Community changing web series Halo Machinima


Jan 10, 2013
ok, so Im going to kick back up this machinima, anyone who wants to stay please say so, If not, message me so I can look for someone else for that role. I know this has been increasingly more frustrating, but I need to finish this machinima. I want to prove to myself that I can take on a task an see it through. For everyone that has been part of the machinima, I thank you. You have helped create an amazing foundation and storyline. Everyone that helped will get honorable mention, and a customized line in the credits.

I will gladly help bodyact in this machinima again just tell me the time we start filming :) But I can probably only bodyact on weekends because I start school tomorrow :(
ok, so Im going to kick back up this machinima, anyone who wants to stay please say so, If not, message me so I can look for someone else for that role. I know this has been increasingly more frustrating, but I need to finish this machinima. I want to prove to myself that I can take on a task an see it through. For everyone that has been part of the machinima, I thank you. You have helped create an amazing foundation and storyline. Everyone that helped will get honorable mention, and a customized line in the credits.
I would like to! Sadly, I don't have that much time because I'm entering my last year of college. So if there's anyone who wants to body act and has the CIO (I believe) spider armor and the focus armor, please speak up.


Jan 9, 2013
ok, so Im going to kick back up this machinima, anyone who wants to stay please say so, If not, message me so I can look for someone else for that role. I know this has been increasingly more frustrating, but I need to finish this machinima. I want to prove to myself that I can take on a task an see it through. For everyone that has been part of the machinima, I thank you. You have helped create an amazing foundation and storyline. Everyone that helped will get honorable mention, and a customized line in the credits.

im still in
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The Zoid

Jan 10, 2013
Heloo guys! I haven't been around too much as of late, but I'm planning to change that. And I'm gonna begin with is a concern.

So, first of I just want to summerize our situation. We have reached 4000 views, which means job well done everyone. You guys have put a lot of effort into this project, also I think this was one of the first machinima threads on here, and Odyssey gave it a really catching title to it. "Community changing web series Halo Machinima" obviously this came from the idea, the first of you had of a machinima, which has changing outcomes depending on community matches.
This is where my concern starts. Now at first the thought of a community changing machinima seems like a very great and innovative idea, it sounds appealing to the community because they have control over the story. Now you probably knew that some people might not like the outcome 'cause they liked the pirates better or they didn't want the janitor to die. But that is not my concern, my concern is what I just said a sentence ago "they have control over the story". Now, you would say that's not quite true 'cause you are writing the different branches of the story and they can't change that. And you'd be right its not true, but... and here is the real problem. This way you have to write every single outcome (which you have already done, but it took you a very long time no?) and you have to host a bunch of matches to have the outcome. And hosting that many games is not that easy, we are very lucky though that we are on this site and you see that its possible.
Finishing it off I think this way you are too dependent on the community. If you would have gone with a more traditional approach, you could've saved a whole lotta time with the script writing. And you would save time because you wouldn't have to play those community matches (if I followed correctly then, you want to capture footage from these matches right? which is not an entirely bad idea) and everything would be under control which is an important aspect in directing.

I'll stop the rant now (do not take it like that, its just my concern). I just wanted to let you guys know how I feel about this project. Its not too late to change. I'm not saying that it won't work out the way you guys are doing it, but you are making your lives harder. And I would like to see an awsome machinima. :D
Anyhow I'm interested in you think. See ya guys around. :)


Jan 9, 2013
Where you do have a lot of valid points. We actually have the exact opposite problem. We are roughly 6-8 people large as the main driving force. All of us live in different time zones, work, have jobs, or with family. There are very few times when more than 2 of us are on at the same time. And it sucks. We all want to get this project done. Another issue were having is for the cutscenes, finding motivated players that want to get this done also. They are few and far between. One of us needs to win the lottery so that can move us all to the same area so we can communicate better, and get this done. That is why rooster teeth is so successful.

We also knew from the beginning that this was going to be a difficult but ambitious goal, though none of us predicted because of our lives. The early stages of our machinima were easy to construct because they were building maps, writing the story, and other tasks that one person could achieve.

I hope this answered your concerns.


