Halo Underpowered Armor Abilities


Jan 9, 2013
Over there
I think the Thruster Pack, Autosentry, and even the Active Camo are slightly underpowered. I loved the active camo in reach, it was more foolproof, you were harder to see. It was my favorite AA. But now with the new way the Active Camo scrambles radars, your position can be pinpointed, and then it's not even all that hard to see an "invisible" person. The thruster pack is pretty much useless, and the autosentry hardly does anything. What do you think?


I think thruster pack is pretty good. It gives you a free save from a splatter, one free super-strafe, a quick dodge of a grenade when in need, essentially, it does everything Armor Lock did, just in a less annoying and gameplay stopping way, which I like. I even have it in my BTB loadout.


Jan 9, 2013
Over there
I think thruster pack is pretty good. It gives you a free save from a splatter, one free super-strafe, a quick dodge of a grenade when in need, essentially, it does everything Armor Lock did, just in a less annoying and gameplay stopping way, which I like. I even have it in my BTB loadout.

I wish they had evade instead of Thruster Pack. You could evade twice in a row without having to cooldown, and even one evade makes you go farther than the thruster pack. Although I do think it's cool that you can thruster pack in mid-air, even if it's not super useful. I just think promethian vision or active camo are much better options.


promethean vision is definitely overpowered. The extra amount of awareness it gives is almost unfair. The good thing about it, though, is that it's never frustrating to go up against. It doesn't change anything about the gameply, it just essentially makes the guy "lucky" to enter every battle in an advantageous position.


well, it's OP for people who's gamestyle it compliments. If you are not good at interpreting information and using it to your advantage, it becomes useless, leaving the question: should you buff it or nerf it? choosing one will only exacerbate one of the problems.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
I'm actually pretty impressed with the scrambling of the active camo. In Reach, you knew immediately if tons of red dots showed up on the bottom left of your screen. Now, all the blue dots are much more secretive, not getting their attention unless they're already looking there. It's perfect for assassinations since it hides your red dot by obscuring it among blue according to their periferal.
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Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
Camo underpowered? What a joke. It's the most bullshit AA in Halo at the moment.

"Ohey, lemme just be invisible for 90% of the time and camp with a sniper/beam rifle/DMR at the back of the map where the radar jamming doesn't make a difference"
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I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
You know, I've never been annoyed by that. Wierd. Come to think of it, I don't think any of the AA are OP. I just wish Thruster was more overtly useful, rather than just tactically. It's pretty good on Adrift for assassinating tails when going up a lift.



Jan 10, 2013
I have to disagree with you on all three accounts. The thruster pack has saved my sorry behind countless times when I was either being shot at or about to be splattered. It's a quick burst of speed designed to help you escape from fire, and can come in exceptionally handy in close quarters at dodging grenades or ducking between cover.
The Auto-Sentry is designed to serve more of a distraction rather than combat support, since it can distract enemy targets away from their original intentions. This is useful in objective gametypes, since the players will be more focused on taking out the sentry, or the person who owns the sentry rather than attacking the objective.
Active Camo is pretty much the same as it was in Reach, with the exception of not scrambling your team-mates radar. In Reach, everyone's radar became scrambled, and it really wasn't that hard to find a player in camo. In Halo 4, only the enemy team suffers radar scramble, which balances out the usefulness of Camo to the player using it. It's virtually impossible to see a still player in camo in Halo 4, therefore radar scramble just alerts enemies to give them a much needed helping hand, making the ability more balanced.
Although I must say I don't really use Active camo or Sentry much. I usually stick to regen field and thruster pack.
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Jan 9, 2013
Over there
Yeah, but that's an occurance that dosen't come up very often. Thurster pack can be useful for dodging lots of things, but i just prefer active camo or promethian vision over thruster pack. And I do sometimes use Autosentry for defending on CTF, but i find that seeing them before they walk around a corner and hitting them with a boltshot is much more effective. And I do like the active camo, I still use it regularly, I just liked it a little better in Reach


Jan 13, 2013
Baltimore, MD
active camo needs to work while walking at least a little, thruster needs to go up, and go farther as well, prometheian vision needs to last longer, jetpack needs to go faster, auto sentry needs faster firing, you need to be able to move faster, draw weapon faster, and resist splatters with hard light shield, also have the charge go down with damage, regen field needs to also act like a bubble shield for bullets at least, and the boltshot needs a bigger clip. wow, I feel so much better after that.
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