Atheism Thread


Feb 1, 2013
USA- Eastern Time Zone
A: The only way for all monkeys to evolve is for one monkey or a series of monkeys to mutate
...and for the others to die off, right?

Actually, as long as the rule "survival of the fittest" is applied to a species (which is the case when looking at monkeys in their natural habitat) evolution will not stop.
True. I wasn't trying to say that evolution will stop, I was pointing out why not every single monkey has evolved. Sorry if I worded it improperly.


Jan 10, 2013
Under the Traveler
the whole monkey thing is only theoretically^^ but for a mutated population to rise theres 2 possibilities: rivalry leading to extinction of one species in the same habitat or avoidance by using different resources
Apr 27, 2013
Brisbane, Australia
I'm a big stickler for believing in stuff with evidence behind it, it's just the way I was brought up I guess. I'm in a mostly catholic family but my parents never taught me what to think, but how to think. That's how I think it should be, a lot of issues with religion has been the forcing of it on people and its literal interpretation. Religions to me are basically at their core moral guidelines, and I really dislike when people take things that were relevant a ridiculously long time ago literally in a very different world. It violates the very moral guide the religion itself is and that's my only problem with religion.
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Oct 5, 2013
One thing that grinds my gears is when people say "Nope, big bang - Religion can't be true" and 90% of these people can't explain the big bang other than it was a 'big bang'. I'm yet to meet the other 10% but they must be there somewhere. There are some parts of the bible that are inherently flawed, time scale being the biggest one yet there are also some parts (many ancient civilizations say the same/similar 'things') that point towards theories we are only beginning to understand - religion and science really aren't that far apart! Some speak of the 'dark age of science' yet what was alchemy?

But I'm an atheist because I was brought up an atheist, much in the same way many people are religious because they were brought up around a religious atmosphere.

We go through our physical life with the burden of working to obtain prosperity. This distraction makes us forget about the true spiritual being within all of us. However, if we focus our energy on our spiritual being we can free ourselves from what we were confined to.