[Aug 31, 2013] Online Knights YouTube Mini-Recording Lobby (H2AK0N)

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Feb 2, 2013
London, United Kingdom
Hey guys, this is an OnlineKnights Official Custom Game Night. The purpose of these Game Nights will be for us to go through maps that have been submitted to our channel, so that we can find those we like and feature them on our Youtube Channel! As stated above, this is an official lobby, where all the footage will be recorded live from my (H2AK0N) point of view, to use in future map features.
For this Game Night I have 8 maps that I need to record footage for. Once we have got through these maps I may pass the host and let people test any maps that they want tested depending on how much time is left.
There is no pre-set time limit for our lobbies, it basically keeps going as long as our hosts can keep it going.
This Game Night's host: H2AK0N
How to Join the Game Night
Once you've already RSVP'd to this thread, just wait until the designated time (which in this case is 3pm EST - Saturday, July 12th) and send me a message saying "Inv". Once the lobby is full, I'll be turning off my notifications to record, so I'll only send out additional invites later on when we need the players.

How to Submit Your Maps:
Here is the basic format for a map submission:
Map Name: [insert here]
Gametype: [insert here]
Amount of players: [insert here]
Map Creator(s): [insert here]
Description: [optional - insert here]
Places you can submit your map to us:
  • Over Xbox Live, you can message your submission to: Robius5991
  • Over Youtube.com you can leave a comment here or private message us.
  • Over Gmail.com you can email us at: [email protected]
  • Over this forum, or you can submit your map in a reply to this thread (until further notice)
  1. Do not start any confrontation with another player. Fun is fun, but when we see an argument brewing you either shut it down, or we shut you out.
  2. Do not ask to be promoted before we have finished playing all the maps on the list. These lobbies exist for the sole purpose of helping us test maps that were submitted to us so that they may potentially be featured on youtube, and so we will not be passing host around at the start.
  3. In the case of a lobby crash, just stay calm. Send me another message saying "inv" and I'll do my best to get you back in ASAP.
  4. Please avoid any frustration related to not being able to join. Usually we fill up our lobbies quickly, so if you don't get in right away, don't worry about it. If you're really interested in participating, just play something else on Halo and be sure to have sent me your message, as I'll try to invite those individuals once spaces open up.
Thanks for your interest in our Game Nights, and we hope to see you all there!


Feb 2, 2013
London, United Kingdom
Can i test my map it is called sanctum and is in my fileshare. It is for Hivemind which is also in my fileshare.

As I said above, this lobby is being held in order to get gameplay footage for maps that have already been submitted to us. If there is time at the end I may allow people to test their maps but I can't guarantee anything yet
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