Halo Halo 5 Wishlist My thoughts and Yours


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
Now I know there's probably been about ten bajillion of these threads but I thought it'd be a good idea just to share some of my thoughts as well as yours for what you would like to see in Halo 5.Now this can range from Campaign to Forge , Spartan Ops to Matchmaking.

I'd also like to state that you keep it clean and try to refrain from being aggressive ^.^.

So to get the ball moving I'd like to see some of the things in this video implemented in Halo 5.Now I'm not a heavy forger but I know quite a few who would like to see some of these things implemented and it would turn Custom games into something more amazing than what it already is.

Another thing I'd love to see is the return of 4 gametypes ;

1)Neutral bomb - I love this game type , I've had fun memories of having one of my friends and myself doing a crazy run into the enemy base and scoring a point.

2)Invasion - Invasion was basically the only gametype I played in Reach and I understand that for canon reasons , this would be unplayable in Halo 5 ( also the name would have to be changed ).Now I understand that Dominion plays on this concept and it does so quite well , but it just doesn't have that Invasion feel that I know and love so it'd be great to see it return.

3)Big Team Heavies - Now due to certain aspects of Halo 4's MP structure I understand this wouldn't work but back in Halo 3 I had some of my best MP games playing BTB Heavies.Also there would have to be set loadouts so that the gametype would feel more balanced as well as set Ordnance drops to allow for a better experience while playing.I'd love to see this classic return.

4)1 Flag - I honestly have no idea why this was removed from Halo 4 but I know some forgers who'd love to make some forged maps that would play amazing with the 1 flag gametype. Although I'm not a fan of this gametype , it'd be nice to see it make a return.

Now I'm just naming some of these things of the top of my head , but I'm curious to see what you guys could come up with.
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Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
  • Being able to group objects together and move groups easily, instead of having to move objects separately
  • Modifiable Gravity volumes. So you can change the size and strength of them, to the point of anti-gravity.
  • Modifiable Shield Doors. Making them larger/smaller, changing the shape, things like that.
  • A choice in the time of day of the map.
  • Weather choices (Rain, snow, mist, etc.)
  • A large forge canvas (Naturally), with different climates or choices for the climate of one large map, as well as a colour palette that matches the chosen climate
  • Interactive objects, such as doors, bridges, drop pods, etc., which we can open and close/activate at will.
  • More forgeable vehicles. Hopefully some kind of UNSC aircraft, maybe even an Elephant or something similar.
  • More aesthetic objects, such as a rubble, destroyed vehicles, blood splatters.
  • More useful buildings. I find it hard to use any of the forgeable buildings for anything I need.
  • Additional Natural objects. Add dirt piles, dirt craters (basically a pile with a crater in it), etc.
  • Increase the budget, as well as the amount of objects available in the different categories.
  • Fixed Dynamic Lighting. Being able to toggle it on and off, and for it to have a larger budget.
  • Forging underwater, as in being able to fully submerge objects, for them to be visible underwater, and that Spartans can be fully submerged without dying.
  • Full customization of Custom Gametypes (i.e. Modifiable damage resistance for different body parts, seperate modification of traits for different loadouts, as well as different loadouts for different teams).
  • The return of missing gametypes (Infection(or Custom Flood), Race, Invasion, etc.)
  • The Return of Custom powerups.
  • The Return of Dual wielding for Customs
  • A Custom Emblem creator.


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
There is already a thread for this http://halocustoms.com/threads/halo-5-wish-list.9065/#post-47215
Here's a few of my ideas though if this doesn't get deleted.
  • Bring back original vehicles like you said. I.e. Falcon, Elephant, Chopper, etc.
  • Give us Forgeable + driveable civilian vehicles! I.e. taxis, cop cars, trailers, etc.
  • Shorten Flood thrust/ lunge (it's ridiculously long) and make it a bit less accurate (don't travel in a completely straight line)
  • Add different matchmaking Flood gametypes i.e. Alpha Flood, Blood Suckers ("vampire" flood), Big Team Flood
  • Bring back Race and Rocket Race gametypes in matchmaking
  • More loadout weapons! Only if they're balanced, though :teddy:
  • More spartan customization. I.e. full-on emblem editor, more armor pieces, more selective coloring on your spartan (not just one or two colors for your whole spartan :teddy:)
  • Increase Forge budget and number of maximum allowed pieces on map, if possible
  • 3 different themed Forge Islands. I.e. snowing with ice, midnight rain with thunder, and original forge island (but with more flat plush grass).
  • Forgeable aggressive npc's. Now, I know the problem with this. They can be easily trapped or glitched on our forged terrains. As long as they can somewhat damage us and move around though, I'd be extremely happy
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Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
  • Shorten Flood thrust/ lunge (it's ridiculously long) and make it a bit less accurate (don't travel in a completely straight line)

If you're talking about the Flood's Thruster Pack, that's only because the Flood's movement speed is greater than the Survivors (150%, I think), which makes the thrust distance larger.


