KOTH Gifter

This is an evolving gametype. Pardon my dust.

-The gun is the hill.
-You pick it up.
-You and players within your proximity get damage boost
-Happy fun time

Update: I have changed the hill to a suppressor. This allows the hill to be picked up again after the hill holder is killed.
Using an armor ability as the hill allows you to "hold" the hill. I used auto-sentry exclusively as it makes it so the same player cant be the hill twice in a row (4 hill max/ more hills can be added if you used add'l armor abilities). Here are one new game type I came up with:

Update KOTH Gifter Balance 1F .2
-Hills changed to suppressors
-Additional hills added
-Time changed to 60sec/hill
-Overall game time shortened to 8minutes

KOTH Gifter
-This is a team gametype
-Hill radius is 2.0
-Peopler in the hill get damage boost/no radar/120%speed boost
-Killing anyone in the hill is worth 5pts.
-Hill changes after 30secs.
-Hill cannot be picked up twice. (you can occupy the hill on the dead player)
-10 second delay between hills.

The maps are here:
Rats Nest Gifter (waiting for update)
Update Abandon Gifter .2
-Added suppressors
Abandon Gifter

If you test this in your own customs please let me know how it plays in the comments below.

Here is a video the first play test. Definitally a rough game considering the hills were moving too fast, the hills couldn't be picked up more than once, and I didn't explain the gametype all that well. I did get some requests later to play it again so it couldn't have been that bad.;)

Another similar Gametype KOTH Golden Gun
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