Halo Underpowered Armor Abilities


Jan 13, 2013
Baltimore, MD
and the hologram needs to have a first person controllable function. also the banshee needs to be stronger and the mantis needs to let the driver use their armor abilities in it, also it needs vertical ejector seats for when it's hijacked.
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Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
active camo needs to work while walking at least a little, thruster needs to go up, and go farther as well, prometheian vision needs to last longer, jetpack needs to go faster, auto sentry needs faster firing, you need to be able to move faster, draw weapon faster, and resist splatters with hard light shield, also have the charge go down with damage, regen field needs to also act like a bubble shield for bullets at least, and the boltshot needs a bigger clip. wow, I feel so much better after that.
You know i think the shield should stop splatters too. It wouldn't be as annoying as armor lock because they could just hit you from behind.i also think the jetpack should last longer, its almost useless for me


Jan 13, 2013
Baltimore, MD
It would essentially transform the harlight shield into a movable armour lock which only covers one side. It would be too overpowered.
so vehicles should be able to go through a "solid" object to kill you. I mean it should at least prevent splatter damage even if you still get moved a little.


Jan 10, 2013
so vehicles should be able to go through a "solid" object to kill you. I mean it should at least prevent splatter damage even if you still get moved a little.
Technically, it's hardlight, which is designed to reflect bullets, not cars. I just think that people would complain that it would be too much like armour lock, and we all know how hated it was in Reach.


Jan 13, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Technically, it's hardlight, which is designed to reflect bullets, not cars. I just think that people would complain that it would be too much like armour lock, and we all know how hated it was in Reach.
I just wat to be totally invincible, in one direction. It shouldn't EMP, or toss beck grenades, or catch rockets, or destroy vehicles... it should simply act like a mobile deployable cover. The only way to defeat it is to be good at halo, or use teamwork (patients also works).


Jan 1, 2013
I knew it. There would be an arguement here. So by the look of this thread, no AA is underpowered. That's one thing they did a good job balancing. Thruster pack i the most useful in my opinion. I use it with AA efficiency so I get to use it every 4-5 seconds. Im so used to it now, can't believe I underestimated it at first. Thrust combined with jump and crouch makes you a fast moving, hard to hit target.

I don't think I've ever used Active Camo. Never will. God it's gotta be embarassing using it. Cowards.


Jan 10, 2013
I just wat to be totally invincible, in one direction. It shouldn't EMP, or toss beck grenades, or catch rockets, or destroy vehicles... it should simply act like a mobile deployable cover. The only way to defeat it is to be good at halo, or use teamwork (patients also works).
You've got to remember that Halo 4 needs to cater to both casual players as well as "Pro" players. If the shield was invincible, It would be immediately hated by pros, since it won't take skill to defeat a player using the shield, it takes patience or teamwork. Casual players would hate it because it would become overused by people who want to either troll or slow down the pace of the game. Remember that Halo 4 is supposed to be fast paced in comparison to the previous Halo games, therefore having the hardlight shield to be invincible would slow the game down too much since players would be waiting for the person to either exit the shield, or for their teammate to come up behind and get the kill. It would become frustrating really fast. I see what you're saying, but I just don't agree :p


Jan 13, 2013
I have learned a cool trick for all you thruster pack guys out there. If you see someone coming up behind you on your radar you can jump then thruster back backwards behind them and BAM! easy assassination.


Jan 13, 2013
Baltimore, MD
You've got to remember that Halo 4 needs to cater to both casual players as well as "Pro" players. If the shield was invincible, It would be immediately hated by pros, since it won't take skill to defeat a player using the shield, it takes patience or teamwork. Casual players would hate it because it would become overused by people who want to either troll or slow down the pace of the game. Remember that Halo 4 is supposed to be fast paced in comparison to the previous Halo games, therefore having the hardlight shield to be invincible would slow the game down too much since players would be waiting for the person to either exit the shield, or for their teammate to come up behind and get the kill. It would become frustrating really fast. I see what you're saying, but I just don't agree :p
I should clarify, I don't want all of the changes listed, just one or two from each category. That means invincible from one direction OR move faster/damage based charge/faster draw. However, slowing down the pace of battle has tactical applications, and if it's a shield it should protect you.


