Today we take a moment to remember


Server Caretaker
Staff member
Dec 23, 2012
Today I / we take a break from Halo and take a step back to remember the tragic events of 9/11/01 and take a moment of silence for all 2,998 people who died that day.​
For those of you who have lost loved ones or friends from either the events on 9/11, or the events afterward to defend our freedom with our allies from around the world, we will remember.​
-- Bigstack & the Staff --​


Propane Specialist
Staff member
Jan 10, 2013
United States
A little edit from when I first posted this, I just asked my father for his experience more in detail...
My father was in New York City the time it happened, 3 blocks away in fact. He's been working at the same job for more than 30 years. He said he saw the World Trade Center buildings go up and too go down the entire time he had worked there. He told me he was watching out the window towards the buildings at the time the second plane hit the other tower. As soon as he saw it, he concluded and told everybody "This is a terrorist attack, go home." since he was also in the city during the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. He was able to get all the way uptown before the collapse of both towers. However, he was not able to return home until 10pm since all bridges/tunnels were closed down. He was unable to use his own car for the rest of the week to get to the park & ride since all cars in the parking lot were being searched, so he had to rent one. All in all, it was quite a scary day for all of us.

My father nor myself knew anybody that lost their life on this day but nonetheless, RIP to all victims of the attacks.


Resident Coffee Aficionado
Jan 12, 2013
Ontario, Canada
Really nice thing you guys have done here. Even in Canada, it's still a big thing. Never forget. ;( And to everyone who lost someone that day, our hearts go out to you. :heart: Stay strong
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Master Debaytes

Dec 31, 2012
Like Shore's father, my dad too was in NYC during the morning of September 11th, 2001. He was on a business trip in New York trying to work out negotiations with a new big time client (at the time, he was a stock broker). He was only about 2 blocks away from the tower when the first plane hit. He looked up only after hearing the impact of the plane hitting the building. A buddy of his was working in a small building just by the tower, so my dad ended up running down the street to his friend's location. He ran all the way up to the top floor of the building where there was a hole in the wall lit ablaze and sustained by jet fuel.

My dad found the CEO of his friend's firm knocked unconscious at his desk. After checking for a pulse, he knew the man was dead. On the desk, he had found a written proposal, now stained with jet fuel and blood. With a second glance my dad noticed the shard of glass that had penetrated the man's left chest (probably through the left lung or heart). My dad took the piece of paper into his shirt pocket and ran out of the building.

After that he evacuated the city like most of the city's population that day. He had to walk all the way to a bus station past the Brooklyn Bridge before he could finally get a ride to my Grandpa's apartment in Long Beach. It took him 12 hours to get to a safe location without any phone service, food, or water to keep him going. My family was worried sick until he finally called the house from my Grandpa's to tell us that he was ok.

To this day, he keeps that small peace of paper as a reminder of how fortunate he is to live another day and have his loved ones with him. I feel the same way.

To all of those who know of victims to this terrible tragedy 12 years ago, my prayers go out to them. While today is a day of mourning and sorrow, it is also a day we can never forget. If we forget, it may happen again, and we can never let such a horrible event repeat itself.

Stay strong today HaloCustoms. Stay strong.


Resident Coffee Aficionado
Jan 12, 2013
Ontario, Canada
I have just finished my moment of silence, as I always do on 9/11, while listening to this:
I cannot begin to express my sadness for those lost, and those who have lost, but, if you can, try to recognize the emotions in the song. It may remind you of something... And it is physically impossible to not cry while listening to this.
But remember this, In the Darkness, a Light will always shine.


Jan 20, 2013
Not to impede on the memories, but... is there a way you can turn the video off of autoplay? It's a bit distracting whenever I go to the homepage.
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Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
My dad found the CEO of his friend's firm knocked unconscious at his desk. After checking for a pulse, he knew the man was dead. On the desk, he had found a written proposal, now stained with jet fuel and blood. With a second glance my dad noticed the shard of glass that had penetrated the man's left chest (probably through the left lung or heart).
Damn, that's horrible...


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
Actually, if I'm honest, I never really felt anything about 9/11. All I knew was the hijacking, the attack, the deaths and that's it. I just sort of treated it how I treat most tragedies; with indifference. I find it nearly impossible to mourn/care about people that I don't know. That may sound bad, but that's how it is.
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Swash when i said that your jenga tower map was offensive to 9/11 victims, it was because the map had the two banshees try to topple the tower with the players on top of it, and the first time i played that map it said "play 9/11 with swash", and that along with the level itself was VERY OFFENSIVE:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


May 24, 2013
Swash when i said that your jenga tower map was offensive to 9/11 victims, it was because the map had the two banshees try to topple the tower with the players on top of it, and the first time i played that map it said "play 9/11 with swash", and that along with the level itself was VERY OFFENSIVE:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

The entire map was a joke mini-game. Was never going to be released as an official mini-game until it went into a lobby or 2. It has 1 banshee and 1 tower. It's called Jenga Tower for a reason. It's like Jenga but instead of having a man with gravity hammers attacking it. It's a banshee. I didn't make it to say HEY LETS REPEAT 9/11 IN HALO STYLE. No I made it because it was fun. You only see it as offensive and not as a mini-game and that's the problem. The only time 2 banshee's appear is if a second person joins in the game late. That's it. So otherwise I was not trying to make this mini-game upon release anything like 9/11. Any similarities are just your imagination. It wasn't named by just me either when the joke mini-game came to existence..

Honestly my respect goes to the people who lost their loved ones and the ones who died that day. I will never forget the tragedy.