Bates Motel

H2A Bates Motel

Minimum Players
Maximum Players
Forge Canvas
Skyward (H2A)
Supported Infection Gametypes
  1. Holdout Infection
Custom Gametype Name
Bates Motel
A Holdout Infection styled map inspired by the "Bates Motel" TV series as well as the "Psycho" movie. In this map you will have choice to holdout in the various rooms in the bates house, all room have different intakes on the map and will give you different experiences every time. As a infected player you will need to kill the survivors, there are many ways the infected can get into the house which makes all survivor more alert and aware of there surroundings as they will always have there back turned to one of the entrances at all times.

Stronghold (Infection Gametype)

The map can be played on various Infection gametypes, but the one that is Recommended is called "Stronghold" made by myself. Stronghold is a gametype I made for Holdout maps, this gametype is strictly made for map variants that have no weapons on map. As a survivor you will spawn with a survivor shotgun and survivor pistol with no spare clips. as a survivor it will take two hit to be killed and your shields don't recharge, if your a fan of the one hit infection variants I recommend "Save one bullet" gametype made by "Mr Pokephile".
How To Download:
At the main menu, press "X" to bring up the roster. Next, select yourself by pressing "A" on your Gamertag. You'll see "Find Player" under the menu, which will allow you to look up any player.
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Char1ie Fazzani
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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