Q&A The One. The Only. The Pshycoduck.**

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You thought we forgot, didn't you? Ok fine, we forgot. Just don't let Dux know we forgot, he probably wouldn't appreciate that. Oh, hmm. I guess I shouldn't have tagged him. Oops! Err.. surprise?


Well now that that's out of the way, let's get to this Q&A shall we? I know you've all been foaming at the mouth for this day to come, the day you finally get to ask Psychoduck all your curious questions. Just no more than three! Any more than three and you're banned from all of the interwebs for all of eternity. Sorreh, them's the rules, I didn't make 'em.* Other than that though, have at it!

*On second thought, yes, I was totally the one who made that rule.
** :laugh:

Tedit: Just like last time, the srs bzns trophy will be reward for thoughtful questions.

Q&A Shoe's Q and Eh Answers

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Alright, answer time!​

1. Who's the best forger: you, mock, or duck?

2. Is it ok for vegetarians to eat animal crackers?

3. Is non consensual sex with a prostitute rape or shoplifting?

1. I wouldn't say any of us are specifically better or worse forgers, we each just have different strengths. Though designing bases doesn't seem to be a strength any of us possess.
2. Only if they get consent.
3. Rape.

1. Red bull?

Q&A Airborne Footwear (in real life)

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Staff Q&A!
Welcome, one and all. For anybody who is somebody, you've recently read the Recap of the Staff vs. Community (see that link placement? Debra from marketing suggested that) and will have seen the winner of the interpersonal competition between Psychoduck and Flying Shoe ILR. As you may have guessed, Shoebert came out on top, and now he's going to be the one we're subjecting to all your incredibly odd and uncomfortably personal questions. Post away below, and don't be afraid to make them weird*!

But now that I mention it, the questions have been getting increasingly odd and irrelevant. This time around, let's try something new. Once the answers to your questions are posted, an Admin will select any number of questions and reward the asker with a...

Q&A MockKnizzle: A Gentleman and a Scholar.

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Alright dudes. Time to get this over with.​
1. are there really 7 other MockKnizzles on xbox live? (I refer of course to the 008 at the end of yours)
2. If given the choice, would you be staff on the DestinyRaids site?
3. Do you prefer Red Versus Blue or Rise Of The Spartans?

1. Well there were at one point. I've systematically eliminated them all by now.
2. Probably.
3. I don't watch either.

1. If I drink a liter of water is that a bad thing?
2. Potatoes or french fries?.... or both?
3. Bionic legs or bionic arms?

1. A liter of water isn't even that much.
2. Considering that french fries are a...

Q&A Of Mocks and Knizzles

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I've spent the last few minutes nervously sucking my proverbial pen, trying to come up with some clever title for this article. Unfortunately, I don't really know what the hell a "MockKnizzle" is supposed to be. Because of this, I really couldn't think of any snappy puns for the title. Better luck next time!​
Anyways, you guys seemed to have passed up the opportunity to question Shoe or myself, despite the fact that we are undeniably the staffers in possession of the most dashing good looks and the wittiest wit. Instead, you've opted to question the mysterious creature known only as The MockKnizzle (I can't say "MOCKFUCK" on the front page, oh wait). So, what do you want to know most? Let's hope he doesn't mock any of your questions (I had to work a pun in somewhere :lights:)! You are again limited to three questions each, use them well.

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