Halo 5 Forge Suggestions


Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
Now that Halo 5 forge is here and we've had enough time to get it down to a science, I'd say we're all ready to make suggestions to improve or add to our current forge experience. This thread is for anybody to suggest new features, additions, items, etc. to Halo 5's forge. This is NOT a list for reporting glitches and bugs in forge. The list of suggestions below will eventually be sent to the right people at 343 Industries to ensure each suggestion will be considered.

Let your dreams run wild and start suggesting!

  • Addition of color wheel that shows each color available in forge in a color wheel format
  • Addition of a search feature
    • Example: Entering "rail" in search would bring up location in forge menus of all objects with "rail" anywhere in the name or description. This would save the time of searching through the many categories and 1600+ objects in the forge manually.
  • Addition of undo option
  • Allow teleporters to only operate for a specific team
    • Example: A teleporter set to 'Team 3' will only teleport players on Team 3 while a teleporter set to 'Neutral' will teleport all players
  • Ability to save scripts as their own asset for use in other maps
  • Ability to start a new round in a forge session
  • Ability to choose to forge offline
  • Ability to disable dynamic lighting on certain items or entire map

  • Return of One-Way Shield item
  • Return of Custom Powerup item
  • Return of custom Trait Zone volumes
  • Addition of multiple sized sphere structural items
  • Addition of adjustable "anti-fog" volume
  • Addition of bigger and wider rock, flat natural items
  • Addition of leaf pile to natural items
  • Addition of circular terrain items
  • Addition of 'facade door' structural item to complement existing facade windows
  • Addition of door with unique opening animation (similar to garage door as seen in H2A)
  • Additional variety of triangle structural items (isosceles, etc.)
  • Additional variety of trapezoid structural items of varying widths
  • Additional door pieces similar to those seen in previous iterations of forge
  • Additional player movable items [crates, barrels, wirespools, large containers, etc. from Halo 3] when set to normal physics
  • Additional destructible items [wooden pallet and jersey barriers from Halo 3] that are player movable when set to normal physics
  • Additional Hologram prop items
    • Ability to mute or adjust volume of Hologram audio
  • Additional wedges of multiple angles
  • Additional variety of cliff items
  • Additional variety of cliff item textures
  • Additional variety of trees and shrub natural items
  • Inclusion of non-UNSC themed accent structural pieces
  • Ability to adjust item textures outside of primary/secondary/tertiary colors
  • Adjustable listening area of sound emitters using volumes

  • Addition of trigger volumes which recognize the entry, exit, or presence of players within
    • This would allow for the creation of proximity doors, pressure plates, and other interactive elements which are less obtrusive than flipping a switch or detonating an explosive
  • Addition of team recognition to triggers
    • This would allow unparalleled control over scripting function which would yield infinite possibilities for mini games
  • Ability for spawn volumes to hold scripts
    • This would combine with the other two functions to allow us to script customized spawn systems. For example, I could disable spawning for blue team within a given area if a red player was in a specific location. Respawn volumes on dev maps are able to hold scripts, but those place-able in forge are not.
  • Addition of a timed message and timed power set action
    • This would allow much greater freedom with times events without outsourcing logic to dummy timers. For example, a switch could send a message x seconds after being interacted with or a brain could change a power state x seconds after round start.
  • Addition of "on capture" or similar condition to objective items
    • This, combined with team recognition, would allow an event to occur when a given team captured a stronghold, for example. This would allow for the creation of progressive objective mode a la Invasion.
  • Ability to only spawn/despawn items on certain rounds
    • Example: A tree that spawns on round 2 but not on round 1
  • Ability to use scripts with Holograms

  • Lower or remove kill boundary around water on Alpine canvas
  • Raise ceiling boundary on Alpine higher
  • Addition of canvas based off Sanghelios featuring a desert with a river and canyon (with addition of new, natural Sanghelios flora for selection in forge palette)
  • Addition of canvas with flat space, similar to the coliseum area on Forge World
  • Ability to mix multiple filters

The following below are suggestions listed that will be/are already added into Halo 5's forge:
  • Return of ability to delete all non-locked items on map [BUGGED; DOES NOT DELETE WEAPONS]
  • Ability to group together multiple objects and save it as its own asset for use in other maps [SOON]
  • Ability to add Warzone REQ items in forge [SOON]

  • Return of Kill Ball toy item
  • Return of visible & invisible gravity volumes [BUGGED; ACTS AS INVISIBLE BLOCKER IN CUSTOMS]
  • Return of UNSC Crate prop items
  • Return of grid structural items
  • Additional variety of 16' ring structural items


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Aug 19, 2014
This may be going a bit far, but Halo 5 servers appear to be down and I am bored.


Being able to save groups of objects to reuse in other maps.
Being able to save scripts to reuse on other objects/maps.


Maybe I am the only one who has had a problem with this, so far, but raising the ceiling on Alpine would do some good.
Sanghelios canvas, with a desert, a river, and a canyon area.
Allow mixing of filters (not a real priority, but would be nice all the same).


Much like the primary/secondary/tertiary colours, having adjustable textures would be useful.
Non-UNSC stylised accent pieces.

Addition of:
  • Greater variety of trees/shrubs (including alien flora to match Sanghelios canvas)
  • Wedges of multiple angles
  • Greater variety of triangles (not just right-angle, isosceles)
  • Trapezoids of varying widths
  • Greater ring width variation than just 2 and 16
  • More holograms (because the Prophet was unexpectedly awesome)
That's all for now :)
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Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
This may be going a bit far, but Halo 5 servers appear to be down and I am bored.


Being able to save groups of objects to reuse in other maps.
Being able to save scripts to reuse on other objects/maps.


