Discussion: Abortion and the Reproductive Rights of Women


Jan 24, 2013
Earlier this week I was talking with a girl in my bioethics class, and she said that she gave some Plan B to a friend that weekend, I have no idea how it came up, but my teacher, very conservative, very religious, overheard somehow. I just smiled awkwardly while he gave the two of us a death glare until class started.

I should also say that it wasn't really THAT loud, apparently, my teacher has super hearing.


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
All for abortion, whenever in the development stage the decision is made. Heck, I would be fine with people who destroyed their babies after birth. I also think that both parents should have an equal say in the decision.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
I'm against abortion because of chance. Berb often says "May become life"(not exact quote) and just because there is a chance it could become I believe should treat it as such. The child could have a positive affect on the world or a negative effect. We have to accept that for all births. But it feels wrong not to give the child/fetus a chance even if its a snow balls chance in hell. To have that chance in the first place the little bastard had to be the first out the dickhole to get to the egg, something hard enough as it is. My life has been about trying to "Fight the Good Fight" Its my nature to think we all deserve a chance to do that.

Your argument is very strong. Some of your reasoning are very true. However I did not try to use my story as a condemning, rather than use it as an example of what could happen. Yes I realize that there are probably more ways that the baby won't be as lucky as me. However rather then preventing what could be, why not take a chance and have the baby be born and if you cant support it let a family who can take care of it. What I meant was when I said "a growing un-care for life", I meant living in the violent sociaty we love in today where the young are starting to think dying is not big deal. Where the media shows people dying from shootings almost everyday. Also the fact that we see abortion as a no big deal when it is the killing of a soon to be child. Yes I understand that it is just a zygote, however it is cells, or better known as life the birthplace of life. We are all made of cells, cells that were first made in our mother's womb. Killing the cells that will eventually become us is straight murder. When I said that Im not trying to make it illegal, it was because there are certain things that when 2 parties are arguing there is almost nothing I can do to change the other's opinion. I use this in the argument of religion vs atheists. If it were to become somehow illegal again, in a few years it would probably become legal again. And btw it is unfortunate that some people who share the same views are that immoral, but it comes with the growing heat included in politics today. So my closing statement is, there is nothing you can do to change my view and theres nothing i can do to change yours. Great argument, your probably the smartest person I have argued with in this topic, not using any idiotic statements. However I will continue to support my view on standing up for the soon-to-be-children of this generation.

Here is where I contradict myself a little. I know death is inevitable and I don't think its a big deal. My only exception for abortion is rape. I don't/couldn't understand the mental stress that has on a persons mind. The sick piece of shit that did it should be drug to a dark alley and have a shotgun shoved in to his mouth proceeded by his brains painting a wall. Anyway no one should have something like that happen and then have to think about it for 9-months.

Bullshit science? You mean peer-edited, proven fact widely discussed and debated between dozens of people more intelligent than you and I? A baby isn't alive until birth.

Throughout history science has been very wrong very often: Spontaneous generation, Global Warming, Global Cooling, Primordial Soup. P.S. Sorry if the Text is weird I'm not sure why its doing that.
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Jan 16, 2013
I haven't read a single part of this discussion thus far but my stance on this is as follows;

We are currently in a recession so there is no way the average family can afford a child at this time, excluding buying gifts and "treats" a child will set you back as least $50k before it reaches the age of 18. And if you could afford it, is it really worth it?

At the end of the day it is the woman's decision to make but in a world that is over populated and strapped for cash, why reproduce and further fuck the economy up?
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