Halo Random Drops


I'm extremely uncompetitive, but no one is happier about all weapons being balanced in H4(save Carbine). And I'm still pissed about the Brute Chopper & Hornet. The casuals still want improvements.

what the hell? weapon balance in halo 4 still has a ways to go. Almost every gun could use at least a little tweaking. Because you don't look to see what seriously could be better, the game has a higher chance of not being better.
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the night bat

Feb 2, 2013
I disagree.
How do you disagree. According to ALL of the veteran community, the BR should be a 4 shot in halo 4 and the only weapon that shouldn't be balanced in halo 4 is the dmr, which they think should be absolute crap because of the gigantic bloom like in reach :) (said in a high pitched voice: I agree


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
How do you disagree. According to ALL of the veteran community, the BR should be a 4 shot in halo 4 and the only weapon that shouldn't be balanced in halo 4 is the dmr, which they think should be absolute crap because of the gigantic bloom like in reach :) (said in a high pitched voice: I agree
I'm not demanding it, but if they make the DMR slightly weaker I wouldn't be angry the only balance issue right now is the weaker Carbine.


Jan 18, 2013
United States, Mississippi
what the hell? weapon balance in halo 4 still has a ways to go. Almost every gun could use at least a little tweaking. Because you don't look to see what seriously could be better, the game has a higher chance of not being better.
Thats the thing I don't think a Halo game could be much better than Halo 4. All the weapons are about balanced, maybe buff the unscoped LR and BUFF THE CARBINE!, but other than that its golden.

Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
oh really im one of those people

i think it should stay the same

if u want the dmr weaker make that a 6 shot kill or have the bloom as big as in reach



the night bat

Feb 2, 2013
I agree with Ariel lol :)
But really, I don't want an argument, I'm just relaying to you the truth. Look at MLG pro channels, look at normal youtubers, look at pretty much everyone. The dmr to most veterans is as bad as the boltshot.
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I can't believe this. DMR killtime is exactly the same as the BR. What advantage does the BR have over the DMR? and also, giving the BR a 4sk would make the BR as OP as the DMR. Think about it. You could have a lightrifle scoped level weapon without having to scope. Then what is the advantage of the Lightrifle? You can't just give a weapon more damage and expect it to work. Choosing a primary weapon is like choosing a niche. "powerful weapon" isn't much of one.
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Well ok. The weapon spawning system in a nutshell:

343's problem: they didn't want players to have to learn the map so that they could get weapons.

My problem: Map knowledge is a totally legitimate advantage to have, and it should be taken advantage of as much as you can. If you take advantage of your knowledge better than the opponent does, you deserve to win, regardless of whether or not you play competitively. Adding randomness to the game doesn't increase enjoyment in anything. Any casual player would be pissed off if they and an enemy both got personal ordinance and the enemy got rockets, and you got a needler. Or, in the context of random drops, if you were fighting an enemy and you both ducked behind walls, except a random rocket just happened to spawn next to the enemy, practically denying you the chance to finish a kill that very well could have been yours. Regardless of whether or not you are a competitive player, that's equally game-breaking

343's problem: Now, any drop that could come up in personal ordinance has to be balanced because of what I said above

My problem: They didn't even do that! They only half - did it to remove all skill-based power weapons. Even the sniper rifle has received a lot ob bullet magnetism. It really eliminates that grenade launcher niche of power weapons that are hard to use, but give the greatest reward. That's probably why they removed the grenade launcher: because any explosion radius buff would make it practically a rocket launcher clone.
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Ariel Morgan

Dec 27, 2012
Oak Park, MI
343's problem: they didn't want players to have to learn the map so that they could get weapons.

My problem: Map knowledge is a totally legitimate advantage to have, and it should be taken advantage of as much as you can. If you take advantage of your knowledge better than the opponent does, you deserve to win, regardless of whether or not you play competitively. Adding randomness to the game doesn't increase enjoyment in anything. Any casual player would be pissed off if they and an enemy both got personal ordinance and the enemy got rockets, and you got a needler. Or, in the context of random drops, if you were fighting an enemy and you both ducked behind walls, except a random rocket just happened to spawn next to the enemy, practically denying you the chance to finish a kill that very well could have been yours. Regardless of whether or not you are a competitive player, that's equally game-breaking
Great point, but I want to understand the bolded.

It simply makes no logical sense to me, that in a competitive shooting game you are going to randomly produce weapons (the items in the game that create encounters as well as points of interest).

