwise as cold and unmovable as the law which he represents.

I know exactly what you mean. I never really understood those two scenes when I watched the musical (I guess it was just lost on me, since it was lasting soooo looong) but after the movie I thought Crowe really conveyed his conflict well enough, through more than song, to justify why he died.


Dec 28, 2012
first released on-set picture of Snowpiercer!


Feb 22, 2013
I don't even know
Has anybody out there ever seen the movie Ink? If so, tell me, because I feel like one in a million (I probably am :) ) If you haven't heard of it, look it up. It's an AMAZING movie.


Le Mar du Teet
Dec 23, 2012
From what I understand, it takes place on a train in a post-apocalyptic, frozen-over world.. sorta. and there's a crazy caste system in the train cars and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!!!

hmm. well, i think i recognize that guy maybe


C'est la vie, mon ami
Dec 24, 2012
Los Angeles
Not confirmed, but they do want to do it. Jason Bateman said as much when he was on Fallon a couple nights ago.

Well it's confirmed, the deal's just not inked. If the show is successful on Netflix it'll get the movie, if it's REALLY successful it'll get a few more seasons.
Well it's confirmed, the deal's just not inked. If the show is successful on Netflix it'll get the movie, if it's REALLY successful it'll get a few more seasons.
One thing you can be sure of- There will not be more seasons after this one. These 15 episodes were filmed basically like a movie, and then re-cut into TV format. The end goal is the movie, but every time Creator Hurwitz went to write the script, there was so much work to be done in re-introducing the characters to the audience. Who they are and why they are like the way they are. So that's what the Netflix season does. The action in all 15 episodes happen concurrently. From what Bateman said on Fallon, you could be watching the Michael episode, and see Gob ride by on a segway, pause it, flip over to Gob's episode, and pick up that storyline (each episode is loosely centered around a different character). You can watch the episodes in whatever order you want, much like on an album you can listen to the songs in whatever order you wish. Different orders of episodes will reveal little things at different times. It's a complicated puzzle, and it's act one of the movie. The movie, should they finalize the deal (Hurwitz said recently he's confident the movie will get off the ground, but it doesn't sound like the script has even been written yet), is acts 2 and 3.

Quotes from Netflix CEO Reed Hastings:
It's a fantastic one-off
Think about it as a non-repeatable amazing [event].
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