Today we take a moment to remember

Are you suggesting it's okay for a Japanese man to die at the hands of American governmental terrorism?
no, i believe its wrong that we nuked Japan twice, because the second time we nuked them, more innocent civilians were killed than soldiers

Maybe try this song:
There's even a Halo theme to it. Beautiful song though.
thats not a bad idea except:), i was thinking of using songs from actual music artist to tribute 9/11 victims, not theme songs from video games, movies,etc

Are you suggesting it's okay for a Japanese man to die at the hands of American governmental terrorism?
besides, what does the Japanese, pearl harbor(except pearl harbor was the last attack on the USA before 9/11), and WWII have to do with 9/11


Server Caretaker
Staff member
Dec 23, 2012
no, i believe its wrong that we nuked Japan twice, because the second time we nuked them, more innocent civilians were killed than soldiers
It was a different time. And it sent the message we needed it to. We wont ever use them again :sadly: as there are some locations that could use a good size mushroom cloud.
To those who were lost we will never forget you.
To those grieving every day and every year on this same day, our hearts go out to you.
To those who do not know of the pain and suffering they went through, sympathy is key.
To those who hijacked the plane and killed innocent civilians, we are glad you died in a blazing inferno of fire and jet fuel.
To Americans all over the country, do not forget a day that changed so many of us, who we were and influenced us today.
To remember a tragedy, half raised flags.
To move one entirely would be a small mistake, it is a part of our nations history.
To say it was 'just an explosion' would be a HUGE understatement and would be lack of sympathy for those who died.
To say America isnt stronger and safer today, is wrong.
To give up your right to be who you are because of this event, is wrong.

We honor you America and we sympathize others because of their loss. No soul should forget this day as it marked a day where death was in abundance and two iconic buildings toppled over because of terrorists. Live on and live strong.

It was a different time. And it sent the message we needed it to. We wont ever use them again :sadly: as there are some locations that could use a good size mushroom cloud.
That would be to kill innocent lives to bring down countries. That would be wrong, unjust and against all rules globally. With no declaration of war, no war shall be fought for no reason. America (as far as we know) have not made another atom bomb since then and do not plan on it.
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Server Caretaker
Staff member
Dec 23, 2012
America (as far as we know) have not made another atom bomb since then and do not plan on it.
America as well as UK / France / etc. each have enough Fission nuclear devices to destroy the planet about 5 times and cause a nuclear winter stockpiled all over. Id hate to see a Fusion bomb go off if we ever harness the power could power the world from a small building.


Apr 20, 2013
America as well as UK / France / etc. each have enough Fission nuclear devices to destroy the planet about 5 times and cause a nuclear winter stockpiled all over. Id hate to see a Fusion bomb go off if we ever harness the power could power the world from a small building.

But unfortunately all of these countries have these devices in order to 'protect' themselves, and to make them appear to be equal with the other world superpowers. I sincerely hope that they are not used for anything more than that; not even in retaliation.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
We wont ever use them again :sadly: as there are some locations that could use a good size mushroom cloud.
Whether it's Terrorist killing Americans, or Americans killing Terrorists, there's no difference in who's being killed. If Americans use nuclear deterrence, then there is no real difference between us and the terrorists. Except of course that we would kill thousands more than they ever had. An eye for an eye is one thing, but an eye for an arm is a whole other issue.
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Server Caretaker
Staff member
Dec 23, 2012
Whether it's Terrorist killing Americans, or Americans killing Terrorists, there's no difference in who's being killed. If Americans use nuclear deterrence, then there is no real difference between us and the terrorists. Except of course that we would kill thousands more than they ever had. An eye for an eye is one thing, but an eye for an arm is a whole other issue.

I would disagree. You don't see japan landing on our beaches in California (although I'm willing to give CA away to any country who wishes to buy it).. Why.. Cause we sent a very strong message. Said Don't Fuck with us.. Its all you need. Speak softly and carry a big stick. Great words to live by. I carry concealed I have never once though about using it but if situation comes up that its needed I will not think twice. And there is a difference. The pure GOAL of the extremist is to kill anyone who doesn't follow there beliefs no talking or hand shaking is going to stop that (we have see what happens) what people do understand is seeing a city turned to rubble (Hiroshima). The terrorist given the chance (lets say there is a button) would set off a Nuke in every city in America in fact they would kill each other to hit the button. You can't reason with people who do not want to be reasoned with they are going to do what they want to do. Taking people like that out is a necessary item. I am not eligible to serve in the military due to multiple reasons but I would have no problem cleaning out in some of these remote countries. We are trying to prevent our destruction because the alternative is to be killed.

