My Love of Forge - The JOP Showcase


Feb 10, 2013
My Love of Forge - The JOP Showcase

Welcome all who are staff, visitors, or long time active members of Halo Customs;
whether you are forgers, hosts, or just along for the ride of custom lobbies. Some of you
know me as Player. Some of you know me as Just One Player. Some of you even know me as JOP. This 12 page paper is all about my love of Halo Forge. I hope you enjoy.


I’ve seen some amazing works of art, spanning from aesthetical masterpieces that delight the eye by Zaelkyria and Buddy, to competitive variants designed delicately and masterfully by PsychoDuck and Zandril, to flood game types that strive to balance the struggle between over-powered flood and one shot pistol kills of Pa1nts, The 0micron, and Orzium, to mini-games that simply have a desire to aim for laughter like those of Charles Stoot and Titmar, to racetracks with turns designed so intricately and smoothly that they could only be done by TurbTastic or TheRedEyedDevil. (Now more broadly recognizing all forgers: ) It’s really incredible that a single individual can think up a groundbreaking idea, design the format for it, and then bring life to that idea that simply began with a miniscule thought. Isn’t that something? He/She may not have any college experience, or let alone even succeeded in high school, yet that person can formulate and create some of the most impressive structures and game mechanics that hardly anyone could understand outside of the video game world. If only there were a Master’s Degree in Forge, huh? It’s quite the sight, to see such ideas come to life in a game that is really meant for it’s multiplayer matchmaking and campaign play. Us inventive minds have always known how to stretch the limits of a game when we find out that WE can make miniature games within the game itself. And when those limits are met, we can always count on Lord Zedd to mod the canvas to hold more objects than it's supposed to allow, or synth to take a game type that was beloved in a previous game and re-create it in a way that no one could have thought possible. We’re thinkers. We’re innovators. We’re forgers.


I’ve taken the time to compile some of what I think are some of my greatest achievements in the world of Halo 4 forge. Let me define achievement a little differently than might be expected. It’s always a treat to have a map or game type escalate passed 1,000 downloads on Halo Waypoint, or have a mini-game featured on a well known YouTube channel, or maybe even earn the highest rated post in the Map section of one of the most popular Halo customs websites, but does that really define a forge piece? Some of you may say yes, but I would have to disagree. Although it is an honor to sometimes be showered with these praises and invisible medals of success, I find that it is the feeling of accomplishment that one possesses after having a good round of laughter in a lobby, and knowing that everyone sitting in their rooms at home somewhere in the world enjoyed what they just played. That really defines an achievement for me. Some of these maps and game modes haven’t even surpassed 100 downloads. Some of these maps have never been featured or widely spread at all. Some of these maps haven’t even received a rating on this website, but that’s fine. I’m okay with that. Because when I played these game types one time or another, something felt special about them. I made someone’s day when they played these. I brought back memories of a time that they had when they were a kid, when/and they tried to make something similar. I believe that some of the best custom games bring back memories, whether big or small. As long as the map or game type was amazing to a SINGLE person, I consider that an achievement.


Some people wonder how a person could possibly sit in front of a TV screen for hours on end just to make something in a video game that might not even help them further in life. This question is easy to answer for me. It’s simply the joy of creating something that works, and that is the reason I feel that we are blessed by Bungie for adopting such an impressive concept that we could expand and invent brilliant things with. Ever since I was a young child, I was obsessed with creating games. I even created little games that my friends put up with and played, that were made on paper! I would make a 2D paper-based game that had sets of rules and restrictions. There was a game cube in the other room, but would I settle for that? No! I wanted to create my own games that people could enjoy. I sometimes even made booklets that you had to read through to create your own adventure. There were tens of combinations that people could have chosen to create their own experience as they ventured through the book! To demonstrate how this works: There would be a story told in the booklet, in which the reader could choose different options on how they could react to different situations. Thus leading them to different pages and in the end, finishing the book the way they wanted to!

