HaloCustoms Sponsored Groups


In case you haven't noticed, we have a subforum here at HaloCustoms under the Custom Games section entitled Sponsored Groups. "What's this all about?" you may be wondering. Well, I'll tell you! The Sponsored Groups subforum is a hub for established groups of the Halo community to come and discuss the goings-on of their group, organize games, submit maps, and anything else that needs discussing. We highly encourage you to check them out, and if you feel so inclined, don't hesitate to get involved in some of these awesome groups. Also, if you have a group of your own, you can apply to get your own group discussion!​


Bloodthirst: Infection Only Customs
Many of you may already be familiar with this one. Hosted by REMkings, PA1NTS, Elliot, and Berb, the BIOC is one of the biggest and most recognized Flood groups around these days. They host regular lobbies for anyone interested in getting their Flood fix. Feel free to stop by their group discussion here to find their upcoming lobby times and join in on the fun!


Brought to you by Robius5991, OnlineKnights is a group dedicated around their Youtube channel, created specifically for featuring community Halo maps. If you're interested in having your map featured on their channel, head on over to their Sponsored Group thread to find out how their submission process works. They've also started hosting testing lobbies to get game footage for their videos, so be sure to check that out as well! Info about the lobbies and times are regularly updated in the discussion thread.


Casually Competitive Customs and Testing
Last, but certainly not least, Nondual has started up a little community of his own dedicated to playing and testing competitive maps. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to both join and host. Here's a snippet from their sponsored page explaining how things are run:
Nondual said:
Click "Watch Thread" in the upper right corner to start getting notifications about when myself and others are hosting games. And if you are a person that hosts these types of games, please read the "Hosting tips and guidelines" section, and then post links to your game lobbies below!
So, if competitive games are your cup of tea, don't hesitate to join in and be a part of this awesome group!

How to get your own Sponsored Group!
Do you have a group of your own? Would you like to become sponsored and have your own group discussion? Well, you certainly can! Read the following information and then head on over to the Submission Thread to apply for your very own sponsored group.
To get a thread in this section, you must meet the following specifications:
-20 active members (an active member is one who plays at least once a week)
-30 total members (a member is one who is active or inactive)

If you meet these, reply to this thread with the following:
  • Group Name
  • Group Leader
  • Active Members
  • Total Members
  • Proof of Members (a list, previous recaps, game history, etc)
  • Essay: why should your group be sponsored by HaloCustoms?

Happy customs everyone!
Thanks for the front page loving guys! If you want to be notified on all things BIOC, such as upcoming lobbies and featured maps, hit 'watch thread' on our page too.
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Reactions: REMkings
Thanks for the writeup about the groups man. We've really been having a lot of fun over at ours, and people are totally welcome to stop on by.