Atheism Thread


Jan 20, 2013
Shifting topics, besides creation (as it seems like we're all stuck in our ways regardless of the others' opinions)...

Many religions in the world have some sort of purpose as to the way of life as humans, not just for the sake of a deity, but for the followers' life-long satisfaction.

My question to our atheist brethren is - is there some sort of unified statement as to our purpose (if any), or to the way of life we'd ought to have (if any)?

In addition, I'm also wondering if you guys are specifically anti-Christ, against most to all religious perspectives on the said lifestyles, or alternatively don't care what religious people do all together.


Dec 30, 2012
Shifting topics, besides creation (as it seems like we're all stuck in our ways regardless of the others' opinions)...

Many religions in the world have some sort of purpose as to the way of life as humans, not just for the sake of a deity, but for the followers' life-long satisfaction.

My question to our atheist brethren is - is there some sort of unified statement as to our purpose (if any), or to the way of life we'd ought to have (if any)?

In addition, I'm also wondering if you guys are specifically anti-Christ, against most to all religious perspectives on the said lifestyles, or alternatively don't care what religious people do all together.

Absolute morality is what you're talking about, or to put it nicely, "family values". Atheists live the same way as religious people do, just without the attached morality and duties of a religious group member. Absolute morality is dangerous and wrong, because of our constant evolution as a society. As society advances, the morals and ethics of the common person change due to different things entering the public conscious. When you have absolute morality, like most religious groups live by, you live in the moral and cultural past, out of touch with the reality that is our modern world. A prime example of this was mister flippy-flop Mitt Romney, who seemed to know nothing about what the modern American truly finds important. You shouldn't need to seek aid from a book on how to be a decent human being, society teaches you.

As for purpose, our biological purpose is to survive and procreate. Your societal purpose as a member of the human race is completely up to you to discover.


Jan 20, 2013
As for purpose, our biological purpose is to survive and procreate. Your societal purpose as a member of the human race is completely up to you to discover.

That's one of the common things I think a lot of atheists (and religious people alike) have a hard time understanding. If Jesus ate a doughnut, that doesn't mean we need to buy them every Sunday or something (poor anecdote, but you get the point). Even though the Bible is our most important reference tool, it's just a reference tool. Outside of that, anything else is fair game unless it has a strong re-connect with something that's been mentioned.

Amidst these freedoms, though, is that "absolute morality" of which I was getting at before. I feel some things should not be imposed onto everyone (example: homosexuality restrictions) because these things have a low impact on what my life is going on. If people want to be wayward in these choices, that's up to them, I'm not effected, and whatever repercussions occur because of that affect them, not me. On the flip-side, there are some societal viewpoints that are coming from atheists and other factions of which are just too appalling to tolerate or accept, like abortion. Understandably there are more than just religious issues behind that, and to be honest that's not a discussion that is relevant enough to the topic at hand.

I have nothing else to say, besides that I would have chose ANYONE else from the GOP than Mitt. What were they thinking by running him? Honestly? And I'm a Conservative, too!


Dec 30, 2012
On the flip-side, there are some societal viewpoints that are coming from atheists and other factions of which are just too appalling to tolerate or accept, like abortion. Understandably there are more than just religious issues behind that, and to be honest that's not a discussion that is relevant enough to the topic at hand.

As I probably mentioned somewhere in the Abortion thread, you shouldn't feel entitled to restrict a woman's rights because you a personally disgusted by it. I'm perfectly comfortable with abortion, tolerate it and accept it. It's not being forced on anyone, it is simply an available option. Why do you feel this option should be removed nation-wide because of your personal discomfort.

How absurd does this sound?
On the flip-side, there are some societal viewpoints that are coming from atheists and other factions of which are just too appalling to tolerate or accept, like adoption (because my pagan gods disapprove of it, according to an 18th century french author). However, there are more than just religious issues behind that, and to be honest that's not a discussion that is relevant enough to the topic at hand.