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I also made my own portable gaming system!… out of paper. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but you have to understand how obsessed I was with making things that I could enjoy knowing I had made them. I called it the Spux. It was literally a little rectangle thing made out of paper about the size of an iphone. The “games” that you would play for it were other long slips of paper that you inserted into the side of the “system”. You would insert even skinnier strips of paper into the bottom that would be the character, and you would dodge the obstacles until you reached the end of the game slip. Sounds pathetic, huh? Haha. I know it sounds silly, but this is how I expressed myself and how I created things even when it seemed impossible.


About two years back, I even started a full length game in Notepad. You know, the really crappy text editor that came nowhere close to Microsoft Works in quality? Yeah, that one. I started to learn coding and watching videos on YouTube on how to make my own text-based adventure. It was kind of like my adventure booklets to the next level. I really liked this kind of simple programming, so I started making my own little version of the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim all in Notepad! It took me about 3 weeks of spending practically all of my day coding this damn thing, but I never found it boring. I just found it so amusing! You can download it here if you want to check it out. This is the first time I’m showing this to people, I’m the only person who’s really seen it, so I hope you enjoy this little game!

The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Notepad BETA:

If you want to see the amount of coding and time that went into this little game, all done by hand, instead of opening the .bat file you can right click it and select “edit”. There you’ll be able to see all the coding that went into Notepad to make it. :)


The most ironic thing about all of these little projects was that, hardly anyone saw them besides myself. I would pretty much force my Mom, Dad, and little brother to look at them and play them, and occasionally my best friends. It was more about how I felt about them, and how they made me feel to create something so simple yet so complex out of virtually nothing.

So that’s a little history on my addiction of creating things, and what eventually led to my obsession with Halo Forge. It all started with Halo 3. I was spitting out poorly made infection and mini-game maps left and right. This was long before I hade an Xbox Live account, so the only two people that could “enjoy” them were myself and my brother. Then Halo Reach came out, and I had the same wonderment. I made nearly 200 maps along with their respectable game types, that only I would see. Finally, I got a decent internet connection and Xbox Live, but the days of Halo Reach were practically over and I wasn't about to share my sub-par Forge creations to the public just yet. That all changed when 343 industries announced Halo 4 and its newly enhanced Forge mode, and I couldn’t be happier.


I started yet again making mediocre mini-games and flood variations that I would play with my friends over Live. Eventually I established a base of online friends and randoms that would play my game modes and simply have fun. I became a host, and it was a blast! No one asked for leader, and no one trashed my obviously amateur custom games, because it was fun to be stupid and still have a good time. Then along came a guy named Scout who messaged me exactly this: “You have some really cool maps! You should join this new website called” And so I became a member on February 10th, 2013. Wow, the site looks so much different than it did back then. Everybody knew each other, and it was the best feeling. I met some new people, who shared the desire to forge, just like me. I met Charles Stoot. I met iSpiteful. I met Fuzzle. I met Buddy! :D This was definitely a site for me. These were the people for me: people that shared the passion of creating and enjoying an experience of a custom game lobby that could only be produced by a game franchise known as Halo.


And so it started. The quest to creating simple, yet fascinating mini-games that people respected and embraced. There were some ups and downs in the process, some utter failures, and some more than negative criticism. But that’s what comes with trying to make games that people enjoy. It goes for all when I say this: Some may not understand the countless hours we put into making something absolutely perfect, or give us the credit we deserve for making something that balances out almost flawlessly. Some may comprehend the complexity of a seemingly dull innovation. And I don’t think some people realize how frustrating it can be to make everything exactly in the correct manner, or to convince some damn forge pieces to stay in their appropriate positions. Nevertheless, us forgers create some simply amazing things, and there should be no dispute about that.

Without further ado, I would like to present to you guys what I consider to be my 7 biggest achievements in Halo 4 Forge!

