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Map Posting Rules

Welcome to the HaloCustoms map database, this database is a great way for you to share your forge creations with the community. However, there are a few guidelines you'll need to follow in order to get th most out of our database. Be sure to spend a bit of time posting your map. If you don't put the effort into posting it, why should anyone care to look at it?

Map Posting Rules:
  • Maps posted must either be your own, or posted with the explicit permission of the author.
  • If the map is not yours, full credit must be given to the map author(s) once you have received their permission.
  • All map posts must include at least a one paragraph description of the map and/or gametype.
  • All map posts must include at least one embedded picture or video of the map. For more information on how to do this, look here.
  • If you are posting a preview of an unfinished map, post it here with the "Map Preview" prefix. Download links are not required for map previews.
Feedback Rules:
  • Make sure that all feedback is constructive and is in-depth enough to be of use to the map creator.
That's it, enjoy posting your map and be sure to contact any of our staff if you have any questions.
First release
Last update
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