Q&A Snake? Snake? SNAAAKE!... Yesss?

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Slightly over a month ago, a fellow staffer known as Auburn posted a certain Q&A for a certain reptilian, potatoish, snackified, person. Well after some dwelling in my cardboard box followed by a few delays for uh... reasons... our friendly neighborhood lemon (adderrson) decided to remind me to get this Q&A wrapped up. So without further ado my pandawans**, lets get to it.

I already know you so... let's begin with some shitposting.

1. Since you are a potato... If you were cut up into thinly sliced pieces and fried in transfat, would you taste good?

2. If you had the choice to be served as fries at a fast food joint, which restaurant would you pick?

3. If you ever had an interest in forging, what kind of map would you attempt to create? Will it ever make you a real THFE?

1. Of course...

Q&A Snake? Snake?... SNAAAKE!

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I lay here this Monday morning, praising myself over the clever title I thought up some time earlier. I begin typing it, but then a thought hits me. Will they understand the reference?, I ask myself. My skin pales as I continue to tap away at the keyboard, brief bouts of anxiety overwhelming me with each passing moment...

Welcome, my friends, to the umpteenth installment of staff Q&A! Who's receiving the brunt of our little interrogation this time around, you ask? Our friendly, neighborhood SOLIDSNAKEee is of course! Grab yourself a SNACKee (eh, geddit?) and question away, young pandawans**! As usual, each person is limited to just three questions and the srs bzns trophy is available to the cool guys that ask cool things ;)!
Q&A The Head Has Been Slapped
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As some of you have most likely noticed by now, a certain wannabe baldy has been hiding away in isolation for the past few months, waiting for that moment when Halo would be great again, waiting for the moment where all of his motivation and excitement would come rushing back, and that moment is now.


With all the recent news and awesome content we have witnessed I was just about ready to get back into the swing of Halo but then 343 revealed something that had been buried in my mind this whole time... Forge!
As soon as I saw that Forge reveal everything just clicked for me and I am sure you are all equally as excited. I am still impressed with all of you that pulled through Halo 4 and gave us such an overwhelming amount of fantastic content along the way. For the past couple of months of Halo 4 my motivation to support Halo was being lost and other interests were dragging my attention away...

Q&A Slap the Head!

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With our orange ranks bolstered by the recent addition of some fresh meat (and a sergeant no less), we figured it was about time to ease your curiosity. That's right, it's time for another staff Q&A! These questions will be answered by Sgt x Slaphead in the coming weeks (depending on how many questions are asked, of course). As usual, there is a limit of three questions per person. The srs bzns trophy will be awarded to those of you who don't make a complete plonker of yourselves when asking questions. That'll about do it, enjoy the interrogation!

Q&A When a Chin Goes A-Questing

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Hello, and welcome to what is possibly the longest front page article ever written on HaloCustoms. Because the text below comes in such a large quantity, I’ll keep the intro brief. Enjoy reading!

Hey fizkoduk!

1) What is your most memorable gaming experience? All games/platforms.

2) When did you first meet Darth Human and BevansLaw and how did this lead to you becoming part of THFE?

3) Do you worship our lord and savoir the Sexobot9000? Which is also known as "Geth Juggernaut".

1. If I had to boil it down, it would probably fall between three different games of Halo I’ve played. They are described below.

a. The first game was the first time I really got the thrill of driving a warthog in Halo. My friend was over and we were playing the Team Slayer playlist in Halo 3. We got Standoff and quickly proceeded to hop in our ‘hog. I drove and got my buddy a solid...​

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