Mr Jamieism

Feb 27, 2016
As I am a dab hand at nothing forge related... or in the creation of custom games... I am turning to YOU. Yes you reading this right now. Hey, how you doing?

So I woke up this morning with the idea of recreating the "board game" Kerplunk!

For those that don't know, Kerplunk!
(c) Hasbro games is a plastic cylinder with plastic straws fed through it, and thise straws hold marble balls. Aim of the game is to pull the straws out one at a time and get as little amount of marbles as possible.

Spartans as the marbles with one guy pulling these "straws" out one at a time. Last man standing wins. Theres probably something you could do with scripting pieces to move, or having plat forms xplode and break underneath, a mix of both? :titmar:

Not sure, but thats the just of it. Kinda a long the same lines as Jenga. Maybe its a pointless idea. Maybe its really good fun. :y:
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Mr Rogers4

Jan 21, 2013
As I am a dab hand at nothing forge related... or in the creation of custom games... I am turning to YOU. Yes you reading this right now. Hey, how you doing?

So I woke up this morning with the idea of recreating the "board game" Kerplunk!

For those that don't know, Kerplunk!
(c) Hasbro games is a plastic cylinder with plastic straws fed through it, and thise straws hold marble balls. Aim of the game is to pull the straws out one at a time and get as little amount of marbles as possible.

Spartans as the marbles with one guy pulling these "straws" out one at a time. Last man standing wins. Theres probably something you could do with scripting pieces to move, or having plat forms xplode and break underneath, a mix of both? :titmar:

Not sure, but thats the just of it. Kinda a long the same lines as Jenga. Maybe its a pointless idea. Maybe its really good fun. :y:

I'm in for that. Sounds fun. Playing kerplunk as a child, I totally would love to see this in halo. I say go for this! I got yo back if you want to make this.
I don't have Halo 5 (or an xbox one in general), I can't tell you what might be the best in forge. From what I know though (correct me if I'm wrong) is that scripting can be buggy. It though can represent kerplunk better with moving
pieces. Exploding platforms though doesn't have the bugs to work out. If going heavy on scripting, you might have bugging issues. If heavy with platforms, you just need to figure how each platform explodes/breaks apart. Going with both might not be a bad idea.
Anyway, that's my thoughts. I would love to see this in action.
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