Sounds stupid to remove that choice doesn't it? Especially when it causes no harm to you, or is forced upon anyone. According to my personal and religious gripes on the other hand, it is disgusting and intolerable. Do you see where many atheists are coming from on these "absolute morality" issues now?

*Berb does not endorse the removal of adoption, nor support any pagan gods.(they're all stupid) This message was approved by the Berb Foundation for a Brighter Future.
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Jan 20, 2013
Sounds stupid to remove that choice doesn't it? Especially when it causes no harm to you, or is forced upon anyone. According to my personal and religious gripes on the other hand, it is disgusting and intolerable. Do you see where many atheists are coming from on these "absolute morality" issues now?

*Berb does not endorse the removal of adoption, nor support any pagan gods.(they're all stupid) This message was approved by the Berb Foundation for a Brighter Future.

I'm not quite sure where you were going with that one, to be honest. Maybe it was because I was cross-referencing two seemingly different reasonings, moral and logical, into one topic?


Dec 30, 2012
I'm not quite sure where you were going with that one, to be honest. Maybe it was because I was cross-referencing two seemingly different reasonings, moral and logical, into one topic?

Because you defended the implementation of Christian morality into law because you find abortion intolerable and unacceptable.


Jan 25, 2013
So I suppose you've read the Koran and are familiar with the customs and beliefs of Hinduism. What, you've never read ANY of the major scriptures attributed to Hinduism? That's o.k, you've probably been too busy reading the Torah, the first of the Tanakh. Wait whaaat? You've never read the Torah? Next you'll be saying you've never read the Koran. I don't think it's fair of you to disregard hundreds of years of collective human thought as you are. And what about the tens of years of scientific though in Mormonism and Scientology? Surely it's not unreasonable to at least listen to those opinions?

I think you've missed the point I'm trying to make. It doesn't matter whether or not I've read every sacred text as you point out, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to the ideas and knowledge they contain. What I was trying to get across is that there's very little harm to being open to a discussion without resorting to sarcasm or dismissive remarks. Your post proved a point.

I refuse to enable you in the delusion that you'll live forever, or that the universe is a just place where everyone gets their comeuppance. If you're not mature enough to handle being alive, I'm not going to baby-sit you through it.

If that's how you see things then you're clearly not open to a discussion as you view yourself as somehow superior to those with Religious beliefs. People should be allowed to find their own solace in the Universe without others outright dismissing them as childish or idiotic.

Lets review shall we:

That was the first sweeping general statement towards atheists and/or the religious of the thread. It's the only one actually. There's definitely a lot of growing up to do.

If you choose to read it that way, though that wasn't the intent. I wanted to point out an unfortunate problem in the Atheist community and spark some discussion hence the posts I've subsequently made.

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
I think you've missed the point I'm trying to make. It doesn't matter whether or not I've read every sacred text as you point out, but that doesn't mean I'm not open to the ideas and knowledge they contain. What I was trying to get across is that there's very little harm to being open to a discussion without resorting to sarcasm or dismissive remarks. Your post proved a point.

If a theist were truly open to the ideas and knowledge of each religion, they wouldn't be a theistic. I've yet to hear any "discussion" from any of the theists in this thread, so I have no idea what your referring to. Unless "evolution is just a theory" is a discussion.

If that's how you see things then you're clearly not open to a discussion as you view yourself as somehow superior to those with Religious beliefs.

You're right. I refuse to dignify your view of the universe if your defence of it is "false comforts make me happy". Especially considering that religion A) Doesn't have a monopoly on happiness and B) Has a history of inflicting pain on and oppressing opposing religions, people of no religion, and (as a general rule) it's own constituents.

People should be allowed to find their own solace in the Universe without others outright dismissing them as childish or idiotic.

Nope. No-one's beliefs are above mockery, especially those of stupid childish idiots.

