Halo Bulletin 5-29-13


What's this? A new Halo Bulletin? So it seems. There's lots of juicy info about the upcoming weapon tuning update in this one, which you can check out in full detail over on Halo Waypoint.

For those of us who like nice bite-sized snippets, here's the highlights:

  • Several members of the 343i team will be participating in an Xbox LIVE Community Playdate on June 3rd from 5-7pm PDT to kick off the release of the multiplayer weapon tuning update. More info will be available later this week on Waypoint.
Final weapon tunings are as follows:
  • BR damage increased to 4-shot-kill capability. Rate of fire and red-reticule range (where autoaim kicks in) slightly decreased. Two bursts + melee will now kill.
  • Carbine is now 7-shot-kill. Accuracy increased (via a reduction in bullet spread) and red-reticule range decreased.
  • DMR red-reticule range slightly decreased.
  • LR zoomed rate of fire increased. Un-zoomed RoF slightly decreased. Red-reticule range increased to match updated DMR's.
  • For all automatic primaries: damage increased (all weapons kill in 3 fewer projectiles), auto-aim angle reduced, and bullet spread decreased.
  • SAW damage increased to maintain double the damage-per-second of the AR.
  • Magnum damage slightly increased, still kills in 6 rounds.
  • Mantis and Warthog chaingun damage increased.
Additionally, player base movement speed is being upped to 110% across all playlists and game modes (save for a few specific ones, such as Snipers, Grifball, and some Action Sack modes).

Matchmaking playlist updates:
  • The Slayer Pro mode in BTB and Infinity Slayer will now have an AR loadout.
  • CSR Matching Duration increased for all modes (basically the game will look longer for teammates and opponents at your CSR level).
  • Majestic DLC will return, replacing the Community Forge Island playlist.
  • CTF overtime increased to 2 minutes, and big-party matching turned on.
  • KoTH hill timer increased to 50 from 25, and score-to-win increased to 250.
  • All multiplayer maps updated - new spawns, ordnance locations, vehicles, forge objects. More details in the Bulletin.
That about sums it up for important info, although there's some pretty sweet Flood screenshots near the bottom if you're interested. Have a nice day!
I'm afraid that this will make the game more like call of duty. One of the things that makes halo unique is that you actually need to fight the enemy upon encountering them to get the kill. In cod, weapons kill so quickly that there is no fight or battle- whoever pulls the trigger first will get the kill. They're increasing the damage for many of the weapons in this update, and I hope it doesn't end up like this as a result.
And they're also increasing movement speed? Really?
I'm afraid that this will make the game more like call of duty. One of the things that makes halo unique is that you actually need to fight the enemy upon encountering them to get the kill. In cod, weapons kill so quickly that there is no fight or battle- whoever pulls the trigger first will get the kill. They're increasing the damage for many of the weapons in this update, and I hope it doesn't end up like this as a result.

Exactly. All that needed to be done was to decrease the rate of fire or damage of the DMR. That was what the majority of the community wanted. Instead 343i decided to needlessly buff every other weapon and make kill times even faster to the point that you can't fight back once you're shot. They've even decreased the range of the DMR, defeating the purpose of it being a long range weapon in the first place.

I don't even think 343i has taken damage boost into account. Now it will be even harder to survive against them, especially if the noobs are using the buffed SAW, which reminds me; Why the hell did they even think about increasing the damage to one of the most overpowered weapons in the game. It's ridiculous. It seems 343i are trying too hard to please us, when in fact all we wanted was a simple change to the DMR.

TL;DR version: This weapon tuning update is stupid.
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343i decided to needlessly buff every other weapon and make kill times even faster to the point that you can't fight back once you're shot.
Well said.
None of us have played with these new updates yet, so we're not sure whether or not it will turn out to be some bullshit just yet. Hopefully it won't.

And I'm terrified of what the light rifle will become. People are already able to quickly take me out with it, as its the most powerful starting weapon, and it has a long range. But with the rate of fire increased... I don't know, man...