[Jun 17, 2013] Review Crew Customs: 4v4 Slayer (oOZeroFlameOo)

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Jan 20, 2013

Welcome to the first-ever Review Crew Customs! Become part of the Crew as we test, enjoy, and review maps posted on Halo Customs.

We're commissioned to review 4v4 Slayer maps.
Your Foreman in this Crew is myself.
GT: oOZeroFlameOo (they are not zeros, just letter O)

Tonight's map selections!
(probably in this order)

Singularity by Vertex99
Orthornia by MelnykMachine
Standdown by mrgreenwithagun
Novus by Zandril (he has a very detailed "Map Preview").
Greenhouse by Jernst Reborn
Quartermain by Rev Righteous
Echelon by Hadokenchild

The remaining time will be used for testing your own maps, or other game modes in the maps you thought played well.
Steps for all Review Crew Customs:
  1. RSVP here, and you will recieve a message at the starting time. (When the time starts, if you do not recieve an RSVP, send "RCC01" to oOZeroFlameOo)
  2. Play the maps, and have fun!
  3. Once you're done or the lobby has ended, return to this page on Halo Customs
  4. Please rate according to how you felt the night went
  5. Please give feedback as a review on the maps you've played! This really helps forgers get feedback on their maps. The links to the ones we played are conveniently found on this same page.
What you'll need:
- A microphone. Please try to not have a ton of background noise or echoing.
- Forge Island DLC. If you don't have it, go to the Xbox Live Marketplace.
- The ability to return to Halo Customs after we're done.
- Some sense of maturity.

- I reserve the right to kick people for not meeting the requirements or disobeying the rules.
- If a map is broken enough that it is apparent to everyone, I will stop the match. If you notice a severe issue, message me.
- Spare time, if it occurs, will be used according to popular vote. Running over time, will again result in a similar decision of time usage.

And that's it! Hope to see you there.


Mar 6, 2013
Thanks for giving my map a run! Unfortunately I won't be able to attend, as this session falls on a work day for me. I hope it plays well for you guys. Will you be using gametypes with the weapons updates? I have yet to see how this map plays using them.
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