If you choose to read it that way, though that wasn't the intent. I wanted to point out an unfortunate problem in the Atheist community and spark some discussion hence the posts I've subsequently made.

The unfortunate problem?

I've found the average Atheist I've met (and I'm not saying ALL atheists here) seem to have no interest in any alternate point of view. They just tend to want to point and laugh at how silly they feel the other party's outlook on life is and try their very best to preach the wonders of atheism.

I think it's ignorant to feel that you have all of the answers in life, which makes disregard for alternate points of view foolish.

I don't consider it an unfortunate problem that there are people out their that consider your outlook on life self-delusional. As for "preaching the wonders of atheism", is that sarcasm? You know there's no harm in being open to a discussion without resorting to sarcasm or dismissive remarks.

As for atheists having no interest in alternate points of view, that's libellously untrue. Assuming that everyone who doesn't pick up a bible and kowtow whenever you walk into the room with a unverifiable belief system is dismissing your ideas immediately has to be one of the most egocentric things I've ever heard.
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Jan 25, 2013
If a theist were truly open to the ideas and knowledge of each religion, they wouldn't be a theistic. I've yet to hear any "discussion" from any of the theists in this thread, so I have no idea what your referring to. Unless "evolution is just a theory" is a discussion.

That's a silly thing to say, there's been plenty of perfectly reasonable and open Theists throughout History and indeed there's still plenty today. It's difficult to have a discussion where one groups opinions are belittled and they're called "stupid childish idiots" by those such as you who seem to feel somehow superior because of their different personal philosophy in life. I think your constant stream of insults is rather "childish".

You're right. I refuse to dignify your view of the universe if your defence of it is "false comforts make me happy". Especially considering that religion A) Doesn't have a monopoly on happiness and B) Has a history of inflicting pain on and oppressing opposing religions, people of no religion, and (as a general rule) it's own constituents.

I think it's important to allow people to choose their own philosophy in life. I also think it's important to challenge and constantly evolve these ideals in accordance with personal experience. What I don't think is right is one group of people insulting and abuse them simply for holding that point of view. (and yes this applies to both Theists and Athiests)

Nope. No-one's beliefs are above mockery, especially those of stupid childish idiots.

Mockery is unhelpful and counter productive, it only leads to conflict and strife.

The unfortunate problem?

I don't consider it an unfortunate problem that there are people out their that consider your outlook on life self-delusional. As for "preaching the wonders of atheism", is that sarcasm? You know there's no harm in being open to a discussion without resorting to sarcasm or dismissive remarks.

As for atheists having no interest in alternate points of view, that's libellously untrue. Assuming that everyone who doesn't pick up a bible and kowtow whenever you walk into the room with a unverifiable belief system is dismissing your ideas immediately has to be one of the most egocentric things I've ever heard.

You're a perfect example of what I'm talking about, and I don't mean that as an insult though I probably will sadly. You have voraciously insulted and dismissed all ideas of co operation with those who don't share your point of view, you can't seem to comprehend how anyone can be a theist and you have an air of superiority about you when referring to them.

I use the sentence "preaching the wonders of atheism" to highlight the similarity between those Atheists such as yourself and Religious zealots. To highlight a point. If you read over your previous posts from another's point of view I think you'll see they're dismissive and mildly insulting as a result of your sarcasm, I should amend my statement and say using it as a crutch to dissuade reasonable discussion is counter productive.

Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
That's a silly thing to say, there's been plenty of perfectly reasonable and open Theists throughout History and indeed there's still plenty today. It's difficult to have a discussion where one groups opinions are belittled and they're called "stupid childish idiots" by those such as you who seem to feel somehow superior because of their different personal philosophy in life. I think your constant stream of insults is rather "childish".

If a theist, any theist, truly kept an open mind to each religion's customs and belief system (many of which include belief without question, faith without evidence) that person would either dismiss that religion in lieu of their own (making them "close-minded", your words), accept multiple religions as being true simultaneously (polytheism), or reject all religions (atheism).

