SvC Staff vs. Community #8


YES! SvC is back! And before you ask, no, we didn't forget. We just thought we'd give you guys a nice break from losing SEVEN Staff vs. Community events in a row. ;)
That's right folks, it's time for you to put that saddle back on and see if you can break that losing streak! For those of you unfamiliar with these SvC events, we all get together and have a nice, friendly rivalry between the Staff and Community over some Halo.. But unfortunately for Team Community, it's consistently been an uphill battle trying to claim a victory of their own, while the Orange powerhouse has been known to dominate the battlefield. Do you think you have what it takes to turn the tides? Do you want to see the Staff go down in flames while you, the Community, rise up and claim victory?? Well, I can almost guarantee you that won't happen, but it sure can't hurt to try, right?​
Staff vs. Community #8 will be held on Sunday, September 29th at 4 PM CST. We'll be playing a variety of maps and games, everything from competitive to mini-game. And if you want, feel free to suggest any maps and/or gametypes in the link below. Also, to secure an invite to this event, be sure to send the following message to myself (itsDaxx) come gametime: "SvC invite." See you all on the battlefield!​
Click Here to Sign up!​
...but you're a man of red, not orange, Dax. This doesn't count.
inb4 community threatens to win but gets decimated in the end
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This being a 4v4 lobby, Shoe and will likely be unable to put our vehicular skills to the test.

We will still be more than happy to take a proverbial shit on the collective face of the community, however.