Halo Random Drops


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
Halo 4 is so odd. They punish players for doing good. e.g: regicide, random drops

But at the same time they will reward you for getting kills by giving you personal ordinance.

What they should have done in my opinion is remove personal ordinance all together, and instead, you call in random drops. You would be rewarded for getting kills by getting to call in a new weapon but the risk vs reward is that you have to venture out and find wherever your random weapon drops.
Don't dis regicide!


Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
Uhhh, you should be rewarded for following the rules of the gametype. If you're really the best, then you'll play to the system and win unlike the noobs who think regicide is about getting the most kills.
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Because this game is based around killing people, it should always be beneficial to kill the most people while dying the least. In Slayer, that means you win. In objective games, it helps keep the enemy at bay. There should be no mode where they guy who managed to kill someone is the chump. Doesn't make sense.


Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
Racing is about winning, right? So it should be always beneficial to be going the fastest. You should always have the pedal to the floor and be able to win, because that's what makes you go the fastest.

...No, absolutely not. If you're always flooring it and you try to make a turn, you're gonna spin out and crash. You need to have the presence of mind to slow down in order to make the curve, even though you're not going fast anymore. That's what makes racing interesting, you need to have a balance between pure speed and control.

By the same logic, Regicide is interesting and fun because it's a subversion of the usual "kill-em-all" strategy. You need to be able to kill people, but you also need to smart enough to know when to engage and when to hang back. You're basically complaining about being asked to use your brain, you know that right?


not so much, that's a bit of an overstatement. Basically, the winner of a game should be the guy who exhibited the most skill and strategy. You think that the strategy of hanging back and not killing people makes up for having less kill (and in some cases, significantly less kills) than the guy with the most kills. If you're willing to let the guy with 5 less kills win just because he knew when and when not to kill, then you and I have a fundamental difference being that you value strategy (and in this case, not a particularly genius one) over the skill of being able to kill the most people more than I do.


Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
If you're willing to let the guy with 5 less kills win just because he knew when and when not to kill, then you and I have a fundamental difference being that you value strategy (and in this case, not a particularly genius one) over the skill of being able to kill the most people more than I do.

Exactly. I value the use of my brain and strategic play instead of mindless slaying.


no, but the point I was trying to get across is that knowing to stay in second isn't such a huge deal that it should be rewarded with a win even in the absence of 5 kills or more. I value the strategy that goes into getting those kills individually. That takes significantly more interesting strategies.

That's why I also think regicide is fundamentally broken because they only way I would think the game would end up fairly is if the outcome happened to be exactly the same outcome as if it were slayer.

Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
BS: words to live by: I shouldn't be rewarded for KILLING the best guy in the game, I should be rewarded for BEING the best guy.
I think it would be cool to have a gametype that did so, I think they all do!
See below:
Uhhh, you should be rewarded for following the rules of the gametype. If you're really the best, then you'll play to the system and win unlike the noobs who think regicide is about getting the most kills.
Good thing there is a cool gametype like Regicide! To be that gametype that rewards second place for the entire game :)
Which makes a different strategy and a different way to play the "same" game.

no, but the point I was trying to get across is that knowing to stay in second isn't such a huge deal that it should be rewarded with a win even in the absence of 5 kills or more. I value the strategy that goes into getting those kills individually.
No because the winner is in first place by the end of the game.
Let's say I made a gametype where dying was the goal. When the person with the most deaths at the end of a timer wins.
But you can also get points by assassinating people. 2 for a death, 1 for an assassination, and you can kill opponents as to deny themselves from suiciding.
This would obviously need a new map with many explosives and such, but it could be done!
That takes significantly more interesting strategies.

That's why I also think regicide is fundamentally broken because they only way I would think the game would end up fairly is if the outcome happened to be exactly the same outcome as if it were slayer.
Yeah, it does, the guy with the highest score wins.


Okay, lemme ask you a question. Should the team that gets the most kills in a CTF game win?
no, surely not, but it should help. No matter what, killing the enemy keeps them away from the flag.
The more people I kill the more I am being helpful in some way. In slayer, it increases your score, and in objective games, it keeps the enemy away from the objective. The amount of strategy involved in where you're gonna go and what you're gonna do earns you points, but whether or not you kill someone should never be a part of it.
In regicide, killing someone, may very well increase your bounty and make you a larger target and lose you the lead when you die. So, what's the strategy, keep a low profile, don't kill people too much. Then I ask you: what distinguishes a person who knew not to kill someone and a person who couldn't kill someone? They both get the same reward.

Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
highest score, yes, not necessarily the highest number of kills
Clearly the point is that score is dictated by what the game type requires.

So if you have to kill yourself to score, then so be it.

In Regicide (A game I have never been 1st/2nd in so far) I kill everyone whenever I see them, racking up sprees, maintaining my lifespan, and ensuring I take the safest route to the king whenever possible.

I have enjoyed it thoroughly so far due to the fact that it rewards lone wolf play more than any other playlist (old H3 Lone Wolf Gen.). This is how you win Regi - Kill people, don't die ever.