Making Halo 5 Forge What We Want

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I can see so many people saying we should keep it simple, but I say this:
I am a big fan of 'Ninja', he is a Halo Top level player who is halrious when he trash talks, he made a long, long video on how Halo 4's competitive skill gap isn't big enough, and 343 had been too nice to the 'noobs' (a.k.a us). I think this same principle is true in forge, with more complexity comes more variation, with more variation comes more enjoyment, and with enjoyment comes a better game. We need extra features, juicy complicated ones that enable the impossible in other, older versions of forge. Halo 5 needs to be a big game, some might say they need to be carefull and save Halo, but I say they need to go for it and bring what the community wants, make Halo 5 the game that brings in features like no other... Give us what we want! :)
True and inspiring.
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Reactions: wizton
Jan 29, 2013
In the video he shows a thread that appears to be the discussion behind the ideas presented in this video. Does anyone know where that thread is at?


Jan 15, 2013
343, if you know what's good for you, listen to us! Please not only in forge (well, mainly forge) but in other aspects of the game as well! Halo 5 needs to be the one that brings it all back!!
Jan 29, 2013
are there any other threads that he used as sources for content? Judging by the thread you pointed me to there must have been other thread(s) he drew from. is that the only one you found?
Jan 29, 2013
I am not impressed with this video. He seems to use the thread as his source for the video content, but two of the three top suggestions were never mentioned in the video. Is it really "what the community came up with?" But he clearly has a following...