Jan 9, 2013
Where you do have a lot of valid points. We actually have the exact opposite problem. We are roughly 6-8 people large as the main driving force. All of us live in different time zones, work, have jobs, or with family. There are very few times when more than 2 of us are on at the same time. And it sucks. We all want to get this project done. Another issue were having is for the cutscenes, finding motivated players that want to get this done also. They are few and far between. One of us needs to win the lottery so that can move us all to the same area so we can communicate better, and get this done. That is why rooster teeth is so successful.

We also knew from the beginning that this was going to be a difficult but ambitious goal, though none of us predicted because of our lives. The early stages of our machinima were easy to construct because they were building maps, writing the story, and other tasks that one person could achieve.

I hope this answered your concerns.

we do need to meet up sometime and plan all these things out. go over our story so far and just meet each other in general. we have a lot to plan and talk about.
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Jan 9, 2013
I am starting a new trailer but im not going to say much except that i want it to be big. But i do need actors and maps. I think Zeezke and i will be the only ones to know about the trailer because i also want Odysse to be surprised with the trailer as well. I hope this trailer will get everyone pumped up to help out and want to watch the series


Jan 9, 2013
I am starting a new trailer but im not going to say much except that i want it to be big. But i do need actors and maps. I think Zeezke and i will be the only ones to know about the trailer because i also want Odysse to be surprised with the trailer as well. I hope this trailer will get everyone pumped up to help out and want to watch the series

Hey. I'm off work tomorrow( Tomorrow being 9/9/2013). Text me when you want to work on it.
Where you do have a lot of valid points. We actually have the exact opposite problem. We are roughly 6-8 people large as the main driving force. All of us live in different time zones, work, have jobs, or with family. There are very few times when more than 2 of us are on at the same time. And it sucks. We all want to get this project done. Another issue were having is for the cutscenes, finding motivated players that want to get this done also. They are few and far between. One of us needs to win the lottery so that can move us all to the same area so we can communicate better, and get this done. That is why rooster teeth is so successful.

We also knew from the beginning that this was going to be a difficult but ambitious goal, though none of us predicted because of our lives. The early stages of our machinima were easy to construct because they were building maps, writing the story, and other tasks that one person could achieve.

I hope this answered your concerns.
It is difficult putting in and making different possibilities but it's so worth it, it wouldn't be the same without that, and I'm willing to put in the hard work. Filming is much harder than anything else.
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I am starting a new trailer but im not going to say much except that i want it to be big. But i do need actors and maps. I think Zeezke and i will be the only ones to know about the trailer because i also want Odysse to be surprised with the trailer as well. I hope this trailer will get everyone pumped up to help out and want to watch the series
I hope progress on your trailer is going well but worried about getting the pirate trailer done. Also, the infomercial is important to do. I really think we need to get in the habit of doing scripted things sooner rather later. Don't get me wrong though, I'm very excited to see what will come out and even though you want it to surprise me, I wish I could help but sadly I'm too busy. Good luck!
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I've been thinking, there's one episode which I think three games in one night will work really well. A forging competition should be hosted. I think this is good idea for many reasons, to get more people to pay attention, get more participation, get more interest (kind of just repeat myself), and many more.

These are the maps:
1) A jet pack dominion map (single map) that consists of five larger spaceships (each of these ships should support three versus three, more or less) and little spaceships of the players can hop on or in the travel between the five ships. Hopping can be anything from using the jet packs, gravity lifts and man cannons, gravity volumes, trait zones, to whatever your imagination can come up with. On impact.
2) Another big empire ship. Any game type, two big teams against each other, Also be wary that's going to have to support a infection game type and we will probably modify the map just a tiny bit for it, of course it will be saved as a different map. On impact.
3) Another big Empire city. Any game type, two big teams against each other. On any forge map. A fun suggestion: the city sewers on the Erosion.

This will not affect the overall story very much, just how much people will live and die. Also, keep in mind that these maps might not be able to be played depending on where the story is headed.
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Jan 9, 2013
So. I have some great news. I contacted a music guy on youtube, and he agreed to let us use his music!


Hello Michael,

You can definitely use my music on your channel. I look forward to seeing how you use it, and seeing your channel grow.

Thanks for the heads up!