Ideas of Minigames and Map Styles Thread

Mr Rogers4

Jan 21, 2013
So the idea of this thread is to discuss ideas of different Minigame and Map concepts that we would want to see in Halo. Like if you want to see a map made primarily out of man cannons, you can mention it here. I will start with an idea I'm interested in seeing.

What I would love to see more is maze type maps. Mazes like corn field mazes or the ones you find in coloring books (like the one attached here). Set the maze onto a King of the Hill game type and whoever gets to the end of the maze first (where the hill can be) wins. I always wanted to see an actual full sized maze that I can run through. The only maze like map I've seen was fairly nice, but the problem was it was easy to memorize the route to the end of the maze and it was fairly small.
While in the maze, an idea could be if you see another player, you could kill him and send him back to the beginning or to a random spot in the maze. Or we could just purely run through the maze without killing. Just ideas for the gametype. We could make a minigame out of this.

I'm just interested to see maze maps integrated into custom games. I definitely would love to go through a few good ones in halo. Anyway, that's my idea of what I would love to see happen.

Does anyone else have any ideas of what they want to see and play in custom games?

I am interested in something like this or similar to this that involves getting lost in a maze. Good job to the forger of this map.



  • maze.gif
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Mr Rogers4

Jan 21, 2013
So I have have another idea for you forgers out there. So I have been thinking about capture the flag, specifically a 4 way capture the flag. Out of all this time through Halo 3 till now, I have not seen this accomplished until I found the attached video. We usually have 2 teams for CTF, but I want to see more teams playing for CTF. Well, this is just another thought for you forgers.
Have a nice day!