Halo meele combat detail


Personally, I think two players meleeing at once should result in the same effect as a sword block. Just some slightly lowered shields. Of course, if they had dedicated srvers, they could make the window for a double melee much smaller.

Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
Dude, the Hardlight Shield is exactly what you're talking about. If you time it right you can completely negate your opponent's melee, leaving them vulnerable to a counter-punch. It takes some skill to figure out how to aim it and when it's gonna work, but I do it all the time so it's definitely possible.
The hardlight shield deploys too slow to stop a punch and when you turn it off it takes too long afterwards to take out your weapon. Also i meant that when you get shot when assassinating someone, you put the guy your assassinating in front of the bullets.


Get Mockfucked
Dec 24, 2012
Seattle, WA
It doesn't deploy too slow at all, you just have to anticipate the opponent's melee deploy it at the correct time.

If you see them punching you AND THEN try and deploy the shield, you're doing it wrong.
Feb 3, 2013
Mesa, Az
Personally, I think two players meleeing at once should result in the same effect as a sword block. Just some slightly lowered shields. Of course, if they had dedicated srvers, they could make the window for a double melee much smaller.

I agree, if anything this will make longer range play MORE, not less effective. Every few games I run into someone who uses the suppressor or storm rifle as there primary weapon, and they simply run around, put a few shots upon an enemy, and then melee them, it is quite annoying, and is shockingly hard to deal with. But the ability to lesson the effectiveness of the melee with carefully executed timeing will discourage this play style, and increase the effectiveness of the longer range weapons.

Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
I agree, if anything this will make longer range play MORE, not less effective. Every few games I run into someone who uses the suppressor or storm rifle as there primary weapon, and they simply run around, put a few shots upon an enemy, and then melee them, it is quite annoying, and is shockingly hard to deal with. But the ability to lesson the effectiveness of the melee with carefully executed timeing will discourage this play style, and increase the effectiveness of the longer range weapons.
So basically what your saying is you can't beat a suppressor or storm rifle with an overpowered DMR.

Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
It doesn't deploy too slow at all, you just have to anticipate the opponent's melee deploy it at the correct time.

If you see them punching you AND THEN try and deploy the shield, you're doing it wrong.
If i happen to block their punch, wich is doubtful, then i put the hardlight shield away and get punched again before my character gets his gun out so he can punch. The only differences are that now I'm the only one damaged and it took longer

Parker Melnyk

Jan 10, 2013
a galaxy far far away
I was arguing for more skill in meele, not to ruin meele to force long range. The resonance i assumed you used the DMR is because almost every one uses it. You have my respect for using the carbine though.

MC Stargate

Feb 1, 2013
Dallas, Texas
What you could do about the "melee blocking" is have it so that when someone melees you and you melee them back about the exact same time, both players go into a small animation. A specific button will come across the screen and whoever mashes that button the fastest kills the other player. It would be a different button every time too to keep it more "alive".

Like some of the things used in Assassins Creed 3? You may have been thinking of something else but that's what I thought of when you said it.