Halo Halo 5 Ideas (take a look, need opinions!)


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Just so that the fragging can continue, I am about to create a new thread which specifically talks about possible additions to the Covenant and return of the Flood.


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
I am so sick of arguing this.
The Silenced SMG is supposed to be more mid range, it's short scope would help with that, even though it's still moderately inaccurate (as it is an SMG). As for the Audio Cue issue, wouldn't it be simpler to remove the silencer and just enhance the SMG in some other way (such as calling it a "Scoped" SMG) make more sense? It would be just as loud as other weapons, with some range.
That was basically what I was suggesting. Maybe I didn't word it correctly, but still.
Ridiculous? Nice opinion there. The Needle Rifle can kill an unshielded target in 3 shots (like a DMR) and it takes 6 to bring down shields. Lowering that number would put it on par with the other weapons, as well as making the ROF more like the DMR's (or more like the Light Rifle's, the new changes make that weapon pretty tough). It can be balanced with the other weapons and brought back.
What you suggested earlier was that the Needld Rifle should be changed to fit a similar role to the BR, not the DMR.
...Needle Rifle would fill more of a BR-ish range and the supercombine after 5-6 shots would be it's outright advantage.
The Needle Rifle has a higher fire rate than the DMR, thus making the shots to balanced, especially when you consider the supercobine effect.
I'm pretty sure you weren't on the development teams that created the Hardlight Shield and Armor Lock (which was supposed to be overpowered, but a long cooldown could counteract that, as well as shortening the time you're in Armor Lock) so you definitely don't know what their original intentions were. I made the assumption that these abilities were for protection (which fits, seeing as they're both a form of advanced shielding in some way) to save someone in a critical moment. Saying that they're basically a pause button for the player is ridiculous. The Shield Gauntlets add another layer to combat, forcing you to break them or shoot around them like they're obstacles (jackals...) and the person holding it is forced to use a DW weapon, which has less pure damage potential than a normal weapon.
I never said that they were a pause button, though the Armour Lock basically was. I may not know the original intention for these Armour Abilities, by I know what they are/were used for. They give the player respite, time to think. The Hardlight Shield is something that doesn't have all encompassing protection. Splatters, grenades, assassinations, attacks from behind could render it useless. Shooting around a Jackal's shield held by a Spartan would be ridiculously easy. The Jackals are very small, so it basically covers their entire body.

Exactly, making stickies pickups would "part way" alleviate the problem. Keeping stickies and adjusting the Plasma Pistol is a better idea because, frankly, the Plasma Pistol is a weak piece of crap in a straight-up fight, when it used to be pretty dangerous. Nerfing the overcharge allows vehicles more time to escape, because not everyone can stick that EMP'd Warthog in 2-3 seconds. The Plasma Pistol's damage is crap, but the EMP is overpowered. This would fix both issues, and not completely change the weapon. OH, and the EMP only showed up in, what, Halo 3? Halo: CE and 2 didn't even have an EMP effect.
Even when the Plasma Pistol was first conceived, it was, or at least seemed to be, designed as a support weapon. It removed shields, making targets much more vulnerable to damage. The EMP was a natural progression, one which people have gotten used to.

Cheap kills with no effort my ASS. To kill someone at something beyond 30 feet with the Incineration Cannon, you have to lead the target and predict the time it will take for the blast to hit the target. It's rather large AoE is a bit of an issue, but most of the time you'll end up killing yourself because of it. It is NOT easy to use. And I'm saying that as someone who isn't a Noob. The Target Designator creates a huge red outline of where it's going to hit, you can run away from it (unless you're in a vehicle, in which case, you're SO screwed) and remember, this would be a RARE ordnance drop, with maybe 1 shot in it. 1 time to rain hell, and you aren't guaranteed to kill a huge number of people, most teams stay spread out because of Rockets/Fuel Rods/Incineration Cannons making for easy multikills, and Snipers getting multiple kills with 2 shots at least.
The splash damage of the Incineration Cannon is ridiculous. All of the Launchers require you to lead the enemy.
Anyway, the TD will stick with something if it is locked on to it, so running from it would be impossible, or lead you to kill your allies. And effort put into using the TD, compared to the output, would unbalance the game a lot. Even if it is a rare drop, it's still going to be overpowered.

