
H2A Minotaur

Minimum Players
Maximum Players
Forge Canvas
Awash (H2A)
Custom Gametype Name
Minotaur (Mini Game)
This is a map which is great at generating a tense atmosphere with its dim lighting, narrow corridors and tight corners. Players must survive 3 minutes in the lair with 2 infected players. Players will need to avoid the infected and try to keep track of them to avoid confrontation. Any contact with the infected will most likely result in death. The infected will be searching the maze for players to kill and can work together to trap players and leave them with no escape. Survivors have no radar so they will need to go on instinct and vision alone. Having two infected players makes it near impossible to feel safe at any point during the game. The lack of radar means checking blindly around corners is an inevitable part of the game. This might not end pleasantly so be prepared for jump scares as it will happen a lot during the game. It is as simple a very simple map but is very fun!
How to Download:

  • minotaur 1.png
    minotaur 1.png
    158.8 KB · Views: 302
  • minotaur 2.png
    minotaur 2.png
    104.2 KB · Views: 295
  • minotaur 3.png
    minotaur 3.png
    151.7 KB · Views: 319
  • minotaur 4.png
    minotaur 4.png
    132.6 KB · Views: 280
Char1ie Fazzani
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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