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Tower Defense

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Let’s start with a project that really pinpoints my interest with tower defense games. I’m talking about Bloons, Plants vs. Zombies, and a number of others that inspired me to make this! This game is a king of the hill game type in which players must cleverly use their concussion rifles to knock the incoming vehicles off the track to avoid being blown up by the land mines deviously placed directly behind them. One of the best things about forging a mini-game as a spin-off of a genre that you love, is that anyone who shares your love of that genre will happily support you! I’m pretty sure that’s where Swash came in and absolutely adored my new concept of a “high score” mini-game. He took it to new heights, completely obliterating the average score of 300 and getting over 1,000 with 3 other players. He also featured it on his channel, which was also really cool of him. He would play it often in his lobbies, forcing the other players in the lobby that wouldn’t be able to play to spectate for like ten minutes! Hahaha, thank you Swash, you brought this one into the light. Tower Defense has peaked at just over 500 downloads on Halo Waypoint and close to 50 downloads on! Successfully creating a progressively more difficult mini-game that works as a classical arcade-style high-score game is why Tower Defense is one of my favorite achievements in Halo 4 Forge. :)

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Player’s Adventure: The Dungeon

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I have always been in love with puzzle game modes. This map is my first and only puzzle style game type in Halo 4, and I couldn’t be more proud of it. The interesting thing about The Dungeon, is that it is in no way a display of my aesthetic capabilities for a map. It is quite the opposite. It’s really ugly! :lmao: But really, it’s true. The objective of the game mode is to progress through the multiple areas of the dungeon using found weaponry with limited ammunition to open passageways and ultimately find the legendary weapon at the end. The reason for such a lack of beauty in this map is the utter size of the canvas. It’s incredibly massive, and this is primarily the reason I made The Dungeon. I wanted to make something that consisted of some sort of “hide and seek” fashion puzzle, and was also very long and complex. The result was The Dungeon. Some people that really helped with the testing of the map were Jamaica36 and TortoiseEclipse. From there The Dungeon climbed to 1,400 total downloads. It is my favorite easy difficulty, massive, puzzle creation!

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Classic Prey

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Classic Prey is my biggest project of any Halo game to date. It incorporates an honor-rule based game type, and 6 different maps for players to play on. This is definitely my biggest achievement in Halo 4 Forge. It is a recreation of Assassin’s Creed multiplayer, following the concept that players must hunt down a target, while being hunted themselves. In its prime, Classic Prey was played in several lobbies and enjoyed by at least a dozen people who hosted lobbies of their own. :) A number of forgers also took interest in this project and made maps of their own such as; Z3 Master, Vientus, and Buddy. Although Prey has had somewhat of a slump in participation in the community recently, that hasn’t stopped it from holding its number one spot on the Halo Customs ‘Top Maps’ list, whether Charles or Zandril like it or not! :p Classic Prey was a ton of fun testing, building, and playing with everyone on the site. Even though it only got about 200 downloads on Halo Waypoint and was never featured by any YouTube channel, Prey is still one of my most appreciated game modes I’ve ever forged, and I thank everyone for that! :)

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The Destiny Series
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Destiny was one of the first projects that I ever started in Halo 4. The first map goes back to when I used to play in iSpiteful’s lobbies almost every week! Man, were those the days. Sometimes we would play Destiny for hours on end before we got tired of it. The Destiny Series really expresses my love of free roam and RPG games. Games like Fallout 3, Skyrim, and of course, the upcoming game by Bungie were my inspiration for making the series. The Destiny Series is a game where players explore the huge open landscape in search for weapons and armor abilities in order to “level up”, improve their Spartan, and become the strongest player in the lobby. The first of the Destinies was Destiny 1.0. This was followed up by Destiny 2.0, Destiny III, Destiny 4, and a spin-off of the series called F4TE. Staff member, Fuzzle, took a particular interest in the series, especially the original 1.0 version. I later remade it and called it ‘Destiny: The Original’ which then got a Staff Pick from him. And that felt good! :) The Destiny Series has accumulated a total of over 1,000 downloads.