For the last time, you aren't a game developer or on the development teams, and you probably don't work on video games either. If there's a function in a game, you can turn it off and on. So removing a hip-fire capability shouldn't be that difficult. Also, the weapon is OP, but it would be a bitch to use. It has a charge time, can only fire when scoped, and has a low clip size. That's maybe 2 guaranteed kills, MAYBE, and a Binary Rifle can assure 6 instant kills and can hip-fire. THAT is an OP weapon, with no charge time and a decent sized clip. Also, it would be another RARE ordnance drop.

I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying you shouldn't. And the Binary Rifle isn't OP. Yes, it has a One Hit Kill on it, but the hip fire accuracy is so bad that it isn't a viable option at all, and when you're zoomed, there is a giant red laser that both shows where you are and what you're aiming at. Overall it is that great of a weapon.

Also, the argument that I don't understand because I'm not a games developer is the single worse argument you could have possibly used. Because, unless you actually work in game development yourself, you have argued against yourself as well as, because you don't know why they did what they've done.


Feb 1, 2013
...Jesus guys.
Halo is an Arena Slayer game!

You guys are actually expanding on the Loadout idea?!?
No. Fuck that.

Halo 5 = Arena Slayer, without 15,000 different weapons
(This isn't Cow a Dooty guys.)


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
"I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying you shouldn't. And the Binary Rifle isn't OP. Yes, it has a One Hit Kill on it, but the hip fire accuracy is so bad that it isn't a viable option at all, and when you're zoomed, there is a giant red laser that both shows where you are and what you're aiming at. Overall it is that great of a weapon."

The Binary Rifle is the single most OP weapon in Halo 4. A guaranteed 1-hit kill on target, with 8 shots maximum. An experienced user won't scope until he's about to fire, and by then it's too late, rendering the laser problem null. And the hip fire accuracy? Are you joking with me? When I get online tomorrow, I'm going to upload a clip of Binary Slayer I played on Haven to my file share. I got 13 snapshots with the Binary Rifle, because we were facing sword rushers, and the hip fire accuracy actually isn't bad: within a CQC range (around 3-5 meters) it seems to either auto-target or straight-fire at the attacker, giving you an easy snapshot. Yes, it has shit mid-range hip-fire accuracy, but no other sniper is nearly as effective when you get rushed (although the Beam Rifle is pretty damn close, that ROF is a mother). All-in-all, a Hard Sound Rifle that is a guaranteed 1-hit kill, with the ability to fire through solid objects (not something like a vehicle or dominion shield), that has no hip fire and requires a charge to fire, is far more balanced than the incredibly OP Binary Rifle.
(By the way, I'm not saying that the Binary Rifle should be taken out or tuned, it's so rare that it's not really an issue.)

I'm only addressing this part right now because I'm exhausted and have to sleep, I'll comment on the rest later.

And Tomtris...I already addressed that statement, see the first page for the proper response. Thanks!


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
I'm really not going to continue putting effort into arguing this anymore, we're not going to see eye-to-eye, but I respect that you have an opinion and you took time to read my list, thank you.
I think you'll find my post on suggested Covenant races and the return of the Flood much more agreeable, as it only deals with the Campaign.


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Anyone who watched this thread, I am going to post an updated version after the release of the Champions Bundle. This will include returning older Armors and new ideas, but it will also have 2 separate lists, showing old and returning things to the game, and then new ideas. Pretty much, it'll be an updated look at Halo as we know it, but I'm pretty sure you won't frag as much over it this time.
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Jul 28, 2013
Loved the ideas, maybe a few copy weapons but I liked the rest. I haven't ever really thought of that amount of stuff before, can't believe you did. How long did it take you to think of everything and type it all out?


Jan 9, 2013
Tucson, AZ
Well, I'd been debating the stuff for about a week, but I got most of those ideas one night after my Xbox Live connection crashed and I had nothing else to do. Took about 6 hours (10pm-4am) to get it all down, and that was with input with some friends and clan member.
I really get what everyone is saying about clone weapons, which is why most of those will be dropped in the newer list. Also, no more Hard-Sound Rifle...after a massive amount of negative comments about it, I just decided to leave it in the novels.


Jul 28, 2013
I think the Hard-Sound Rifle would be a good weapon to have, if only to just mess around with in customs. I'm still pretty dang impressed with the amount of stuff you got down here, good job!