The Ecstasy of Gold


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Okay, now that you've done as I command...

Hey everyone! Titmar here with some exciting community spotlight news!
We just introduced the idea of Gold Hosts to you only 7 days ago, and we've already got our first Golden Boy!!!

Everyone give a big round of applause to iSpiteful for being the first one on the site to get his golden dingaling!


Spiteful is hosting customs every day, and although I have not been in his lobbies, I can tell from the list of awesome gametypes he is running that it is definitely a great time.
(Where's Smashy Chase at bro?)

In fact, he happens to be running a lobby right now as I make this post!
Check out Spiteful's Daily Customs happening right now, or if you can't make it, keep an eye out for the next one.

Keep up the good work, Spiteful!
And, well, that's all folks.
Ecstasy of Gold is the greatest ringtone on my phone by far. When i get calls it cures my muscular dystrophy temporarily.

congrats spiteful! keep on keepin' on ;)
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Awesome dude!! I can't believe that you host lobbies daily, that is just plain awesome (especially that you have the time for it). I am quite jealous, I haven't even been able to play xbox since mid January.

Now let's all place bets on who number 2 will be.