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
  • Forgeable aggressive npc's. Now, I know the problem with this. They can be easily trapped or glitched on our forged terrains. As long as they can somewhat damage us and move around though, I'd be extremely happy

The problem with the NPC's is that we'd need to edit there movements , sight lines etc and the only way this can be done properly is on a PC.Although its a great idea I think sadly it won'y happen :(.

As for Halo 3's CSR it'd be a great idea to have it as well as the combination of Halo Reach's way of unlocking armors ( having to save up and by them ).


Jan 12, 2013
Lincolnshire, UK
The problem with the NPC's is that we'd need to edit there movements , sight lines etc and the only way this can be done properly is on a PC.Although its a great idea I think sadly it won'y happen :(.

As for Halo 3's CSR it'd be a great idea to have it as well as the combination of Halo Reach's way of unlocking armors ( having to save up and by them ).
The way of unlocking armour in Reach was ridiculous, you spent ages grinding and saving up credits. I think something somewhere between Halo 4 (unlocking armour through leveling and Commendation completion) and Halo 3 (unlocking through Achievements and Mission Completion on different difficulties) would be better.


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
The way of unlocking armour in Reach was ridiculous, you spent ages grinding and saving up credits. I think something somewhere between Halo 4 (unlocking armour through leveling and Commendation completion) and Halo 3 (unlocking through Achievements and Mission Completion on different difficulties) would be better.
True but it added more replay value to the game imo. Although I get where you're coming from and that idea would work better ^.^ .


Jan 29, 2013
California USA
If you're talking about the Flood's Thruster Pack, that's only because the Flood's movement speed is greater than the Survivors (150%, I think), which makes the thrust distance larger.
Yeah I know that, but that doesn't mean they can't "curve" the thruster pack. By that I don't mean physically curve either. Just for example 100% & below = 3 meters, 200% & below = 5 meters, etc. And besides all that, you can't tell me that the sword lunge isn't ridiculous :teddy:
The problem with the NPC's is that we'd need to edit there movements , sight lines etc and the only way this can be done properly is on a PC.Although its a great idea I think sadly it won'y happen :(.
As for Halo 3's CSR it'd be a great idea to have it as well as the combination of Halo Reach's way of unlocking armors ( having to save up and by them ).
For npc movement, that's not entirely true. Halo Wars did just fine with player mapping tools (that was on the Xbox). Even something like the hologram armor ability for forgeable npc's would be fine with me, as long as they can shoot and dodge still.


Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
For npc movement, that's not entirely true. Halo Wars did just fine with player mapping tools (that was on the Xbox). Even something like the hologram armor ability for forgeable npc's would be fine with me, as long as they can shoot and dodge still.

Yeah but Halo wars was a RTS , I mean try incorporating it into Forge and then custom made maps by the community.It'd be impossible for 343i to make it happen unless it was on standard on disc maps.


Mar 6, 2013
In that case, give me a flood variant combined with objectives so I can Forge a campaign style multiplayer game where you face off against player controlled flood. Single player or co-op.

For Forge, just a few things.
1: Fix the blasted object shifting! After three titles with this problem,it's time to get this dealt with.
2: Give us the option to use cleaner textures on forge objects. Much in the same way as Halo Anniversary was able to swap between new/old with a simple button press. We should be able to select between pallets on individual objects.
3: A much larger library of Forge objects. I would rather them be more on the practical side of things (curved walls, the 90° corner wall, etc.) than just aesthetics though.
4: Eliminate the budget and am mount limits per item, and give us a single map object limit indicator. If my map would benefit from using 60 3x3 walls, I should be able to do that.
5: Please bring back precision forging.
6: The initial suite of Forge maps should be Sandbox, Forge World, and Forge Island.

For customs, it's pretty simple. Give us EVERYTHING! Asymmetric objectives, invasion, territories, VIP, a proper flood gametype with good flood models, headhunter, stockpile, regicide, assault, extraction, etc etc etc. We want it ALL!

Also, give us the OPTION, to tweak individual weapon settings. There is no danger of this effecting matchmaking at all. As a bonus, it will garner interest from the competitive leagues. MLG is a custom game. AGL is a custom game. GB is a custom game. If 343i gives them the control they need to make Halo play the way the want, it would be a huge shot in the arm to competitive multiplayer matchmaking.
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Salad Snack
Jan 26, 2013
Thought of another thing , if you guys remember way back when there was a Halo 3 Demo at E3 that you could board and basically kill hunters with grenades.I want this to come back :p.
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