Halo Weapon Ideas.

Indie Anthias

Jan 14, 2013
I would love to see the Grenade Launcher from Reach brought back.

I realize it was not popular, and they re-tooled it as the Sticky Detonator. I'm not against re-tooling it to make more people like to use it, but here's what I would have done (bear with me here, this may sound a little crazy). The Reach GL had 2 modes of fire, I would have eliminated the primary mode (trigger pull-and-release, 1-bounce detonate). I would keep the secondary mode (trigger pull-and-hold, detonate on release), so that no matter how short your trigger pull is, it detonates on release. Make it so you can easily suicide with it if you jerk the trigger. Think about the Rocket Launcher... it's easy to suicide with it if you don't use it smartly. People would learn to use that trigger pull smartly pretty quick, and I think they would enjoy it if made to do so. Casual players would learn to use it quicker. Losing the primary mode would make it more useful but more dangerous to the player at close range (again, like the rocket launcher).

Keep the EMP, keep the motion detector screen (which was present in different forms in the GL and the SD.)

I like the detonate-on-release because it becomes a skill-based 1-hit-kill weapon, surpassing everything other weapon in that regard except the sniper rifle (well... it was before H4 made sniping such a breeze). With the EMP it is also a skill-based vehicle punisher. People complain about plasma pistols in loadouts making hell for vehicles... I think the GL was a reasonable vehicle stopper in that the range was more limited and the timing was crucial. If you hit a vehicle with it, you deserved to wreck it.
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Dec 30, 2012
How bout a gun similar to the flamethrower, i imagine it like a pistol. Theres no shot but whatever its aimed at sets on fire.

Yes, the flamethrower definitely needs to be brought back. It was so sick. I can imagine the Aliens gametypes already...


Dec 30, 2012
So a cooler looking Sticky Detonator?

It's not really a detonator... It would function mechanically like the detonator, but just without the explosive part. The dart would have a fast velocity, much faster than the Sticky Det, however not hitscan.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
I've got a new one! Charged DMR. A power weapon that takes a page from Master Chief's playbook and drops your shield when fired. In doing so your targets shields are also droped. It has a different clip/ammo type than the normal DMR so the clip only holds 5 bullets. Like the sniper rifle any headshot is a kill since it drains your target's shields upon impact. I think this one could make it in matchmaking. I've got no other ideas for different appearance from the normal DMR except the different clip & maybe a specific place the spartan has to have their hand.
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Feb 1, 2013
That would be SOO op in matchmaking but it would spark many great custom gametypes.

I really wanna see them add a new grenade. Maybe one that has a sort of tesla effect. They also need to bring back the mauler, smg, brute shot and plasma rifle.
i know a grenade
ok it is a UNSC stun grenade
and it explodes with CONFETTI