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Foot Race - Activate!
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Foot race is my most recent game mode of the seven. It was inspired by a mixture of Petetheduck’s 'Speedrun' and TurbTastic’s 'Team Race - Coaction'. The game features a race on foot where players can humiliate others by activating traps and shortcuts in order to reach the end! To me, this map and game type is one of my favorite works because it is the closest thing that I have made that I believe is close to perfection. Everything I have done to this map is exactly in position I wanted it to be and is precisely executed. (Except for the ****ing crate that refuses to fall! ;() The point is, I put a lot of hard work into this map and nearly never receive bad reactions for it. It has 100 downloads on Halo Waypoint. Thanks to Master Debaytes for always wanting to play it. Means a lot! Haha ;)
The JOP Tower is my biggest parkour map that I have ever made. It’s also the most difficult. (Buddy gave it an 8/10 in difficulty, so yeah) It features increasingly difficult vertical and spring jumps, with 6 sections to conquer. It might just be the tallest parkour tower in Halo 4. A lot of people may not know that I love jumping/parkour challenges in Halo, and is the reason I love breaking people’s maps so much. :rofl: The JOP Tower has over 500 downloads on Halo Waypoint, and I have yet to make a map post for it on the site!
Oh, wow. Catapult. This game mode is the most famous of all of my mini-games/maps. Catapult has reached a total of 2,500 downloads and a little over 100 downloads on Halo Customs. With its recent BIG update, it is also my longest spanning project of over a year. The concept of this mini-game came from a really generic version that I made in Halo Reach. Catapult has gone through a large number of changes, but the idea is very simple and remains the same throughout. Players must dodge the series of objects thrown at them as the game increases in difficulty, as more and larger things are thrown. Whoever is the last man standing on the platform is the winner! In the new update, the catapults spawn in faster and the game play is more hectic. Also, after the kill ball has been launched, all catapults are boarded up and remaining players must knock each other off with concussion rifles that spawn. Players that have been eliminated are placed into a spectator tower until the next round. This game mode always generates a number of laughs and good vibes. Catapult is one of my most successful, as well as most entertaining mini-games and that’s why I love it so much! :)
I thank everyone who reads this in its entirety. I hope you all understand the passion I have for Halo 4 Forge, that may not have been as prevalent and obvious before this thread. To everyone who shares this passion, forge on. For me, I feel like I have left my mark on Halo 4 and this site. I hope my creations will leave a lasting impression on you, and that you will appreciate my ethic and admiration of this site and its custom lobbies, as well as the people who occupy them. Thank you. :)
~Just One Player

Charles Stoot

Jan 13, 2013
Quite a read and I never said I hated prey, Just the Fact that I've played it way to many times not being a bad thing but sometimes that be all the lobby wanted to play. Give the people what they want I guess.


Feb 10, 2013
Quite a read and I never said I hated prey, Just the Fact that I've played it way to many times not being a bad thing but sometimes that be all the lobby wanted to play. Give the people what they want I guess.

Who said you hated Prey? o_O

EDIT: I was saying that about it holding the number 1 spot on halo customs, since you two are my only competitition.


May 24, 2013
My highest score on tower defense was 3000 with one other person. :) I really enjoy your forge creations Player.
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Feb 1, 2013
I read the whole thing. It was great, and i really see your dedication to the community and forging. Hopefully we will be seeing some great creations for the rest of halo 4!

Andddd of course halo 5 forge creations are going to be insane *is pumped*

Now don't mind me, i'm just going to download all your maps and play them :) Thanks!

Also, notify me when you make a new map :) I'm always looking for maps to feature on my channel!
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Reactions: Player and Buddy


Feb 10, 2013
My highest score on tower defense was 3000 with one other person. :) I really enjoy your forge creations Player.
I read the whole thing. It was great, and i really see your dedication to the community and forging. Hopefully we will be seeing some great creations for the rest of halo 4!

Andddd of course halo 5 forge creations are going to be insane *is pumped*

Now don't mind me, i'm just going to download all your maps and play them :) Thanks!

Also, notify me when you make a new map :) I'm always looking for maps to feature on my channel!

Thanks a lot guys! It really means a lot :)

Spiteful, I'll notify you ;) I hope I'll be able join a lobby of yours in the future, like back in the early days of Halo 4
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