I think it's important to allow people to choose their own philosophy in life. I also think it's important to challenge and constantly evolve these ideals in accordance with personal experience. What I don't think is right is one group of people insulting and abuse them simply for holding that point of view. (and yes this applies to both Theists and Athiests)

I also think it's important to allow people to choose their own philosophy in life. I also think it's important to evaluate and criticise each position, and then mock that position if it's particularly dim-witted.

Mockery is unhelpful and counter productive, it only leads to conflict and strife.

But sarcasm can lead to smiles, which can cause dimples.

You're a perfect example of what I'm talking about, and I don't mean that as an insult though I probably will sadly. You have voraciously insulted and dismissed all ideas of co operation with those who don't share your point of view, you can't seem to comprehend how anyone can be a theist and you have an air of superiority about you when referring to them.

We're co-operating now? Are we chipping in to build "The Museum of Evolution: It may be true, it may not"? As for me not understanding why someone may become a theist, I think you'll find if you read through my posts that I do. A) Early childhood indoctrination B) A fear of death C) A fear of the unknown D) A sense of purpose, empowerment over the unknown and E) Mental Illness.

I use the sentence "preaching the wonders of atheism" to highlight the similarity between those Atheists such as yourself and Religious zealots. To highlight a point. If you read over your previous posts from another's point of view I think you'll see they're dismissive and mildly insulting as a result of your sarcasm, I should amend my statement and say using it as a crutch to dissuade reasonable discussion is counter productive.

Whenever someone brings up "reasonable discussion", I'll be the first to reciprocate. I doubt it will be you, Mr. "Many-Atheists-seem-to-be-just-as-closed-minded-as-the-most-conservative-Religious-people."

I'm doubly insulted because not only have you called me close-minded, you clearly don't know what it means.


Podcast Crew
Dec 29, 2012
- Keeps track of those who are good and those who are bad.
- Is all-knowing, all-seeing.
- Typically portrayed as a bearded white man.
- Has millions of songs, books, and celebrations dedicated to him.

This Christian God character sounds a lot like Santa.

Dividing MDH

Feb 2, 2013
At the risk of offending people. Evolution is scientifically proven, and with christianity, having a God that's all powerful and benevolent sounds like an easy sale, but it's very hard to justify why he would smite Timmy the Toddler with a compact harvester. I don't need a higher power to determine my purpose in life, we are all individualistic, not to some old man in the sky's bigger plan, especially when his plan involves running over toddlers with compact harvesters.


Le Mar du Teet
Dec 23, 2012
i often hear people say the whole bit about "i dont have a problem with atheists i just hate how they cram it down my throat"

what i think is funny about that is how christians have tried to force THEIR religion down the entire worlds throat for thousands of years, often times even killing in the name of it. but of course, like any true christian, christians pick and choose things from their history that they will accept and disregard the things that seem barbaric in the modern world. a good example of this concept is how Levictus says gays are wrong, but Levictus also says you cant wear clothing of two different fabrics, or that your wife is your slave, etc.
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Transhuman Plus

Dec 28, 2012
Can you elaborate? Why do you think this? What exactly is the practical utility?

The more impractical, unlikely, and/or offensive a belief is, the less respect it deserves. Religion fit those three criteria so perfectly that the respect it deserves is a negative value: it deserves ridicule. At the same time, if I were to legitimise religious beliefs even momentarily, who's to say I'm not complicit in or apathetic to the suffering that occurs daily due to the influence of religion? I can wake up knowing I'm not apathetic to the Catholic Church giving Africans AIDS through misinformation, or Christians shaming homosexuals into suicide, or Christians stunting the general intelligence and willingness to learn of an entire swath of people, or Christians impeding scientific research, or any other of the plethora of harms they inflict.


Mar 6, 2013
^ saying "religion" you mean just the one ;)

I mean if you're going to shit on all religions, shit on them equally. Otherwise you're just a guy who hates Christianity.