Jan 10, 2013
All the AA's are ok. The active camo is fun to use, but in some cases it can be slightly OP! Thruster pack isnt very useful to me, except for when u play flood. Its good for flood because u can get behind them and kill them. The only ones I use frequently is Promethean V, Hologram (fall for it evrytime), and sometimes Active camo. I think those are the best. They all can be useful at times, but I feel like only some can be frequently useful.


Jan 10, 2013
I should clarify, I don't want all of the changes listed, just one or two from each category. That means invincible from one direction OR move faster/damage based charge/faster draw. However, slowing down the pace of battle has tactical applications, and if it's a shield it should protect you.
I think the shield offers too much protection as it is, considering it can block any straightforward attack and when active the player can only be hurt from either behind or by a vehicle. It's especially annoying in a situation where you tried sniping a person from across map and they just pull up the shield and escape. I could see having a damage based charge, like an emp to the enemy directly in front, that way it wouldn't be too overpowered. Faster movement will be incredibly annoying and it already draws pretty fast. The shield does offer protection, but players should still be able to bypass the shield to get the kill, to keep the game balanced. Otherwise it would become just like a riot shield from CoD and make the player practically invulnerable. I could maybe see the invincible from one direction side of your argument, but still, I think it's pretty balanced how it is now. There are plenty of ways to destroy vehicles in Halo 4, so if you have a good team, they can take care of the vehicles for you if you decide to activate the shield to escape a sticky situation. Then again, it's very rare for me to find teammates that actually help me in some way, and not try and kill me to get the power weapon/objective I have control of -_-
...Wow, I should really stop stealing the Berlin wall. People will start to get mad at me.


Jan 13, 2013
Baltimore, MD
I think the shield offers too much protection as it is, considering it can block any straightforward attack and when active the player can only be hurt from either behind or by a vehicle. It's especially annoying in a situation where you tried sniping a person from across map and they just pull up the shield and escape. I could see having a damage based charge, like an emp to the enemy directly in front, that way it wouldn't be too overpowered. Faster movement will be incredibly annoying and it already draws pretty fast. The shield does offer protection, but players should still be able to bypass the shield to get the kill, to keep the game balanced. Otherwise it would become just like a riot shield from CoD and make the player practically invulnerable. I could maybe see the invincible from one direction side of your argument, but still, I think it's pretty balanced how it is now. There are plenty of ways to destroy vehicles in Halo 4, so if you have a good team, they can take care of the vehicles for you if you decide to activate the shield to escape a sticky situation. Then again, it's very rare for me to find teammates that actually help me in some way, and not try and kill me to get the power weapon/objective I have control of -_-
...Wow, I should really stop stealing the Berlin wall. People will start to get mad at me.
I see your point, but the hardlight's weak spot isn't the back, they can turn, it's the top, and you can jump that high by default. However, I still want it to at least partially protect against vehicles. So that it's not like a ghost can just mow you down if you don't have a thruster pack. I am not asking for something that can destroy vehicles, I just want my shield to protect me. Even if vehicles don't get destroyed, could the shield at least resist being run over a little.

Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
I like the shields draw( how fast you can draw ur weapon) in matchmaking but i wish you could use dexterity and change the draw in customs.Also i have changed my mind and think that the shield should stop splatters but not blow-up the vehicle. Maybe it could just push you out of the way. Just throwing ideas out there.


Jan 10, 2013
I see your point, but the hardlight's weak spot isn't the back, they can turn, it's the top, and you can jump that high by default. However, I still want it to at least partially protect against vehicles. So that it's not like a ghost can just mow you down if you don't have a thruster pack. I am not asking for something that can destroy vehicles, I just want my shield to protect me. Even if vehicles don't get destroyed, could the shield at least resist being run over a little.
Hmm, I guess I could see that. Maybe vehicles can't kill a shielded player, but instead just pushes them back a little to compensate. I mean, even though it is a shield, I'm pretty sure it shouldn't make you invincible to an alien fast reconnaissance vehicle, so maybe the shield could block the damage, but you still get pushed back by the vehicle.