But unfortunately all of these countries have these devices in order to 'protect' themselves, and to make them appear to be equal with the other world superpowers. I sincerely hope that they are not used for anything more than that; not even in retaliation.
Thats about right. Basically the cold war continues today. That said though buildings will continue to blow up and Americans / allies will keep getting killed in terrorist style. America used to have big BALLS we no longer do our government has become a bunch of pussy's and filled with political BS people are NOT afraid to attack us cause we will give them a hug and say were sorry for the misunderstanding. The Candidate that comes out and says something along the lines of the following: "If a terrorist group, government, country puts even a small scratch in the paint on a plane, building, our soil we will level a city." *How many do you think we have to level before they stop... The answer is all.*
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
I'm 100% sure the new tower is high on the lists in the middle east they would love nothing more than to see that go down.[/quote said:
yeah that's what I figured

and not to get political but you know obama would allow it too

fuck I messed up

That would be to kill innocent lives to bring down countries. That would be wrong, unjust and against all rules globally. With no declaration of war, no war shall be fought for no reason. America (as far as we know) have not made another atom bomb since then and do not plan on it.
you dumb shit
1 nuking them saved more lives for both sides and after the first nuke we said surrender and there was no response
2 you want to talk unjust killing without declaration of war everyone who died at peal harbor was killed before there was a declaration of war and they targeted hospitals
3 they did worse to many other countries and tortured thousands of P.O.W.s and civilians

But unfortunately all of these countries have these devices in order to 'protect' themselves, and to make them appear to be equal with the other world superpowers. I sincerely hope that they are not used for anything more than that; not even in retaliation.
so it is okay that other nations use nukes to make a name for themselves but not U.S.


I Used to be Somebody
Dec 24, 2012
fuck I messed up

you dumb shit
1 nuking them saved more lives for both sides and after the first nuke we said surrender and there was no response
2 you want to talk unjust killing without declaration of war everyone who died at peal harbor was killed before there was a declaration of war and they targeted hospitals
3 they did worse to many other countries and tortured thousands of P.O.W.s and civilians

so it is okay that other nations use nukes to make a name for themselves but not U.S.
I meant nowadays. Back then that war was already going on and Japan decided to make their "declaration of war" heard. So today we wouldn't nuke any country without INCREDIBLY GOOD REASON. So thats my point. Killing people who did nothing wrong, but their leader did is wrong. Take Syria for example, Obama wanted to strike them, but ONLY the runways and big military building to deter chemical weapon use. He wasnt going to blow up cities.... Logic, plus back then during WW's declarations of war werent used as much as blowing things up, so yeah..,
Jan 30, 2013
U.S. Missouri
I meant nowadays. Back then that war was already going on and Japan decided to make their "declaration of war" heard. So today we wouldn't nuke any country without INCREDIBLY GOOD REASON. So thats my point. Killing people who did nothing wrong, but their leader did is wrong. Take Syria for example, Obama wanted to strike them, but ONLY the runways and big military building to deter chemical weapon use. He wasnt going to blow up cities.... Logic, plus back then during WW's declarations of war werent used as much as blowing things up, so yeah..,
you know what gets me that obama wants war because there killing thousands of people with chemicals but they always been killing thousands of people is the way you do it that pissed him off ?


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
I too find it kind of hard to feel for the families and friends pained on 9/11... I know it shouldn't be like that, but it's difficult at times. For those like me I just want you to remember that 9/11 was a day of tragedy. You may not have known anyone who can recall that horrific day, but you may as well have. Imagine how easily, it could have been... A devastation that reached even you. Our entire nation's freedom and well being was attacked on this day. Let it be remembered that we must stay strong. Let us not forget all of those brave, courageous, and good people lost on 9/11. I have hope for us all.


Jan 9, 2013
Sydney, Straya
Whether it's Terrorist killing Americans, or Americans killing Terrorists, there's no difference in who's being killed. If Americans use nuclear deterrence, then there is no real difference between us and the terrorists. Except of course that we would kill thousands more than they ever had. An eye for an eye is one thing, but an eye for an arm is a whole other issue.
You sir, I respect
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Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
Whether it's Terrorist killing Americans, or Americans killing Terrorists, there's no difference in who's being killed. If Americans use nuclear deterrence, then there is no real difference between us and the terrorists. Except of course that we would kill thousands more than they ever had. An eye for an eye is one thing, but an eye for an arm is a whole other issue.
Well... we can't just sit there and let them kill us all, can we? Terrorists are no less human than we are, but we attack them to defend ourselves- to save innocent lives. Not for the sake of revenge or punishment.

you know what gets me that obama wants war...
Obama clearly stated multiple times that he does not want war with Syria.
Well... we can't just sit there and let them kill us all, can we? Terrorists are no less human than we are, but we attack them to defend ourselves- to save innocent lives. Not for the sake of revenge or punishment.

Obama clearly stated multiple times that he does not want war with Syria.
You see Sherlock here observes, while Watson falsely interprets