VIP in Halo 4

VIP in Halo 4?

Yup! Got it to work pretty well in preliminary testing.

Using a modified version of darkprince909's Turf remake I have made an enclosed map that can support the gametype.

With the help of adderrson I have come up with the gametype that uses regicide as the base. I used his gametype Swordanaut as an template for creating the gametype.

How does it work?

Each team spawns in on their respective side of the map
One player, however, spawns outside the map and comes into the game as the VIP.
You only get points for killing or assisting in killing the other team's VIP.
Assassinating the king gets additional style points
The VIP gets a 1.5xOvershield to help with the onslaught.
When players spawn their waypoint is visible for 3 seconds to help the VIP choose his/her next move.

When can I play?

I will be testing this tonight in my customs if you want to get in on the action.
[Mar 13, 2013] Short Bizzle - Is this real life? - Casual Competitive (Short Bizzle)

Once I get a match on it, I will update this thread with the video and some pictures and hopefully a download link to the polished map and gametype!

Here is our first play test.
I had a really good time with this game. I definitely plan on making a couple more maps to support it!

What are some possible changes after the first play test?
-Make generic kills worth 5 pts
-Make king assists 10pts
-Slower shield recharge for king

If you guys have any comments or concerns post them below. :)
So many space maps lol. Turf by Dark prince works well because i just needed and enclosed map. I actually redid all the spawns, spawn zones, weapons and grenades, and I added some geometry for game play. It is important for the gameplay to remove ordinace style weapons to keep people from committing suicide (you get a point for that). You get 50pts for killing the VIP so maybe it shouldn't be game breaking if people suicide. I need to test this lol. I am having internal confliction based on speculation. Sorry for taking you inside my head.