Maybe I am the only one who has had a problem with this, so far, but raising the ceiling on Alpine would do some good.
Sanghelios canvas, with a desert, a river, and a canyon area.
Allow mixing of filters (not a real priority, but would be nice all the same).


Much like the primary/secondary/tertiary colours, having adjustable textures would be useful.
Non-UNSC stylised accent pieces.

Addition of:
  • Greater variety of trees/shrubs (including alien flora to match Sanghelios canvas)
  • Wedges of multiple angles
  • Greater variety of triangles (not just right-angle, isosceles)
  • Trapezoids of varying widths
  • Greater ring width variation than just 2 and 16
  • More holograms (because the Prophet was unexpectedly awesome)
That's all for now :)
Great suggestions, will add them to the list the next time I'm on my computer today. :y:


Supreme Leader of China
Feb 16, 2013
Return of a human air vehicle
Return of the revenant
Return of the red energy sword
Addition of a bush and pile of leaves natural pieces
Addition of bigger and wider rock flat pieces

Addition of a "Select All" slot that selects every object on the map.
Addition of a scripting feature that lets us spawn/despawn items on a different round without it doing anything in the previous round.
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BIOC Leader, Flood Guru
Jan 1, 2013
Oh, and something else, if possible: being able to forge offline. There must be some way for this to be able to work, right?
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Sam The Great

Jan 9, 2013
United States
More moveable items, like all the crates, barrels, wirespools, large containers, etc. from Halo 3, when given normal physics.

More destructible objects, like the wooden pallet and jersey barriers from Halo 3, which can also be moveable with normal physics.

More door pieces, like ones you'd find in past Halo games, plus a "facade door" to go with the "facade windows". A door which has its own unique opening animation perhaps?
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Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
Return of a human air vehicle
Return of the revenant
Return of the red energy sword
I would add these to the list, however additions of these assets are more to do with the Halo 5 sandbox team and less to do with forge itself. I'm sure they're most likely already aware everyone and their grandma want a UNSC flying vehicle. :p


Round Objects™
Dec 23, 2012
Greater Seattle Area
  • Addition of trigger volumes which recognize the entry, exit, or presence of players within
    • This would allow for the creation of proximity doors, pressure plates, and other interactive elements which are less obtrusive than flipping a switch or detonating an explosive
  • Addition of team recognition to triggers
    • This would allow unparalleled control over scripting function which would yield infinite possibilities for mini games
  • Ability for spawn volumes to hold scripts
    • This would combine with the other two functions to allow us to script customized spawn systems. For example, I could disable spawning for blue team within a given area if a red player was in a specific location. Respawn volumes on dev maps are able to hold scripts, but those place-able in forge are not.
  • Addition of a timed message and timed power set action
    • This would allow much greater freedom with times events without outsourcing logic to dummy timers. For example, a switch could send a message x seconds after being interacted with or a brain could change a power state x seconds after round start.
  • Addition of "on capture" or similar condition to objective items
    • This, combined with team recognition, would allow an event to occur when a given team captured a stronghold, for example. This would allow for the creation of progressive objective mode a la Invasion.
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Reactions: Kantalope and Jebus


Resident Coffee Aficionado
Jan 12, 2013
Ontario, Canada
A giant, space waffle terrain piece!! :fronk:

But seriously, I'd like to see:
- Perhaps more circular terrain pieces. Rectangles are great and all, but circles are just nice
- New cliff textures/pieces.

Nothing major, nor important, but just something I'd like.
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Jan 10, 2013
I'm going to have to second the bush idea. I wanted to place some shrubbery in a rather small, enclosed area only to find the smallest item of living vegetation was an enormous tree.

I also wanted to recreate one of my first maps from Halo: Reach with the new improved Forge system, only to find out that the map hinges on the use of the currently-absent One-Way Shield. I'd really like that item back.
Additional Hologram prop items
Add scripting to the holograms. Not sure why it's one of the few items without a script option. I like the aesthetic appeal of the Prophet, but he never shuts the frak up, you can't add a script to him, and his speech volume cannot be adjusted (He is loud as dix).
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Jan 17, 2016
I think we need some form of texture adding. A lot of objects just look bland and it's be cool to add preset textures to them and possibly preset damaged versions that you can switch in between.


Mar 23, 2015
More variety of shields.
We currently only have: team based destructable 2-way shield "doors", indestructible 0-way shield "walls", and the Truth shield (destructible, 0-way, curved).

I'm suggesting:
*The classic indestructible 2-way shield "door". (Potentially team based.)
*The indestructible 1-way shield "door". (Potentially team based.) As already suggested by others.
*"Reverse" shield "doors". (Can be passed through by all teams except the team the object is set to. Ex: Red team can not pass through a red shield.)
*Destructible versions of the above two.
*Destructible 0-way shield "walls".
*Curved versions of all of the above.

SGR Beezy

Jan 11, 2013
Crows Nest
I agree with all possible and urgent suggestions for forge. However there is also things missing with Halo 5's Custom game options like random weapon options, 0% damage enabler, invulnerability and spectator mode in free-for-all.


Jun 1, 2015
Sydney, Australia
I have two suggestions. I would love for the matte/metallic menu to be increased from '0 to 10' to '-1 to 10' so that we could have the concrete texture we had in H2A's forge! *which was great!* Secondly my friends and I would like the introduction to water-zones. These would function just like gravity-zones.


May 30, 2013
It would be nice to have the option for gravity volumes to affect players while on the ground not just while in the air. This could be used to make one-way areas without having to put a shield up (assuming a one-way shield is added) and block where you can shoot.