Introduction Hello from i like teddy

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This is the first time I've openly came out and explained why I'm annoyed at him directly.I've also tried defending him on numerous occasions but of course no one bats an eye. This has nothing to do with you and if you don't like it, simply do not reply. The conversation was already over and now you're trying to start it up again, you're entitled to your own opinion but so am I and I was merely stating it. Again if you don't like it you don't need to reply or pay any attention to this thread.
Im just simply pointing about my displeasure with you continually saying you're annoyed at him. Saying it once, we listen to you and reason with you, twice we say ok to it, thrice and we start to get annoyed at you for continually pointing out the same fact on numerous occasions, 4 times we say something about. So just forget he did what he did and just move on from there man, stop lingering around this perspective on him alright? I mean you're just making it worse for not only how people see you but for how newcomers to the site see you. So stop talking about it and MOVE ON... Its not that hard


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
Im just simply pointing about my displeasure with you continually saying you're annoyed at him. Saying it once, we listen to you and reason with you, twice we say ok to it, thrice and we start to get annoyed at you for continually pointing out the same fact on numerous occasions, 4 times we say something about. So just forget he did what he did and just move on from there man, stop lingering around this perspective on him alright? I mean you're just making it worse for not only how people see you but for how newcomers to the site see you. So stop talking about it and MOVE ON... Its not that hard

So just to clarify I've stopped bitching at him. Furthermore I've only explained my displeasure with him once and that was here in this thread. I've defended him and defended him about this and I've tried reasoning with him to no avile but of course I'm sure you haven't seen my numerous attempts in the shoutbox.

I've confronted him and forgotten about it and I've moved on now putting this simply and something we can both agree on is to replying to this thread and move on. I'm not going to argue or debate with you on this as I know I've said my piece and you obviously do not agree with my opinion, so we let this die. I'll try get one of the staff to lock the thread so that this "discussion" will be closed.
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