In every genre of game you have something similar. It's an objective to control the powerful weapons. It's something that everyone should be going after due to the fact that these things can swing a game.

In competitive Halo there is a winning goal, and objectives that help you reach that goal. Those being:
  • Positioning
  • Armament Recovery
  • Armament Denial
  • Main Objective protection (In slayer this is called STAYING ALIVE)
  • Main Objective offense (In slayer this is called KILLING PEOPLE)
  • Map Awareness (A constant VITAL part of all team games)
By removing consistently respawning weaponry they removed about 1/4 to 1/5 of the strategy/objectives. Which effects the competitive feel of the game.

I know I use it as an example often, but LoL removed an entirely random effect from their game (that being the ability to dodge based on a rate). Now I don't entirely agree with their reasoning, but something does need to be said about randomness within serious competition where skill is supposed to be far more rewarded.

Randomness can turn a game on it's head, and that isn't truly fun or rewarding either. In the case of dodge, the rewards were so great for having to do literally NOTHING.
Getting Rockets over a Needler is really really exciting, but you did nothing to earn that.

The best reward comes from hard work. So go get out there and get 50 headshots for your team with the DEEMER.
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the night bat

Feb 2, 2013
I can't believe this. DMR killtime is exactly the same as the BR. What advantage does the BR have over the DMR? and also, giving the BR a 4sk would make the BR as OP as the DMR. Think about it. You could have a lightrifle scoped level weapon without having to scope. Then what is the advantage of the Lightrifle? You can't just give a weapon more damage and expect it to work. Choosing a primary weapon is like choosing a niche. "powerful weapon" isn't much of one.
Quick end to the discussion. The BR pretty much started halo. So the veterans and everybody love it and want it to be the same as it used to be. blah blah blah.

I still think that the waypoint is ok (on some weapons) but only if the weapons are not dropped randomly
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Great point, but I want to understand the bolded.

It simply makes no logical sense to me, that in a competitive shooting game you are going to randomly produce weapons (the items in the game that create encounters as well as points of interest).

In every genre of game you have something similar. It's an objective to control the powerful weapons. It's something that everyone should be going after due to the fact that these things can swing a game.

In competitive Halo there is a winning goal, and objectives that help you reach that goal. Those being:
  • Positioning
  • Armament Recovery
  • Armament Denial
  • Main Objective protection (In slayer this is called STAYING ALIVE)
  • Main Objective offense (In slayer this is called KILLING PEOPLE)
  • Map Awareness (A constant VITAL part of all team games)
By removing consistently respawning weaponry they removed about 1/4 to 1/5 of the strategy/objectives. Which effects the competitive feel of the game.

I know I use it as an example often, but LoL removed an entirely random effect from their game (that being the ability to dodge based on a rate). Now I don't entirely agree with their reasoning, but something does need to be said about randomness within serious competition where skill is supposed to be far more rewarded.

Randomness can turn a game on it's head, and that isn't truly fun or rewarding either. In the case of dodge, the rewards were so great for having to do literally NOTHING.
Getting Rockets over a Needler is really really exciting, but you did nothing to earn that.

The best reward comes from hard work. So go get out there and get 50 headshots for your team with the DEEMER.
By 343's problem I meant 343's problem with reach
You sir, have earned my like. Those are extremely hard to come by.
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Jan 1, 2013
Personally I feel introducing luck into a skill based game is a poor design choice, as no matter how much better you are or how long you've been working for it someone else can just happen to get a rocket drop in front of them unexpectedly and kill you. I personally like knowing where weapons are going to drop, and I like to have control of this factor when forging, as often times random drops lead to weapons falling in places that they will dominate in, such as a sniper near the top of the map or a shotgun in a CQC hallway, removing the element of Risk vs. Reward. I don't like that in MM, power weapons are distributed not to those who work to control an area, but on a totally random basis.

Leave your thoughts below. I'd like to see how much of the community supports the direction 343i is taking weapon placement/ distribution, as they seem intent on continuing with this and I do not understand why.

Halo 4 is so odd. They punish players for doing good. e.g: regicide, random drops

But at the same time they will reward you for getting kills by giving you personal ordinance.

What they should have done in my opinion is remove personal ordinance all together, and instead, you call in random drops. You would be rewarded for getting kills by getting to call in a new weapon but the risk vs reward is that you have to venture out and find wherever your random weapon drops.