[Mar 10, 2013] short bizzle - is your body ready? (Short Bizzle)

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Live Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/short_bizzle

I'm hosting a variety very similar to o NonDual o

I'm on my journey to getting my GOLDEN HOST award so please RSVP and RATE my games afterword.

If you have questions please post below. It takes too long to check messages sent to me on Xbox Live while games are going (yes seconds matter, lol) I will have this thread open while the games are going, I can answer questions much more quickly here. I will also post updates with how many people are in the party and if we’re looking for more.

I don’t mind a little bit of flood and mini games, but many of my friends do not like them at all. So in general we stay away from them.

Just send a message to my gamertag: Short Bizzle along the lines of "plz inv if room." And I'll get you in as soon as I can! We usually have quite a few people show up from the Facebook group. So games should be pretty full. You can check on how many people are in the lobby thanks to Short Bizzle's stream at the top. : D

The types of games my friends and I enjoy playing would fall somewhere in “middle ground” between minigames/infection and MLG. Basically what we play is similar to what you will find in matchmaking. But with different twists to make things fresh, balanced, and above all more exciting with lots of explosions.

Here's a list of some of the stuff we might be playing depending on how many people are in the party

-Gift Giver
-Golden Gun
-Bats Nest (Rats Nest Remake)
-Ott2owns's new big team map!
-One Flag on various maps
-Mech madness on Meltdown
-King of the hill
-KOTH with vehicle hills
-Pistol starts on Tombstone remake for some classic fun
-Neutral Bomb!
-Your suggestions...

If you want to play something, I’m always open to requests. However, like I mentioned at the top of this thread, we don't play flood or most minigames. A couple of MLG type games aren’t too bad, but mainly we like to stick to the above mentioned “chaotic” gametypes.

I am open to helping people test out their maps. That is one of the main functions of our custom games. As you can see from the list above, I have several maps that we will be testing.
-I tested several maps last session. If you map is tested I will make a YOUTUBE video for you map post and give you my feedback on the post!!

The DLC maps are encouraged, but not required.

Having a mic, and being funny is also encouraged, but not required. (If being funny was always required, I’d have to kick myself out most of the time.)

There is an age limit. Players need to act and sound like they are at least around 17 years old. Most of the guys we game with are in their 20's to 30 and we just prefer gaming with people older than this. Sorry youngsters! (However, if you don’t have a mic, and always listen to what you’re suppose to be doing, then no one would know how old you were : )

Above all, I'm all about having fun in a constructive, polite and sometimes drunk environment (usually things are pretty ridiculous.)

I try very hard to keep the teams fair and the games fun for everyone. If one team is running away with the game I'll switch games up on the fly to make sure everyone is having a good time.

Here is a video of the previous customs session:


If you would like to receive notifications when I host, or when others host similar games to these, you can sign up here: http://www.halocustoms.com/threads/casually-competitive-customs-and-testing.2046/

You can also post your own games as long as you somewhat follow the group guidelines.
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