Halo Weapon Ideas.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
A bit. I think it would be nice to see more Promethean weapons in general, seeing as theirs only 6 compared to the Covenants 9 and UNSC's 11.
The Light Repeater! A scope-less light rifle with a lower rate of fire than any other auto, but still an auto. It would be comparable to the plasma rifle and would over heat, but unlike the covenant weapons that over heat when this promethean one does it takes down your shields. I would think of it as the most accurate auto also.


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
The Light Repeater! A scope-less light rifle with a lower rate of fire than any other auto, but still an auto. It would be comparable to the plasma rifle and would over heat, but unlike the covenant weapons that over heat when this promethean one does it takes down your shields. I would think of it as the most accurate auto also.
That's mostly a good idea, apart from the overheat shield thing. I think that, in keeping with the Promethean weapons clip system, the weapon should have a clip, but much smaller than that of the other automatic weapons, but with a greater damage per shot.
Also, I think they could bring back the Sentinel Beam, seeing as that's a Forerunner weapon. They could also do with a mounted turret.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
That's mostly a good idea, apart from the overheat shield thing. I think that, in keeping with the Promethean weapons clip system, the weapon should have a clip, but much smaller than that of the other automatic weapons, but with a greater damage per shot.
Also, I think they could bring back the Sentinel Beam, seeing as that's a Forerunner weapon. They could also do with a mounted turret.
A turret would be good, the reason I said the shield thing is just so it isn't a suppressor clone.


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
I've got a new one! Charged DMR. A power weapon that takes a page from Master Chief's playbook and drops your shield when fired. In doing so your targets shields are also droped.
Really like this idea, but turn it into it's own weapon instead.
Name it the Challenger. It will be classified as a covenant pistol and replace the plasma pistol as a loadout weapon. When charging the Challenger, your shields will rapidly drain. When hit by a fully charged shot though, your enemy's shields will be drained, and will be unable to use their primary weapon (for a limited time). Thus, forcing the players to draw their secondary weapon in a quick draw or duel. Hence the name, Challenger. It can not disable vehicles, only a player's shields. In terms of specs, the Challenger will do twice the damage of a plasma pistol, and will overheat twice as fast.
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Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Another weapon I was thinking of is The Charger.
Classified as a power weapon/assault rifle. It has a 25 round clip, 10 shots to kill 1 player. Each shot will slow down the contacted player and slowly drain a portion of their shields. The bullets are blue and give off blue electricity when impacted. The Charger's rate of fire is very close to the Assault Rifle's. When you hold down the fire button it charges the weapon, releasing all the shots at once. The charged burst has an explosive kill radius of 3 players, can reach medium/long range, and isn't very accurate. The charged burst can also bounce once of a wall, ceiling, floor, etc. Wherever The Charger's bullet collides with a player, it will leave a dark blue stain, and the entire player's spartan will be giving off blue sparks. After a charged burst has been fired, it has a very slow reloading time. This would be an ordnance drop or found on the battlefield. Definitely, not a loadout weapon.
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Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Why do I feel like you got the names from Dodge's vehicles. But in all seriousness, they sound really cool

lol I honestly didn't even think about that until I came up with the name for the second one (The Charger). Then, I realized they both sound like cars lol. Like cobra said though, they both make complete sense. Plus, they sound pretty badass as names for weapons.


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Another idea I came up with, although it's not a completly new weapon. My idea is that once you achieve the max rank in future Halos (Halo 5, Halo 6, etc.) you have the ability to get an energy sword as a loadout weapon. It would be slightly tweaked though, to not throw off the game's balance.

1. It would be named Energy Sword 1.0 (or something along those lines)​
2. It would use up it's ammo twice as fast as the default Energy Sword​
3. It would appear on your spartan's model like the katana did in Halo 3​
4. Energy Sword 1.0 will be categorized/available as a secondary loadout weapon, under pistols​
5. You can not pick up this weapon on the battlefield (even from the dead player wielding it)​
Again, this weapon would only be available once you achieve the max rank in matchmaking. Hopefully, in future Halos they include the Halo 3 csr so it doesn't take a few weeks to reach the max rank :teddy:


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
Another idea I came up with, although it's not a completly new weapon. My idea is that once you achieve the max rank in future Halos (Halo 5, Halo 6, etc.) you have the ability to get an energy sword as a loadout weapon. It would be slightly tweaked though, to not throw off the game's balance.
1. It would be named Energy Sword 1.0 (or something along those lines)​
2. It would use up it's ammo twice as fast as the default Energy Sword​
3. It would appear on your spartan's model like the katana did in Halo 3​
4. Energy Sword 1.0 will be categorized/available as a secondary loadout weapon, under pistols​
5. You can not pick up this weapon on the battlefield (even from the dead player wielding it)​

Originally Bungie wanted to add a Machete to Halo: CE, they could use that since the average spartan isn't supposed to carry a sword. Plus a Machete seems less OP.
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Jan 29, 2013
California USA
Originally Bungie wanted to add a Machete to Halo: CE, they could use that since the average spartan isn't supposed to carry a sword. Plus a Machete seems less OP.

Ah, I get what you're saying. A machete would be pretty bad ass. If not, maybe a big combat knife would be more suiting. I still prefer the whole "spawning with an energy sword" idea though :) I don't think Spartans are supposed to spawn with lightrifles and plasma pistols either though ;)
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Skyward Shoe

Platinum in Destiny
Dec 24, 2012
Redmond, Washington
The "Better than the Binary Rifle" Rifle:

1 shot reload, 5 shots total. Each shot is a one hit kill anywhere, though it's not as powerful against vehicles as the human sniper. Scopes as much as other snipers, or maybe a little more. Unlike the Binary, this weapon would only have the long range targeting laser while charging up a shot, similar to a spartan laser. The charge time would be .5 seconds, the bullet travel time instantaneous, the targeting beam would be the same as the binary. Also is just as inaccurate from the hip as the binary.

Basically, this is how I would have designed the Binary Rifle. It retains it's one shot hit power while now taking more skill and discretion to line up a shot because of the charge time. The targeting laser would still act as a warning, but it would not give you away quite as much. As it took some inspiration from the sniper in Mass Effect 3, I will dub this concept The Javelin.
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Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
I've been thinking about this idea for a while now. Basically a progressive automatic weapon (bear with me). It would have 3 barrels that revolve, similar to a minigun. When it is initially fires, the gun would have a lower rate of fire, but a higher effective range and accuracy. However, the longer the trigger is held down, the range and accuracy decreases, in return for a extremely high rate of fire.
Also, seeing as the barrels revolve, if you stop firing, the barrels will continue to spin, meaning that if you are firing at the highest speed, the barrels will spin for a while before stopping completely, which in turn means that the higher rate of fire can be maintained if the trigger is pulled while the barrel is still spinning.
As a name, I think I'd go with the "Vulcan".
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Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
I've been thinking about this idea for a while now. Basically a progressive automatic weapon (bear with me). It would have 3 barrels that revolve, similar to a minigun. When it is initially fires, the gun would have a lower rate of fire, but a higher effective range and accuracy. However, the longer the trigger is held down, the range and accuracy decreases, in return for a extremely high rate of fire.
Also, seeing as the barrels revolve, if you stop firing, the barrels will continue to spin, meaning that if you are firing at the highest speed, the barrels will spin for a while before stopping completely, which in turn means that the higher rate of fire can be maintained if the trigger is pulled while the barrel is still spinning.
As a name, I think I'd go with the "Vulcan".

1. YOU GOT POST 117!!! 2. I like the idea, reminiscent of the Halo 3 turret.